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Western and popular
Kings 4, have rated as a popular act in Vegas and Western nightclubs.
The First Clash: The Miraculous Greek Victory at Marathon and Its Impact on Western Civilization ( 2011 ), popular
Found within Consolation are themes that have echoed throughout the Western canon: the female figure of wisdom that informs Dante, the ascent through the layered universe that is shared with Milton, the reconciliation of opposing forces that find their way into Chaucer in The Knight's Tale, and the Wheel of Fortune so popular throughout the Middle Ages.
With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, Mandarin instruction is gaining popularity in schools in the USA, and has become an increasingly popular subject of study amongst the young in the Western world, as in the UK.
The depiction of comets in popular culture is firmly rooted in the long Western tradition of seeing comets as harbingers of doom and as omens of world-altering change.
Chinese cuisine is any of several styles originating from regions of China, some of which have become increasingly popular in other parts of the world – from Asia to the Americas, Australia, Western Europe and Southern Africa.
Regardless when and by what route it reached England and the British colonies in its recognizable form, croquet is, like pall mall, trucco, jeu de mail and kolven, clearly a derivative of ground billiards, which was popular in Western Europe back to at least the 14th century, with roots in classical antiquity.
* Virgin Cola was popular in South Africa and Western Europe in the 1990s but has waned in availability.
Electronic music was once associated almost exclusively with Western art music but from the late 1960s on the availability of affordable music technology meant that music produced using electronic means became increasingly common in the popular domain.
Umami, the Japanese word for delicious, is the least known in Western popular culture, but has a long tradition in Asian cuisine.
The trend thrived best in India, where the influence of the country's traditional song-and-dance drama made the musical the basic form of most sound films ( Cook, 1990 ); virtually unnoticed by the Western world for decades, this Indian popular cinema would nevertheless become the world's most prolific.
On the heels of the Sword and Sandal craze, a related genre, the Spaghetti Western arose and was popular both in Italy and elsewhere.
Contrary to popular belief, the Marshall Plan, which was extended to also include Western Germany after it was realized that the suppression of the Western German economy was holding back the recovery of the rest of Europe, was not the main force behind the Wirtschaftswunder.
In addition to serious explorations of the Soviet past and present situation relaxation of censorship resulted in an explosion of popular culture including popular Western literature and films and books on astrology, religion, and flying saucers, in short, anything official Soviet publishers had not deemed worth publishing.
In later Western art and literature and in popular culture, Hercules is more commonly used than Heracles as the name of the hero.
In Western fanfiction circles, hentai-based works are popularly referred to as " lemon ", based on a more popular hentai anime anthology series called Cream Lemon.
Western keyboard, drums and guitar instruction being an exception as it has found some interest ; mainly in an effort to create musicians to service contemporary popular Indian music.
Counters are popular, but some older computers used the power line frequency instead, because power companies in most Western countries control the power-line frequency with a very accurate atomic clock.
These negative qualities provided extensive material for fiction writers in the Victorian era, and John remains a recurring character within Western popular culture, primarily as a villain in films and stories depicting the Robin Hood legends.
The long boardwalk at The Western Harbour, Scaniaparken and Daniaparken, has become a new favourite summer hang-out for the people of Malmö and is a popular place for bathing.
Some critics of Stalin's policy, such as the popular writer Viktor Suvorov, claim that Stalin's primary motive for signing the Soviet – German non-aggression treaty was his calculation that such a pact could result in a conflict between the capitalist countries of Western Europe.
Goodman, a pulp magazine publisher who had started with a Western pulp in 1933, was expanding into the emerging — and by then already highly popular — new medium of comic books.
The post-war motels, especially in the early 1950s to late 1960s, sought more visual distinction, often featuring eye-catching colorful neon signs which employed themes from popular culture, ranging from Western imagery of cowboys and Indians to contemporary images of spaceships and atomic era iconography.

Western and culture
Africans and Asians tend to consider not only missions but the local churches they have produced as centers and agents of Western culture and ideology if not of direct political propaganda.
A satire portraying a future and dystopian Western society with — based on contemporary trends — a culture of extreme youth rebellion and violence: it explores the violent nature of humans, human free will to choose between good or evil, and the desolation of free will as a solution to evil.
Her Latin origins and culture however led to creeping resentment from her Greek subjects ( who felt insulted enough by the late Manuel's Western tastes, let alone being ruled by his Western wife ), building up to an explosion of rioting that almost became a full civil war.
Contemporarily, the Western canon defines the best of Western culture.
There is a surviving tradition of Latin philology in Western culture connecting the Roman Empire with the Early Modern period.
George Schöpflin and others argue that Central Europe is defined by being " a part of Western Christianity ", while Samuel P. Huntington places the region firmly within Western culture.
Many of the population of the Western hemisphere could broadly be described as cultural Christians, due to the predominance of the Christian faith in Western culture, as well as widely celebrated religious holidays such as Easter and Christmas.
Western culture, throughout most of its history, has been nearly equivalent to Christian culture.
Though Western culture contained several polytheistic religions during its early years under the Greek and Roman empires, as the centralized Roman power waned, the dominance of the Catholic Church was the only consistent force in Europe.
Category: Western culture
Many games, including card games, are fabricated by science fiction authors and screenwriters to distance a culture depicted in the story from present-day Western culture.
The anthropological concept of " culture " reflects in part a reaction against earlier Western discourses based on an opposition between " culture " and " nature ", according to which some human beings lived in a " state of nature ".
Sociocultural anthropologists have increasingly turned their investigative eye on to " Western " culture.
Western scholarship has tended to focus on cities in Europe and Mesopotamia, but emerging archeological evidence indicates that urbanization occurred south of the Sahara well before the influence of Arab urban culture.
In Western culture the codex gradually replaced the scroll.
In Confucianism, the term " li " (), sometimes translated into English as rituals, customs, rites, etiquette, or morals, refers to any of the secular social functions of daily life, akin to the Western term for culture.
In this period also started the penetration of Western culture, but most Chinese thought that the Westerners were maybe more advanced in technology and warfare, but that China had primacy in moral and intellectual fields.
** Western canon, the books, music, and art that have been the most influential in shaping Western culture

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