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Werther and its
| Tone || || Overall attitude an author appears to hold toward key elements of the work — the novel Candide makes fun of its characters ' suffering, while The Sorrows of Young Werther takes its protagonist's suffering very seriously.
Taylor confesses himself to be no admirer of either The Sorrows of Young Werther or its author but nevertheless states -
Mainstays of the repertory at the Opéra-Comique during its history have included the following works which have each been performed more than 1, 000 times by the company: Cavalleria Rusticana, Le chalet, La dame blanche, Le domino noir, La fille du régiment, Lakmé, Manon, Mignon, Les noces de Jeannette, Le pré aux clercs, Tosca, La bohème, Werther and Carmen, the last having been performed more than 2, 500 times.
In fact, Carossa's Doktor Bürgers Ende of 1913 had too much in common with Werther, not only in its motivation, but also in form and plot, to be an original artistic creation.
She performed the opera Werther with Andrea Bocelli for the Michigan Opera Theatre, the first opera broadcast on the Internet in its entirety in 1999.

Werther and premiere
Eugène Grasset | Grasset poster for 1893 French premiere of Werther

Werther and on
I've got a quarter of a million Germans in my state, and those krautheads tune in on Father Werther every night, and if he tells them to go out and piss in the public square, that's what they do.
A similar phenomenon, though not under the same name, occurred during the German Sturm und Drang movement, with such works as The Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe or in Romanticism with works such as Ode on Melancholy by John Keats.
Furthermore, there is evidence for an indirect Werther effect, i. e. the perception that suicidal media content has an impact on others which, in turn, can concurrently or additionally influence one person ´ s own future thoughts and behaviors.
He wrote on Passion plays, religion, Goethe, Werther, as well as sex-related themes, and was a founder of the Men and Women's Club.
Werther is an opera (' Drame lyrique ') in four acts by Jules Massenet to a French libretto by Édouard Blau, Paul Milliet and Georges Hartmann, based on the German epistolary novel The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, based partly on fact and Goethe's own early life.
Massenet started composing Werther in 1885, completing it in 1887 and submitting it to the director of the Paris Opéra-Comique Leon Carvalho that year who declined to accept it on the grounds that it was too serious a scenario.
In the late part of her career, Scotto took on the roles of Fedora ( Barcelona, 1988 ), Charlotte in Massenet's Werther, the Marschallin in Der Rosenkavalier ( Charleston Spoleto Festival, 1995 and Catania ), Kundry in Parsifal ( Schwerin, 1995 ), Elle in La Voix Humaine ( Florence, 1993 ; Amsterdam and Barcelona, 1996 ; Torino, 1999 ), Marie in The Medium ( Torino, 1999 ) and Klytemnestra in Elektra ( Baltimore, 2000 and Sevilla, 2002 ).
The initial version of the type in Byron's work, Childe Harold, draws on a variety of earlier literary characters including Hamlet and Goethe's Werther ( 1774 ); he was also noticeably similar to René, the hero of Chateaubriand's novella of 1802, although Byron may not have read this.
* Misao Fujimura — high school student studying philosophy who wrote the suicide note on a tree ; the suicide resulted in many copycat suicides ( see Werther effect ).
Moving to Paris in 1803, he became friendly not only with the like-minded Ducis, but also with the sceptical Cabanis ; and it was on this philosopher's advice that, in order to catch the public ear, he produced the romance of Lina, which Sainte-Beuve has characterized as a mingled echo of Florian and Werther.
One of the Neopets plots, " Journey to The Lost Isle " is based on this book, with Roxton A. Colchester III, Hugo & Lillian Fairweather, and Werther as the adventurers, with Captain Rourke and Scrap as the guides.
His romances are forgotten, although Das Leben und die Meinungen des Herrn Magister Sebaldus Nothanker ( 1773-1776 ), and his satire on Goethe's Werther, Freuden des jungen Werthers ( 1775 ), had a certain reputation in their day.
In 1922, the author of Doktor Bürger, which had been so glaringly modelled on Goethe's Werther, published the first volume of his autobiography, Eine Kindheit.
" This opera is based on Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther.

Werther and 1892
His greatest successes were Manon in 1884, Werther in 1892, and Thaïs in 1894. Notable later operas were Le jongleur de Notre-Dame, produced in 1902, and Don Quichotte, produced in Monte Carlo 1910, with the legendary Russian bass Feodor Chaliapin in the title-role.
Werther, an 1892 opera with libretto by Édouard Blau, Paul Milliet, and Georges Hartmann, had an English translation published in 1894 by Elizabeth Beall Ginty.

Werther and German
In the German-speaking states Michael Denis made the first full translation in 1768, inspiring the proto-nationalist poets Klopstock and Goethe, whose own German translation of a portion of Macpherson's work figures prominently in a climactic scene of The Sorrows of Young Werther ( 1774 ).
The state of mind produced by that shock is reflected in his novel Ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis ( The Last Letters of Jacopo Ortis ) ( 1798 ), which was described by the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica as a more politicized version of Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther, " for the hero of Foscolo embodies the mental sufferings and suicide of an undeceived Italian patriot just as the hero of Goethe places before us the too delicate sensitiveness embittering and at last cutting short the life of a private German scholar.
In his recollection of his early youth in Norwich some thirty years earlier, Borrow depicts an old man ( Taylor ) and a young man ( Borrow ) discussing the merits of German literature, including Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther.
His tomb was restored in 1783 by women during the Werther period of German literature, and the women of Mainz erected a monument to his memory near his tomb in 1842.
Ultimately, the romance ended unconsummated ; afterwards, Goethe wrote a fictional depiction of these events, with some artistic changes, and published it under the title The Sorrows of Young Werther -- a ( still ) famous / infamous German book, which brought early renown to Goethe.
* Eine entsetzliche Mordgeschichte von dem jungen Werther ( poem in German )

Werther and version
The 2008-2009 season included Verdi's Otello, Gilbert and Sullivan's Pirates of Penzance, a showcase of baroque opera, Massenet's Werther, and a special concert version of Tchaikovsky's Iolanta.

Werther and by
* 1774: The Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe first published
Goethe's novel was published in 1774 and not long after young men began to mimic the character Werther by dressing in yellow pants and blue jackets.
* Dark Entries by Ian Rankin and Werther Dell ' Edera, 2009
Werther entered the repertoire at the Opéra-Comique in 1903 in a production supervised by Albert Carré, and over the next half-century the opera was performed over 1, 100 times there, Léon Beyle becoming a distinguished interpreter of Werther.
** The Sorrows of Young Werther, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
* Jules Massenet: Werther conducted by Kent Nagano ( 1997 ) Elektra
* The Sorrows of Young Werther, 1774 epistolary novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
After a hiatus of six years she returned to the Met in 1982 and remained a pillar of the ensemble, higly appreciated by critics and loved by the public in such roles as Idamante in Idomeneo, Hansel in Hansel and Gretel, Rosina in Il Barbiere di Siviglia, Octavian in Der Rosenkavalier, Blanche in Dialogues des Carmélites, Cherubino, Mélisande in Pelléas et Mélisande, Charlotte in Werther and Hanna Glawary in The Merry Widow.
While his first novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther, featured a hero driven to suicide by despair, the eponymous hero of this novel undergoes a journey of self-realization.
Chirps from electronic birds at the beginning, mixed with a slow beat and sounds of a piano leads to Sandra's whispers and ends with some samples of Callas singing the aria Ces lettres, ces lettres from the opera Werther by Massenet.
This was followed by the tragedy of Thirsci ( 1784 ); Ferdinand and Constantia ( 1785 ), another Werther novel ; and The Patriots ( 1784 ), a tragedy.

Werther and at
Many of the female guards had served at small Gross Rosen subcamps at Neusalz, Langenleuba, and the Mittelbau-Dora subcamp at Gross Werther.
She made her American debut in 1915 as Charlotte in Massenet's Werther at the Chicago Opera, where she also sang in Mignon and Carmen.
In 2003, he directed Massenet's opera Werther conducted by Antonio Pappano at Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.
In 1978, he first conducted at the Metropolitan Opera, making his debut with Werther.
He made his debut as a stage director with a new production of Werther at the Opéra de Lyon in January 2011.

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