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Under and new
Under these conditions a new generation of Europeans began to discover the bonds of long association and shared values that for so long had been subordinated to nationalist xenophobia.
Under this new management considerable progress appears to have been made.
Under the new rules, testimony is taken orally in open court in all cases except those of an extraordinary character.
Under the influence of several younger scholars, a new approach came to predominate among British anthropologists, concerned with analyzing how societies held together in the present ( synchronic analysis, rather than diachronic or historical analysis ), and emphasizing long-term ( one to several years ) immersion fieldwork.
Under the heading of " practices ," his class considers how readers read and marked up their books, forms of note-taking, and the interrelation between reading and writing from copying and translating to composing new texts.
Under Title III of the ADA, all " new construction " ( construction, modification or alterations ) after the effective date of the ADA ( approximately July 1992 ) must be fully compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines ( ADAAG ) found in the Code of Federal Regulations at 28 C. F. R., Part 36, Appendix " A ".
Under the new rule, when any runner is thrown out, and the other ( s ) are successful, the successful runners will not be credited with a stolen base.
Under the Borland name and a new management team headed by President and CEO Dale L. Fuller, a now-smaller and profitable Borland refocused on Delphi, and created a version of Delphi and C ++ Builder for Linux, both under the name Kylix.
Under the new system, most territorial authorities cover both urban and rural land.
Under these new policies, the rate of inflation dropped from about 1, 000 % per year to about 10 % per year.
Under the new communist system, privately owned factories and estates were nationalized, and the economy was based on a type of planned market socialism.
Under the pretext that new elections could not be held in Communist-occupied constituencies, the National Assembly, Legislative Yuan, and Control Yuan members held their posts indefinitely.
Under a new chancellor, Matthew Goldstein, and facing pressure from Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, CUNY ended its open admissions policy to the University's four-year colleges in 1999.
Under Gorbachev, relatively young, reform-oriented technocrats, who had begun their careers in the heyday of " de − Stalinization " under Nikita Khrushchev ( 1958 – 1964 ), rapidly consolidated power within the CPSU, providing new momentum for political and economic liberalization, and the impetus for cultivating warmer relations and trade with the West.
Under the new regulations of the March 2011 referendum, the president is limited to two four-year terms, with the Judiciary supervising the elections.
Under the new deal, HP will provide network, workplace, mainframe management, applications and systems integration services for GM ’ s worldwide operations.
Under Elizabeth, the nation gained a new self-confidence and sense of sovereignty, as Christendom fragmented.
Under his leadership, they staged a new production each week.
Under the new commercial direction and with the Mort's capital injection, the company diversified into books and miniature figures.
Under the 1991 constitution, in the event of the president's death, the Prime Minister, the National Assembly president, and the defense minister were to share power until a new election could be held.
Under the 1991 constitution, in the event of the president's death, the prime minister, the National Assembly president, and the defense minister share power until a new election is held.
Under de León, the peace process, now brokered by the United Nations, took on new life.
Under new management it was revitalized and saw a partial return to its original domestic role with the reintroduction of several domestic scheduled routes, because of the addition of two Shorts Skyvan SC7 aircraft, and a second Twin Otter DHC-6 aircraft.
Under the new structure, the local offices would contribute a percentage of their income to the international organization, which would take responsibility for setting the overall direction of the movement with each regional office having one vote.

Under and offering
Under the influence of Sam Maceo and Rosario Maceo, the city exploited the prohibition of liquor and gambling in clubs like the Balinese Room offering entertainment to wealthy Houstonians and other out-of-towners.
Under the reign of Emperor Claudius ( 41 – 54 ) the Noricum Kingdom was ultimately incorporated into the Roman Empire apparently without offering resistance.
Under their editorial hand, the magazine was not exclusively a publisher of crime fiction, offering, according to the magazine, " the best stories available of adventure, the best mystery and detective stories, the best romances, the best love stories, and the best stories of the occult.
Under Volpe the Met considerably expanded its repertory, offering four world premiers and 22 Met premiers, more new works than under any manager since Gatti-Casazza.
Under English influence, Conway eventually contacted the Confederate States of America " on behalf of the leading antislavery men of America ," offering the preservation of the Confederacy after the war's end in exchange for emancipation of the slaves.
Under his leadership, the firm became an early model of corporate responsibility, recognized for offering generous benefits to employees, their spouses, and retirees.
Under the government's rail-led transport policy, the MTR system is a common mode of public transport in Hong Kong, offering efficiency and affordability, with over four million trips made in an average weekday.
Under Sun Xiu's persuasion, he deposed Emperor Hui and declared himself emperor in 301, offering Emperor Hui the honorific title of retired emperor but putting him under house arrest.
Under the Truman Doctrine, the United States was prepared to send any money, equipment, or military force to countries that were threatened by the communist government, thereby offering assistance to those countries resisting communism.
Under his guidance, OSU ’ s graduate psychology training programs became some of the best in the United States, offering a unique blend of clinical skills and a strong commitment to scientific methodology.
Under U. S. federal law, all new cars must carry a sticker showing the offering price and summarizing the vehicle's features.
Under its responsive role the Indian Council of Social Science Research ( ICSSR ) has an elaborate programme of supporting research to individual scholars by offering them fellowships at different levels in social science disciplines.
Under PBS affiliation, KCTS began offering a vastly enhanced scope of programming for the general public, including British programming.
Under his leadership the Lamb Center was established, offering social services, prayer, and practical encouragement to the homeless in Fairfax, and the work of TIPS Truro ’ s International Programs and Services was expanded.
Under the act a person is generally considered to be an investment adviser through the offering of advice or the making of recommendations on securities as opposed to other types of investments.
Under Harry's urging, Birgitta offers to bait Evans by offering to meet him to buy dope.
Under Armour began offering footwear in 2006.
Under the leadership of the Crouch family, Trinity Broadcasting Network ( TBN ) has grown to become the United States ' largest Christian television network, offering 24 hour commercial-free programming ,< ref name =" mediabiz. com ">
Under Autonomy, Ultraseek continues to be actively developed and marketed as Autonomy's entry-level keyword-based site search offering.
Under the 1978 Act, the minimum scope of the plant breeder's right requires that the holder's prior authorisation is necessary for the production for purposes of commercial marketing, the offering for sale and the marketing of propagating material of the protected variety.
Under the act, tribes are limited to offer casino games that correspond to the existing level of gaming allowed under state law ; North Carolina was unique in permitting the Cherokee to establish a casino offering Class III gaming, well before the state allowed a lottery.
Under Mr Lee Hak Boon, Catholic High School will be offering the Joint Integrated Programme for students from 2013.
Under the guidance of Presidents Dr. Lawrence McGrath and Dr. Larry R. Brooks, the college began offering a successful degree completion program in the early 1990 ’ s.
Under its earlier name, Col de l ' Argentière it has historically linked Lyons with Italy ; the Col de l ' Argentière was in the possession of the house of Savoy from 1388 to 1713, offering an easy route between Piedmont and its outlying valley of Barcelonnette, which came into Savoyard possession in 1388, when Amadeus VI of Savoy purchased it for the sum of 60, 000 ecus, it was of such strategic and commercial importance.

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