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Page "Rafting" ¶ 38
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Even and safe
Even in their new home they were not safe from Athenian rancour.
Even if this difficult goal is met, it will still leave more than an estimated half a billion people without access to safe drinking water and over a billion without access to adequate sanitation.
Even that deal almost fell through when Spectacor Management Group, which managed the Coliseum for Nassau County, tried to force Pickett to certify that the Coliseum was safe.
*: Even though the word deposit appears in the name, under federal law a safe deposit box is not a deposit account – it is merely a secured storage space rented by an institution to a customer.
Even though, in places, hydrographic survey data may be collected in sufficient detail to portray bottom topography in some areas, hydrographic charts only show depth information relevant for safe navigation and should not be considered as a product that accurately portrays the actual shape of the bottom.
Even after the Food and Drug Administration approved the aniline process in 1949 using new, safe inks, sales continued to decline as some food manufacturers still refused to consider aniline printing.
Even the failure of the space docking proved an experiential benefit to the Soviet space program: after the demoralizing catastophe of Soyuz 1, the credible achievements and safe return of Soyuz 3 breathed new life into the faltering program.
Even natural spring water – considered safe for all practical purposes in the 19th century – must now be tested before determining what kind of treatment, if any, is needed.
Even the most impregnable vault or safe needs to be able to be opened by someone.
Even so, British Rail played safe by running a scheduled service out of Glasgow some 15 minutes later.
Even some of our more common species have shown reductions in numbers and an area like Fleet Pond is essential as a safe feeding, roosting and breeding area.
Even to this day, a Member of the Parliament of the United Kingdom is sent to Buckingham Palace as a ceremonial hostage during the State Opening of Parliament, in order to ensure the safe return of the sovereign from a potentially hostile parliament.
Even the high mountain nest sites of the Zino's Petrel are not safe from these adaptable predators, ten adults being killed by cats in 1990.
Even though the sterilizer manufacturers go to great lengths to make their products safe through careful design and incorporation of many safety features, workplace exposures of hydrogen peroxide from gas sterilizers are documented in the FDA MAUDE database.
Even if the operator is safe, there is a sizeable blast effect to their rear.
Even though liver transplants have been performed since 1963 and are a well accepted treatment option for end-stage liver disease and acute liver failure, CIGNA defended its actions by claiming that there was insufficient data to show that a transplant for a patient in Sarkisyan's condition would be safe and effective.
Even the secluded family estate was not necessarily safe during these turbulent times ; and, when a major rebellion broke out, the family abandoned their country living in favor of the relative safety of the capital city, Jiankang ( modern Nanjing ), for the four years of its course.
Even for such seemingly safe props, very often a stunt double will replace the main actor for shots involving use of breakaway props.
Even though the " instructor " had not discussed conditional probability, the prosecutor suggested that the jury would be safe in estimating:
" Even the champ doesn't feel safe ", Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago, October 25, 2009, page 14A.
Even more so than on a bicycle, mastering the technique of consciously countersteering is essential for safe motorcycle riding, and as a result is a part of the safe riding courses run by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation and the Canada Safety Council.
Even relatively safe and well understood OTC drugs such as aspirin can be dangerous if used incorrectly.
Even after reaching Earth, the crew of the vast ship are not safe.

Even and areas
Even in areas where political connotations are ( deliberately??
Even the boys will not be outstanding in these areas.
Even a hasty reader will easily find in it numerous blind spots, errors of fact and argument, important exclusions, areas of ignorance and prejudice, undue emphases on trivia, examples of broad positions supported by flimsy evidence, and the like.
Even in areas that tended to use naming conventions, however, they were by no means universal.
Even areas of northern Greece ( Chameria ) were administered by Albanians.
Even designated conservation areas have not been spared from this destruction.
Even though the province had been reunited, the two areas were still being treated differently in some ways and the idea of dividing Holland remained alive.
Even these hilly areas are remarkably featureless, however, and elevations seldom exceed 200 meters.
Even though the main vector Aedes aegypti also occurs in Asia, in the Pacific, and in the Middle East, yellow fever does not occur in these areas ; the reason for this is unknown.
Even in areas where it does, it is typically split out at the main distribution board and the individual loads are fed from a single phase.
Even in untouched areas, the lack of maintenance and repair, the absence of new equipment, the heavy over-use, and the deliberate relocation of equipment by the Confederates from remote areas to the war zone ensured the system would be ruined at war's end.
Even in these barren areas, greatest densities are also found in shallow water.
Even weaker and less organized areas of thunderstorms will lead to locally cooler air and higher pressures, and outflow boundaries exist ahead of this type of activity, " SQLN " or " SQUALL LINE ", while outflow boundaries are depicted as troughs with a label of " OUTFLOW BOUNDARY " or " OUTFLOW BNDRY ".
Even after World War II, the term " Ruhr " may not have been in general use for the region: it was defined in Documents on American Foreign Relations ( 1948 ): " For the purposes of the present Agreement: ( i ) the expression ' Ruhr ' means the areas, as presently constituted, in Land North Rhine – Westphalia, listed in the Annex to this Agreement.
Even in the higher areas close to the river, many of the homes were not savable and will have to be destroyed and re-built.
" Even today the city has select areas of protected, natural prairie grasses.
Even though the 2007-2008 rates in these areas were very high ( 97. 7 % in both cases ) such a score still represents a decline from previous years.
Even though archaeological finds of Illyrian settlements are much sparser than in areas closer to the Adriatic Sea, significant discoveries, for instance in Kaptol near Požega have been made.
Even though not all the plant losses can be attributed to drought and land shortage and hence early consumption of immature crops, estimations go as far as more than 60 % of the false banana crop stands have been lost in some areas in SNNPR during the last 10 years.
Even in the cold areas of Canada, broadcast media began to switch to the newer method of reporting after metrification.
Even in larger organizations, senior system administrators often have skills in these other areas as a result of their working experience.
Even today, the area is still prone to flooding in areas close to the River Dove, a tributary of the River Waveney which forms the boundary between Suffolk and Norfolk.
Even in the extended period of economic prosperity in the 1920s, a large number of “ unit banks ” in agricultural areas failed as agricultural prices declined.

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