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International bawdy classics such as " Eskimo Nell " and " Charlotte the Harlot " can be heard at gatherings around the country.
* Vintage Computing Festival, Sponsoring vintage computer hobbyist gatherings around the world.
Since then, Palau has held many large-scale evangelistic festivals and gatherings around the world.
Augustinian communities often began as small gatherings around a noted hermit before growing into established monasteries, or even small religious orders: the Abbey of Arrouaise in northern France, which had a Shropshire community at nearby Lilleshall Abbey, is an example.
These groups are made up of local men and women and perform classical and contemporary music at various concerts and gatherings around the state.
Academies were more institutional and more concerned with criticism and analysis than those literary gatherings today called salons which were more focused on pleasurable discourse in society, although certain gatherings around such figures as Marguerite de Valois were close to the academic spirit.
He was prominent among those who persuasively argued its passage, not only in the General Assembly, but in hundreds of small gatherings around the state.

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