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When and rest
When the troupe traveled to New York to participate in a one-act-play competition -- and won -- Mercer, instead of returning with the rest of the company in triumph, remained in New York.
When she agrees, you can rest assured her position will remain unchanged.
When a man is laid to rest, he is entitled to stay put.
When improvements are recommended in working conditions -- such as lighting, rest rooms, eating facilities, air-conditioning -- do you try to set a measure of their effectiveness on productivity??
When that student observed an infraction, he or she reported it to the rest of the class and, as a whole, they deliberated on punishment.
When Angelo Cardinal Roncalli was elected and became Pope John, there was some confusion as to whether he would be John XXIII or John XXIV ; he then declared that he was John XXIII to put this question to rest.
When the rest of the line was closed and all passenger services ceased, the section of the line between Cheddar and Yatton remained open for goods traffic.
When the radicals mustered enough support to defeat a bill which would have preserved the status quo in religion, the conservatives, together with many moderates, surrendered their authority back to Cromwell who sent soldiers to clear the rest of the Assembly.
When they arrived they found that only 54 of the 193 deportées sent out three years earlier were left ; 11 had escaped, and the rest had died of tropical fevers and other diseases.
When the cannon was fired through the touchhole, turbulence from the initial surface combustion caused the rest of the powder to be rapidly exposed to the flame.
When Jon does take Liz on a date, Garfield always tags along, and he once ate all the bread, along with all the rest of the food in the place.
When the nail has been completely driven, the farrier cuts off the sharp points and uses a clincher ( a form of tongs made especially for this purpose ) or a clinching block with hammer to bend the rest of the nail so it is almost flush with the hoof wall.
When the key is released by the player, the far end returns to its rest position and the jack falls back.
; Quantum mechanics or Particle physics: When a spinless particle ( or even an unpolarized particle with spin ) decays, the resulting decay distribution must be isotropic in the rest frame of the decaying particle regardless of the detailed physics of the decay.
When the South Branch and North Branch connect to form just the Kalamazoo River, it then flows through the rest of Calhoun County.
I had to console them with feeble excuses such as that His Excellency was not very well, or engaged in an urgent state call to Berlin ... For the rest of the morning he listened to reports from members of the Embassy staff, unless I had to accompany him to the Foreign Office ... When Ribbentrop strutted through the Office corridors like a peacock, his head thrown back, it was a miracle that he did not fall over.
When released, it bounces again until it reverts to its rest state.
When the rest of the Crusader army did not follow, the Templars, including their Grand Master, were surrounded and beheaded.
When the young must approach a kill, they roll around in fecal matter and rest in the intestines of eviscerated animals to deter these hungry adults.
When an aircraft is at rest, there is no circulation.
When he regained consciousness his eyesight was ruined, leaving him myopic for the rest of his life.
When the outer and inner event horizons merge, they shrink toward the rotating singularity and eventually expose it to the rest of the universe.
When managing for legumes in the stand, it is beneficial to use rotational grazing and graze the stand close and then give adequate rest to stimulate the legumes ' growth.
When he returned to Munich, following Eisner's assassination by an anti-semitic nationalist, Count Arco-Valley, he informed Gasparri-using Schioppa's eye-witness testimony of the chaotic scene at the former royal palace as the trio of Max Levien, Eugen Levine, and Towia Axelrod sought power: " the scene was indescribable the confusion totally chaotic in the midst of all this, a gang of young women, of dubious appearance, Jews like the rest of them hanging around the boss of this female rabble was Levien's mistress, a young Russian woman, a Jew and a divorcée and it was to her that the nunciature was obliged to pay homage in order to proceed Levien is a young man, also Russian and a Jew.
When Urban travelled to Castel Gandolfo to rest, the members of the Spanish faction met in secret and discussed ways to progress their plan.

When and workers
When some of the workers demanded the full 60 %, management locked the union out.
When all of a sudden there is a concern about the welfare of our workers, it is suspicious.
When workers from the William Beardmore and Company Steel Works in Glasgow were dying from the large amounts of beer drunk to quench their thirst from the heat of the steel works, an alternative was sought.
As Bakunin's associate, James Guillaume, put it in his essay, Ideas on Social Organization ( 1876 ), " When ... production comes to outstrip consumption ... veryone will draw what he needs from the abundant social reserve of commodities, without fear of depletion ; and the moral sentiment which will be more highly developed among free and equal workers will prevent, or greatly reduce, abuse and waste.
When workers protested, the owners agreed to employ the miners for eight hours a day – but at a wage of only $ 2. 50.
When workers migrate, their early care and education generally benefit the country where they move to work.
When the technology to perform direct measurements with a pressure probe was developed, there was initially some controversy about whether the classic theory was correct, because some workers were unable to demonstrate negative pressures.
When domestic workers are supplied a uniform by their employers, an apron is often included.
When the CWA began in eastern North Dakota, it could hire only 480 workers out of 1, 500 who registered for jobs.
When three civil rights workers Mickey Schwerner, James Chaney, and Andrew Goodman went missing in Mississippi on June 21, 1964, he reportedly told President Lyndon Johnson that the incident was a hoax and there was no Ku Klux Klan in the state, surmising that the three had gone to Chicago :< ref >
When N & W converted to diesel, 2, 000 railroad workers were laid off.
When Nick writes a school essay assignment on the benefits of unemployment insurance, his school requests New York State to send social workers to investigate his living conditions.
When the florist shop put up signs for a mayoral and city council candidates who opposed the eminent domain abuse, workers at city hall started putting up bales of hay to block the sign.
When a local Television reporter asked who ordered the bales of hay to be put up, city workers refused to comment.
When this move is complete, all of the 800 workers will work in Bristol, and Utilimaster will vacate nearly of manufacturing space in 19 facilities along State Route 19.
When fewer family farms and farm workers, became the norm, in the 1960s, 1970 ’ s, and especially the difficult 1980 ’ s, the economy of Malvern suffered as well, losing many of the established businesses that had so long lined the streets in this community.
When Wilson & Co. attempted to operate the plant with replacement workers, violence erupted and split the town.
When the road was being built and huge numbers of workers were brought in to do the work McCredie became a boom town, with future Kingdom City receiving its first gas station and a two-story hotel.
When the dam was built in the early 30s, Disney was a different place — hundreds of workers, bosses, engineers, truck drivers, and all the services a large workforce would require were based in and near Disney.
When Henry Clay Frick, manager for Andrew Carnegie, owner of the local Homestead Steel Works, announced in the spring of 1892 that skilled workers would receive a reduction in wages, the advisory committee of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers refused to sign a new contract.
When barges carrying the Pinkertons arrived at the mill on the morning of July 6, workers and townspeople met them at the riverbanks.
When the Post interests sold the business in 1945 to Ely and Walker Dry Goods Company of St. Louis, Missouri, the plant was producing six million yards of cloth a year and employed 375 workers who manufactured Postex cotton sheets and Garza pillow cases.
When it ended, the poorer workers stayed behind ; some became small farmers, but most of them had no success.
When the workers organized the massive Flint Sit-Down Strike in 1936, Sloan found that espionage had little value in the face of such open tactics.

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