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early and scanned
Video camera tubes in the early days of television used the photoelectric effect, for example, Philo Farnsworth's " Image dissector " used a screen charged by the photoelectric effect to transform an optical image into a scanned electronic signal.
Before the development of practical electronic TV, there were patents on mechanically scanned color systems as early as 1889 in Russia.
* Works by E. M. Forster at Internet Archive ( scanned early editions illustrated )
It is distinguished from the telecine process in which film is scanned and color is manipulated early in the process to facilitate editing.
Beginning in early 2007, containers from these ports will be scanned for radiation and information risk factors before they are allowed to depart for the United States.
In the early scenes one can see a book being scanned by a beam and presumably digitized for storage in the computer of the CIA substation research office.
In the early 1930s, Askey appeared on an early form of BBC television — the spinning disc invented by John Logie Baird that scanned vertically and had only thirty lines.
* " Electrical Devices and How They Work, Part 14: Lightning Arresters " ( article about lightning arresters and how they were used in early AC and DC power distribution systems ), Popular Science monthly, February 1919, 5 unnumbered pages, scanned by Google Books
In the early 1970s, visible airglow photometers first scanned the atmospheric
In early September 2012, it was reported that about 1200 to 1500 books were being scanned a month, which is at a slightly slower pace.
Cinema entrpreneur Aleksandr Khanzhonkov, scanned from his book " The early years of Russian cinema ", Moscow, 1937.

early and display
Very early in life, Turing showed signs of the genius he was later to display prominently .< ref name = toolbox >
An early Pascal's calculator | Pascaline on display at the Musée des Arts et Métiers, Paris
Although these early hand-held calculators were very expensive, these advances in electronics, together with developments in display technology ( such as the vacuum fluorescent display, LED, and LCD ), lead within a few years to the cheap pocket calculator available to all.
Until the early 1980s, they were known as video display terminals and were physically attached to the computer and keyboard.
Von Baer ’ s embryo drawings display that individual development proceeds from general features of the developing embryo in early stages through differentiation into special features specific to the species, establishing that linear evolution could not occur.
While these writings display some limited continuities with the earlier medical ideas known from the Vedas, historians have been able to demonstrate direct historical connections between early Ayurveda and the early literature of the Buddhists and Jains.
It was in these early years that Remi developed a love of cinema, particularly favouring Windsor McCay's pioneering animated film Gertie the Dinosaur and the films featuring Charlie Chaplin, Harry Langdon and Buster Keaton ; his later work in the comic strip medium would display an obvious influence from these early films in style and content.
In early model PETs, writing a certain value to the memory address of a certain I / O register ( POKE 59458, 62 ) made the machine able to display text on the screen much faster.
Brando was a mimic from early childhood and developed an ability to absorb the mannerisms of people he played and display them dramatically while staying in character.
Schoenberg's early musico-dramatic works, Erwartung ( 1909, premiered in 1924 ) and Die glückliche Hand display heavy use of chromatic harmony and dissonance in general.
The installation at Chalk River, Ontario included an early PDP-4 with a display system and a new PDP-5 as interface to the research reactor instrumentation and control.
The Wedgwood Museum, in Barlaston, Near Stoke-on-Trent, UK, contains a display describing the trials of replicating the vase, and several examples of the early experiments are shown.
Created on its current site in the early 1980s to display ornamental and economic grasses the Grass Garden was redesigned and replanted between 1994 and 1997.
In its early stages of development, television employed a combination of optical, mechanical and electronic technologies to capture, transmit and display a visual image.
* In presentation programs, compound documents and web pages, WYSIWYG means the display precisely represents the appearance of the page displayed to the end-user, but does not necessarily reflect how the page will be printed unless the printer is specifically matched to the editing program, as it was with the Xerox Star and early versions of the Apple Macintosh.
In the 1970s and early 1980s, most popular home computers lacked the sophisticated graphics capabilities necessary to display WYSIWYG documents, meaning that such applications were usually confined to limited-purpose, high-end workstations ( such as the IBM Displaywriter System ) that were too expensive for the general public to afford.
The early Spectrum models ' great success as a games platform came in spite of its lack of built-in joystick ports, primitive sound generation, and colour support that was optimised for text display: the hardware limitations of the platform required a particular level of creativity from video game designers.
In particular, Viola's obsession with capturing the essence of emotion through recording of its extreme display began at least as early as his 1976 work, The Space Between the Teeth, a video of himself screaming, and continues to this day with such works as the 45-second Silent Mountain ( 2001 ), which shows two actors in states of anguish.
An early handmade specimen of Glidden's " The Winner " on display at the Barbed Wire History Museum in DeKalb, Illinois.
In Formula One, two-way telemetry surfaced in the early 1990s and consisted of a message display on the dashboard which the team could update.
While it is undetermined when the company began manufacturing wax crayons, they were indeed selling them as early as 1883, having appeared with a display of crayons at the World's Columbian Exposition that year.

early and with
And, as a matter of fact, Nicolas had slept in the park only part of one night, when he discovered that Munich's early mornings even in summer are laden with dew.
He was in his early forties, rather short and very compactly built, and with a manner that was reserved and stiff despite his efforts to adapt himself to American ways.
If his scholarship and formal musicianship were not all they might have been, Mercer demonstrated at an early age that he was gifted with a remarkable ear for rhythm and dialect.
Living pictures of the early boroughs, country life in Tudor and Stuart times, the impact of the industrial revolution compete with sensitive surveys of language and literature, the common law, parliamentary development.
On the other hand, the bright vision of the future has been directly stated in science fiction concerned with projecting ideal societies -- science fiction, of course, is related, if sometimes distantly, to that utopian literature optimistic about science, literature whose period of greatest vigor in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries produced Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward and H. G. Wells's A Modern Utopia.
He had read his poetry with musicians as early as 1951, and his entire career has been characterized by radical experiments with the form and presentation of his poetry.
But it was something to have seen it floating down through the early morning sunshine, linking the blue of the sky with the blue of the asters by the lake.
He and other Soviet leaders responsible for the document were proud of having brought forward some new formulas, such as the early replacement of the dictatorship of the proletariat by an `` All People's State '', and also of having laid down the lines for a much greater `` democratization '' of the whole hierarchy of Soviets, starting with the Supreme Soviet itself.
but Cousin Simmons said he had watched them marching west early in the morning, and moving at a much brisker pace it had still taken half an hour for their column to pass, what with the narrowness of the road and their baggage and ammunition carts.
The night before, they had telephoned the Andrus maid, Selena Masters, and she had arrived early, bursting her vigorous presence into the silent house with an assurance that amused McFeeley and confounded Moll.
Or it might have been the absent nephews she addressed, consciously playing with the notion that this was one of the summers of their early years.
`` What I want you to do is to go to the market with me early tomorrow morning and help smuggle the hen back into the hotel ''.
Again among those jubilantly reunited bunkmates, I was shy with Jessie and acted as I had during those early Saturday mornings when we all seemed to be playing for effect, to be detached and unconcerned with the girls who were properly our dates but about whom, later, in the privacy of our bunks, we would think in terms of the most elaborate romance.
Only a few more than 10,000 boats had been registered with the Division of Harbors and Rivers at the end of the 1960 boating season, but many had been taken out of the water early when the threat of a hurricane brought the season to an early close.
The second capability is represented by our deployed ground, naval, and air forces in essential forward areas, together with ready reserves capable of effecting early emergency reinforcement.
Its early morning patrons were coachmen, who fortified themselves for the day with that delicacy.
One of the most beautiful buildings in Istanbul, it was constructed in the early years of the Seventeenth Century, with a huge central dome, two half domes that seem to cascade down from it, and smaller full domes around the gallery.
This covered, wooden bridge is so closely identified with the first action in the early morning of June 3, 1861, and with subsequent troop movements of both armies in the Philippi area that it has become a part and parcel of the war story.
Eight years ago while we were going through the mud-sweat-and-tears construction period, we were each solaced by the vision of early morning dips and evening home-comings to a cool family collected around the pool with a buffet table laid out nearby for the lord and master's delectation.
We also worked out logistics for Sunday afternoon swimmers who arrive two hours early with their weekend guests while we are still enjoying an alfresco lunch en famille.
Roy Mason is essentially a landscape painter whose style and direction has a kinship with the English watercolorists of the early nineteenth century, especially the beautifully patterned art of John Sell Cotman.

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