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frugal , (35 uses)
However, extremely high taxes ensure that everyone on the planet lives a frugal, rural life, like the farmers of old Australia, to keep the Norstrilians tough.
frugal and (23 uses)
The style of New England cookery originated from its colonial roots, that is to say practical, frugal and willing to eat anything other than what they were used to from their British roots.
frugal in (8 uses)
* The quality of being efficient or frugal in using resources ; see energy conservation
frugal life (8 uses)
As bishop, Otto led a model, simple and frugal life, but did much to improve his ecclesiastical and temporal realms.
frugal . (6 uses)
* We are frugal.
frugal with (6 uses)
By 1908, this was described by the New York Times as a " long-established … preference " ( see article ) In modern usage in Scotland, " Scotch " is never used, other than as described in the following paragraph for certain articles ; it has gathered patronising and faintly offensive connotations (" frugal with one's money "), and a non-Scot who uses the word in conversation with Scots as a description of them may find this a good test of their courtesy.
frugal government (4 uses)
Within the states ’ rights movement, the traditional desire for simply “ a weak, inactive, and frugal government ” was challenged.
frugal living (4 uses)
What is not in doubt is that Éamon de Valera and Seán Lemass held diametrically different visions of Ireland ; de Valera's was of a pastoral rural-based society " given to frugal living ", Lemass has a vision of a modern industrialised society, a member of the European Community.
frugal diet (4 uses)
With two close friends, Mao began undertaking feats of physical endurance – such as sleeping outdoors and living on a frugal diet – and they began describing themselves as the " Three Heroes " after the rebels that featured in Chinese literature.
frugal " (4 uses)
However, the ancient Romans recognized the health benefits of a simple or " frugal " diet ( from the Latin fruges, the common name given to cereals, vegetables and legumes ) and thick vegetable soups and vegetables remained a staple.
frugal lifestyle (4 uses)
When questioned about his wealth, Askin always attributed it to the salary from his high public office, his frugal lifestyle, good investments and canny punting.
frugal as (3 uses)
Disappointment told upon him, and, frugal as was his way of life, poverty must have affected him.
frugal or (3 uses)
* An economical number has been defined as a frugal number, but also as a number that is either frugal or equidigital.
frugal ; (3 uses)
Therefore AIK had to be very frugal ; no pre-season training camp and no big signings were made to a squad that was deemed week.
frugal to (3 uses)
He was frugal to such a degree that on one occasion when traveling as governor with his staff, instead of partaking of a sumptuous dinner in a dining car specially provided for them, he rode in a coach and ate a sandwich which he had brought from home.
frugal than (2 uses)
Even the 748 cc engine introduced in 1972 offered only a claimed power output of 35 bhp ( SAE ) and published fuel consumption figures also indicated a car significantly more frugal than similarly sized metal bodied contemporaries.
frugal meals (2 uses)
They ate frugal meals, and spent their days both in contemplative prayer and interceding on behalf of others.
frugal image (2 uses)
First, a conference in a resort area appeared to contradict Hu and Wen Jiabao's goal in projecting a frugal image for the party.
frugal meal (2 uses)
The ceremony begins with a frugal meal consisting of bread, salted vegetables, and water, during which a passage of Scripture is interpreted.
frugal number (2 uses)
* A frugal number has more digits than the number of digits in its prime factorization ( when written like below tables with multiplicities above 1 as exponents ).
frugal emperor (2 uses)
While this increased Antoninus ’ s popularity, the frugal emperor had to debase the Roman currency.
frugal manager (1 uses)
Governor Miller proved to be an adept and frugal manager of the people's money.
frugal shape (1 uses)
" I didn't want to create a monument to heroes, no theatrical representation, no pathos, but wanted to appear more unassumingly with a frugal shape, hewn in stone, dignifying the actual place of the incident.
frugal years (1 uses)
Under the leadership of Minister of National Defense Lin Biao, large investments were made in naval construction during the frugal years immediately after the Great Leap Forward.
frugal without (1 uses)
: the miser is lauded as if he were frugal without hesitation -

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