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first and weeks
Not long ago an acquaintance, a slick-headed water rat of a lad up from the maw of the city, stood on the balcony puffing his first cigarette in weeks.
A top official of the New Frontier who kept a record of his first weeks on the job here gives this report of his experiences:
In his first six weeks in office he presided over 96 conferences, attended 35 official breakfasts and dinners, studied and signed 285 official papers and personally took 312 telephone calls.
My first thought was how had it happened so soon, but I counted back on my fingers and sure enough we'd been living together six weeks.
After the first few weeks, it was obvious that rules had to be made, laid down and obeyed -- even if our popularity ratings became subnormal as a result.
After another two weeks, the first young emerge, four to eight small daughters that begin to play the role of worker bees, collecting pollen and nectar in the field and caring for the new young generation while the queen retires to a life of egg laying.
Over the weeks, America's first Star Route Air Mail settled into a routine pattern despite the vagaries of weather and the lack of ground facilities and aids to navigation.
For the first three weeks, the ship skirted up the east coast of Great Britain, then turned westward.
Then, six weeks after the day Kitti first came into the office, Stanley announced he and Kitti were married.
Alvin Ailey and Carmen De Lavallade appeared in the first New York performance of Mr. Ailey's `` Roots Of The Blues '', a work given its premiere three weeks ago at the Boston Arts Festival.
It was weeks before we even kissed for the first time.
The first six to eight weeks are spent in the den with the mother.
* Chlorhexidine baths, In a randomized controlled trial, nasal recolonization with S. aureus occurred at 12 weeks in 24 % of nursing home residents receiving mupirocin ointment alone ( 6 / 25 ) and in 15 % of residents receiving mupirocin ointment plus chlorhexidine baths daily for the first three days of mupirocin treatment ( 4 / 27 ).
Ayckbourn joined Wolfit on tour to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe as an acting assistant stage manager ( meaning a role that involved both acting and stage management ) for three weeks, with his first role on the professional stage being various parts in The Strong are Lonely by Fritz Hochwälder .< ref name = acting >
The vision in first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus ( 9: 1 ) concerning seventy weeks, or seventy " sevens ", apportioned for the history of the Israelites and of Jerusalem ( 9: 24 ) This consists of a meditation on the prediction in Jeremiah that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years, a lengthy prayer by Daniel in which he pleads for God to restore Jerusalem and its temple, and an angelic explanation which focuses on a longer time period-" seventy sevens "-and a future restoration and destruction of city and temple by a coming ruler.
The Orioles started off the first couple weeks of the season near the top of their division as players such as Nick Markakis and newcomer Luke Scott led the team offensively.
The Roman Catholic Church traditionally reads from the Book of Job during Matins in the first two weeks of September, as well as in the Office of the Dead.
Haggai reports that three weeks after his first prophecy, the rebuilding of the Temple began on September 7 521 BCE.
A naturalistic study from first admission for mania or mixed episode ( representing the hospitalized and therefore most severe cases ) found that 50 % achieved syndromal recovery ( no longer meeting criteria for the diagnosis ) within six weeks and 98 % within two years.
After five to six weeks these are weaned and become fully mature near the end of their first year or sometime in their second year, depending on the species.
When working with weeks rather than months, a continuous format is sometimes more convenient, where no blank cells are inserted to ensure that the first day of a new month begins on a fresh row.
The first sixty-nine weeks are interpreted as covering the period until Christ ’ s first coming, but the last week is thought to represent the years of the tribulation which will come at the end of this age, directly preceding the millennial age of peace:
Frequent monitoring ( every 2 – 3 weeks during the first months of life ) is recommended to ensure that infants with congenital hypothyroidism remain within the high end of normal range, or euthyroid.
In February 1962, the United States launched an embargo against Cuba, and Lansdale presented a 26-page, top-secret timetable for implementation of the overthrow of the Cuban Government, mandating that guerrilla operations begin in August and September, and in the first two weeks of October: " Open revolt and overthrow of the Communist regime ".

first and 1336
The political power of the convent slowly waned in the 14th century, beginning with the establishment of the Zunftordnung ( guild laws ) in 1336 by Rudolf Brun, who also became the first independent mayor, i. e. not nominated by the abbess.
* 1336 — Possible first expedition to the Canary Islands with additional expeditions in 1340 and 1341, though this is disputed.
The first recorded uses of the name occur as Slo in 1196, Sloo in 1336, and Le Slowe, Slowe or Slow in 1437.
Takauji, founder of the Ashikaga shogunate which, at least nominally, ruled Japan during the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, at first established his residence at the same site in Kamakura where Yoritomo's Ōkura Bakufu had been ( see above ), but in 1336 he left Kamakura in charge of his son Yoshiakira and went west in pursuit of Nitta Yoshisada.
The five toes rule was first enforced in AD 1336 ( Yuan the second year ).
Jean Buridan climbed the mountain early in the fourteenth century ; Petrarch ( accompanied by his brother ) repeated the feat on April 26, 1336, and claimed to have been the first to climb the mountain since antiquity.
The period marks the governance of the Muromachi or Ashikaga shogunate ( Muromachi bakufu or Ashikaga bakufu ), which was officially established in 1338 by the first Muromachi shogun, Ashikaga Takauji, two years after the brief Kemmu restoration ( 1333 – 1336 ) of imperial rule was brought to a close.
From 26 November 1313 to 1 April 1335 Ralph de Camoys ( d. 1336 ) was summoned to Parliament by writ, and is thereby held to have become 1st Baron Camoys of the first creation.
By his first wife, Margaret de Brewes, Ralph de Camoys ( d. 1336 ) had a son, Thomas de Camoys, 2nd Baron Camoys, ( d. 1372 ) who married a wife named Margaret, and by her had a son, Ralph Camoys.
Today, Indonesian historian believed that the concept of Nusantara was not an idea coined by Gajah Mada for the first time in 1336.
Angus Og's son Good John of Islay first formally assumed the title Dominus Insularum – Lord of the Isles – in 1336.
The crowned lion rampant in the first ( upper left ) quarter represents the Kingdom of Bohemia, to which Wrocław belonged from 1336.
In 1336, Count Heinrich IV of Waldeck pledged, among other things, the village of Nuwenkyrchen to Count Johann of Nassau as a dowry for his daughter ( see also Rhadern above ), which also gave Neukirchen its first documentary mention.
The first new church, which was the village's namesake ( Neukirchen ≈ new church ), must have been built sometime before 1336the time of Neukirchen's first documentary mention – but a more precise indication of its building date is not possible.
He was first summoned to Parliament by writ as Lord Stafford on 29 November 1336 and continued to attend until 1350.
Maritime insurance began in 1323 in Portugal, and between 1336 and 1341 the first attempts at maritime expansion are made, with the expedition to Canary Islands, sponsored by King Afonso IV.
Holice was first mentioned in 1336.
The comital line became extinct with the death of Louis VI of Loon in 1336 and the Loon and Chiny estates were at first inherited by the noble House of Sponheim at Heinsberg with the consent of the Liège bishop.
The first recorded use of the term Rota, which referred to the wheel-shaped arrangement of the benches used by the court in the great hall at Avignon, is in Thomas Fastolf's Decisiones rotae, consisting of reports on thirty-six cases heard at the Court of Audience in Avignon between December 1336 and February 1337.
The village of Bichwil was first mentioned in 865 as Pichilinwilare and Niederglatt was mentioned in 1336 as Nidernglat.
The first house was built here by 1336.
# Jeanne ( d. 1389, Sens ), Lady of Château-Chinon, married first in 1342 / 3 Walter VI of Brienne, married second in 1357 Louis II d ' Évreux, Count of Étampes ( 1336 – 1400 )

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