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Page "Article Four of the United States Constitution" ¶ 4
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Some Related Sentences

Neither and these
Neither of these poems is an aberration ; ;
Neither from one of these conceptions nor from a combination of them can it be deduced.
Neither of these proclamations included provisions regarding black suffrage or freedmen's rights.
Neither these, nor the Great Passion, were published as sets until several years later, but prints were sold individually in considerable numbers.
Neither of these new versions was significantly more popular than the original AMOS.
Neither of these goals was achieved, and the military is still dominated by the Zaghawa.
Neither of these experiments on their own would fully explain how the process of remembering a phone number works.
Neither of these behaviors are responsible for EM radiation.
Neither of these men saw the geometrical interpretation of the formula: the view of complex numbers as points in the complex plane arose only some 50 years later ( see Caspar Wessel ).
Neither of these phenomena violates special relativity or creates problems with causality, and thus neither qualifies as FTL as described here.
Neither of these fit with Yang – Mills theory.
Neither Maria nor her advisers were supportive of these endeavours, however.
Neither of these ocular signs should be confused with exophthalmos ( protrusion of the eyeball ), which occurs specifically and uniquely in hyperthyroidism caused by Graves ' disease ( note that not all exopthalmos is caused by Graves ' disease, but when present with hyperthyroidism is diagnostic of Graves ' disease ).
Neither of these had much influence on the various computing projects in the United States, but some of the technology led, via Turing and others, to the first commercial electronic computer.
Neither of these handwriting inks could adhere to printing surfaces without creating blurs.
Neither Hitler nor Ribbentrop seemed to comprehend that when luminaries such as these declared their support for closer Anglo-German ties, they were speaking as private citizens, not on behalf of Whitehall.
Neither of these addressed the ethnic Macedonian population of Macedonia as Macedonians but as Bulgarians.
Neither of these can be seen but can be felt.
Neither humans nor chimpanzees have hairy breasts as does the figure in the film, and critics have argued these features are evidence against authenticity.
Neither of these still survive and there is no evidence that they resembled Egyptian pyramids.
Neither of these standards can be used for certification purposes as they provide guidance, not requirements ).
Neither of these states are officially monarchies.
Neither of these statements is considered to be proven.
Neither of these decisions has been overturned and have been specifically reaffirmed several times.

Neither and theories
Neither of these theories has been endorsed in the academic mainstream, however.
Neither would Spartacus, even if he did live at a time when there were neither the philosophical theories nor the practical experience that throw light over mankind's path today, a time without the cultural values of today or the progressive intellectuals bearing aloft the banner of peace at all circumstances.
Neither his girlfriend and former student, Brooke Wolfe ( Hope Davis ), nor his wife's former FBI partner, Whit Carver, believe any of his wild theories.
Neither of Nordström's theories are in agreement with observation and experiment.

Neither and has
Neither the vibrant enthusiasm which bespeaks a people's intuitive sense of the fitness of things at climactic moments nor the vital argumentation betraying its sense that something significant has transpired was in evidence.
Neither has Congressman Martin nor Senator McClellan been heard from on the matter ; ;
Neither Mantle nor Maris need fear being classified an intellectual, but lately Mantle has shown unusual devotion to an intellectual opus, Henry Miller's `` Tropic of Cancer ''.
Neither do they use worldly sword or war, since all killing has ceased with them ...
Neither view has been subjected to a rigorous mechanical analysis, nor is there clear evidence in favour of one or the other.
Neither have genome-wide association studies brought a consistent focus — each has identified new loci.
Neither is it sure how many times it has happened if it turns out to be the case.
Neither group has the ability or will to dominate the other completely.
Neither amplitude nor frequency of motion has characteristic, directional components as this behaviour provides more scanning of the environment than migration between two distinct points.
Neither theory has been verified, and it remains as likely that the paintings represent an idealized composite.
Neither has a filament, and each may require a DC potential of about 4 kV for operation.
Neither standard has been adopted beyond its creator, but both are commonly supported by music software titles.
Neither firm has any reason to change strategy.
Neither film owes much to the Shakespeare play, but the 1962 Corman version has similarities to Macbeth, complete with paradoxical prophesies, and visions of bloodied ghosts.
Neither mobile profile includes support for the full DOM, while only SVG Basic has optional support for scripting, but because they are fully compatible subsets of the full standard, most SVG graphics can still be rendered by devices which only support the mobile profiles.
Neither area has a significant domestic textile industry, textile manufacturing having moved to developing nations in Eastern and South Asia such as India and China.
Neither portrait of these cousins has survived.
Neither has any form of official recognition.
Neither the bride nor any children of the marriage has a claim on the bridegroom's succession rights, titles, precedence, or entailed property.
Neither of them has any real sense.
Neither country has resident ambassadors.
In La Bohème ( 1965 ), perhaps the best-known song by popular singer-songwriter Charles Aznavour, a painter recalls his youthful years in a Montmartre that has ceased to exist: Je ne reconnais plus / Ni les murs, ni les rues / Qui ont vu ma jeunesse / En haut d ' un escalier / Je cherche l ' atelier / Dont plus rien ne subsiste / Dans son nouveau décor / Montmartre semble triste / Et les lilas sont morts (' I no longer recognize / Neither the walls nor the streets / That had seen my youth / At the top of a staircase / I look for a studio-apartment / Of which nothing survives / In its new décor / Montmartre seems sad / And the lilacs died ').

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