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Page "lore" ¶ 1086
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Some Related Sentences

they and can
There's only one way they can get out now and that's through the Gap -- if we ride hard we can take them ''.
After they had finished eating, Melissa took Sprite the kitten under her arm -- `` so that Auntie Grace can teach it about the whistle '' -- and climbed into the station wagon beside her mother.
If any of us miss, they can pick up the pieces.
and now I think we can use the knowledge they passed on to us.
Accidental war is so sensitive a subject that most of the people who could become directly involved in one are told just enough so they can perform their portions of incredibly complex tasks.
Once we send out the whole pie, they can put their pieces into it.
The stink is all the same to me, but I really think they can make one another out blindfolded ''.
but they can hardly deny that, exaggerated or not, the old panorama is dead.
When it comes to this, I shall prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretence of loving liberty -- to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, without the base alloy of hypocrisy '' ( His emphasis )
The one of 1861 made clear that in making their government the people were acting through their states, whereas the Preamble of 1787-89 expressed, as clearly as language can, the opposite concept, that they were acting directly as citizens.
They withdraw to the underground of the slums where they can defy the precepts of legalized propriety.
Instead of giving themselves spontaneously to the orgiastic release that jazz can give them, they undergo psychoanalysis or flirt with mysticism or turn to prostitutes for satisfaction.
What they discuss with dialectical seriousness is the degree to which sex can inspire the Muse.
The professed mission of this disaffiliated generation is to find a new way of life which they can express in poetry and fiction, but what they produce is unfortunately disordered, nourished solely on the hysteria of negation.
When words can be used in a more fresh and primitive way so that they strike with the force of sights and sounds, when tones of sound and colors of paint and the carven shape all strike the sensibilities with an undeniable force of data in and of themselves, compelling the observer into an attitude of attention, all this imitates the way experience itself in its deepest character strikes upon the door of consciousness and clamors for entrance.
The assumptions upon which the example shown in Figure 3 is based are: ( A ) One man can direct about six subordinates if the subordinates are chosen carefully so that they do not need too much personal coaching, indoctrinating, etc..
So we are faced with a vast network of amorphous entities perpetuating themselves in whatever manner they can, without regard to the needs of society, controlling society and forcing upon it a regime representing only the corporation's needs for survival.
Men continuously at the head of growing enterprises can acquire experiences of the most varied, complicated and trying type so that at maturation they have developed the competence and willingness to accept the personal responsibility so sorely needed now.
In no other situation would a group of doctors, struggling competently to improve the life expectancy of a man beloved by the world, be subjected to such merciless and persistent questioning, and before they were prepared to demonstrate the kind of verbal precision which alone can clarify for mankind the problems it faces.
Without saying or seeming to say that in portraying the Sartoris and the Compson families Faulkner's chief concern is social criticism, we can say nevertheless that through those families he dramatizes his comment on the planter dynasties as they have existed since the decades before the Civil War.
We feel uncomfortable at being bossed by a corporation or a union or a television set, but until we have some knowledge about these phenomena and what they are doing to us, we can hardly learn to control them.
Of one thing we can be sure: they were not sketched out by the revolutionary theorists of the eighteenth century who formulated the political principles and originally shaped the political institutions of what we term the `` free society ''.
The Chicago contingent of modern critics follow Aristotle so far in this direction that it is hard to see how they can compare one poem with another for the purpose of evaluation.

they and ignore
For here if anywhere in contemporary literature is a major effort to counterbalance Existentialism and restore some of its former lustre to the tarnished image of the species Man, or, as Malraux himself puts it, `` to make men conscious of the grandeur they ignore in themselves ''.
and yet they cannot ignore this problem because it concerns the implementation of nearly all the planning programs they have devised.
There were some exceptions to the diet, such as local vegetation and animals, but the colonists attempted to use these items in the same fashion as they had their equivalents or ignore them if they could.
Low concentrations are not a problem for bacteria because they simply ignore the waste that surrounds the metals, attaining extraction yields of over 90 % in some cases.
Often when a fan does not agree with one of the events in a story ( such as the death of a favorite character ) they will choose to ignore the event in question so that their enjoyment of the franchise is not diminished.
Specifically, they claim that Sartre makes metaphysical arguments despite his claiming that his philosophical views ignore metaphysics.
In other words, if a suspect's assertion is ambiguous, the police may either attempt to clarify the suspect's intentions or they may simply ignore the ineffective assertion and continue with the interrogation.
Stockpile totals do not necessarily reflect nuclear capabilities since they ignore size, range, type, and delivery mode.
Close relatives to psychotic patients may hear voices, but since they are aware that they are unreal they can ignore them, so that the hallucinations do not affect their reality perception.
* The criteria for classification may be arbitrary if they ignore gradual variation in traits.
As a result, a number of claims are considered " pseudoscience " if they are found to improperly apply or ignore the fundamental aspects of the scientific method.
Frequently these characters are isolated to one of the ongoing story threads to allow a fan to ignore them if they do not like that element.
The number of deposits required, however, meant that it was a substantial burden ; a print run might only be of 250 copies, and if they were particularly expensive to print, it could be cheaper to ignore the law.
Finally, because there are many factors that could lead to some of the effects previously listed, some patients are not aware that they suffer from sleep apnea and are either misdiagnosed, or just ignore the symptoms altogether.
Conversely, most modern role-playing games encourage gamemasters to ignore their gaming systems if it makes for a more enjoyable story, even though they may not describe themselves as " storytelling " games.
People unfamiliar with Wade – Giles often ignore the apostrophes, even so far as leaving them out when copying texts, unaware that they represent vital information.
Research suggests a close link between the working memory capacities of a person and their ability to control the information from the environment that they can selectively enhance or ignore.
Although the RIFF specification requires that applications ignore chunks they do not recognize, some applications are confused by additional chunks.
The crew are so happy to see their dead family members that they ignore their captain's orders and join their supposed family members.
It is a subliminal message technique, a word that the majority of the population since early childhood has been trained to ignore ( and, of course, trained to forget both the training and the fact that they are ignoring it ), but which they associate with a vague sense of unease.

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