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She and can't
She tells him the world needs people like him, and Hapgood can't turn himself in.
She helped Raymond of Capua write his biography of her daughter, and said, " I think God has laid my soul athwart in my body, so it can't get out.
He said of his mother, " She improved my love of vegetables by introducing the phrase, ' You can't go out and play cricket until you have eaten all your vegetables.
Louis B. Mayer, head of the studio, sent a telegram to Al: " She can't sing, she can't act, she can't talk, She's terrific!
She has no eyes, legs, wings, antennae, and can't eat, but she emits a strong pheromone to attract a mate.
She clarified her meaning on the difference between speculative and science fiction, admitting that others use the terms interchangeably: " For me, the science fiction label belongs on books with things in them that we can't yet do .... speculative fiction means a work that employs the means already to hand and that takes place on Planet Earth.
She refused to have the surgery, saying " If I can't dance then I'd rather be dead.
She admits that unless Graham has a clear description of the intruder, she can't help him.
She wakes up one morning after a wild farewell party for a group of them to find that while drunk the night before, she married a soldier whose name she can't remember, except that " it had a z in it.
She defended her vote by saying, " As a woman, I can't go to war and I refuse to send anyone else.
She plays piano, likes dancing and has a quirky side to her which she usually can't express in the classical parts she is asked for ”.
She had no children, once telling an interviewer, " I can't stand babies — no, I love babies as long as their parents take them away.
She replied " I'm going to try to be good but I can't help it, I have to be me ".
* " She can't hardly sleep " for " She can hardly sleep " ( a double negative, as both " can't " and " hardly " have a negative meaning )
She said, " My lord king, you granted them permission to dwell while the moon waxed and waned ; now that's for ever and always, so you can't take it off them.
She likes Kouta very much but somehow gets irritated when he can't understand her.
She has something of an inferiority complex which drives her to be the absolute best, and she can't tolerate seeing others better than her.
'" She was aware of it ; she was reported saying, " People can't be rude to me, this poor little old woman.
She can't drive, as Tony doesn't want her to.

She and believe
She did not believe in the theory of symbiosis proposed by Simon Schwendener, the German mycologist as previously thought, rather she proposed a more independent process of reproduction.
Pope Gregory the Great's homily on Luke's gospel dated 14 September 591 first suggested that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute: " She whom Luke calls the sinful woman, whom John calls Mary, we believe to be the Mary from whom seven devils were ejected according to Mark.
She tells Lisa, " There has to be more life than just what we see, everyone needs something to believe in.
She gives not only herself reason, but also gives readers, and women, reason to believe that women are not bad creatures and have a significant place within society.
She stated at a press conference held on December 9, 2010 in Dublin, a couple of days before shooting began, " I believe in this story and its potential to take everyone on a sensuous, funny, heart-breaking, wildly unexpected ride ".
Most historians believe that he later used her ' bad ' appearance and incapability in bed as excuses, saying how he felt he had been misled, for everyone had praised Anne's attractions: " She is nothing so fair as she hath been reported ," he complained.
She apologizes for letting him believe that he was the only man she had been with.
She goes to the police to return it, but they do not believe her story.
She continues to believe that he's general manager of De Vore.
She becomes pregnant with a divine son ; however none of her family believe her, thinking the illicit pregnancy of the more usual sort.
She recalled, " He said, ' I thought you'd be one of the first persons to believe in me.
She breaks up with Cory completely and tells him that she doesn ’ t believe in love.
She chose to write Richard's character in such a way after becoming fascinated with his story and researching his life, both in the United States and in the United Kingdom, which led her to believe that " his was a classic case of history being rewritten by the victor.
She was also on intimate terms with many of the Italian Protestants, such as Pietro Carnesecchi, Juan de Valdés and Ochino, but she died before the church crisis in Italy became acute, and, although she was an advocate of religious reform, there is no reason to believe that she herself became a Protestant.
She had little formal education, since her mother did not believe in sending girls to school, but was nevertheless widely read.
She doesn't believe this until she notices her bag is not beside the bench anymore.
She also collected butterflies and moths and later wrote, " I believe my interest in nature is primarily aesthetic.
According to Helen Burns “ Roosevelt met with severe criticism from the liberals and the progressives for not nationalizing the bank during the period of crisis .” She states “ there seems little doubt that he could have done this ” but she also concludes Roosevelt “ did not believe in a government-owned and-operated bank ” and was ultimately pragmatic or even conservative in his approach to banking legislation.
Some theatre historians believe that the essay was written by Goldsmith as a puff piece for She Stoops to Conquer, as an exemplar of the laughing comedy which Goldsmith ( perhaps ) had touted.
She describes a comment by Suranya Chakraverti who said that some Westerners do not believe in spirituality and ridicule a true guru.
She apologizes, but he storms out and is chased by an angry mob led by Buzz, who was led by Mussburger to believe that Norville stole the hula hoop idea.
She is neglected by her parents and calls them by their first names because she does not believe they are worthy of being called " Mom " and " Dad.
She refuses to believe Mrs. Ashley's warning that he loves someone else until she sees Thomas and Catherine embrace in secret.
* " She is so strong you won't believe it!

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