
With the Third Battle of Ypres, to which the War Cabinet had reluctantly agreed on condition that it did not degenerate into a long-drawn out fight like the Somme, already bogged down in unseasonably early wet weather, French ( 14 August 1917 ) told Riddell ( managing director of the News of the World, and likely to pass on French's views to Lloyd George ) that Henry Wilson ’ s talents were being wasted, and that the government was not ascertaining “ the views of our leading soldiers ”.

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With the Third Battle of Ypres, to which the War Cabinet had reluctantly agreed on condition that it did not degenerate into a long-drawn out fight like the Somme, already bogged down in unseasonably early wet weather, French ( 14 August 1917 ) claimed to Riddell ( managing director of the News of the World, and likely to pass on French's views to Lloyd George ) that Robertson was “ anxious to get the whole of the military power into his own hands, that he is a capable organiser but not a great soldier, and we are suffering from a lack of military genius ”.

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