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Other archaeologists think instead that the main purpose of the road system was a religious one, providing pathways for periodic pilgrimages and facilitating regional gatherings for seasonal ceremonies.
His home, redecorated in 1935 by actor-turned interior designer William Haines with gardens designed by Florence Yoch & Lucile Council, was the scene of many gatherings for the industry's homosexuals.
The Park, historically, was a place for executions, a Speakers ' Corner for public gatherings for political and religious purposes, and a place for entertainment and sporting events.
Impromptu memorial gatherings for other musicians, including Jerry Garcia and George Harrison, have occurred at the memorial.
The khutbah originates from the practice of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, who used to deliver words of exhortation, instruction, or command at gatherings for worship in the mosque, which consisted of the courtyard of his house in Medina.
The KMT only showed its symbolic power such as sending out police in riot gear without suppressing the gatherings for these meetings, and the inaction led to Tangwai ’ s belief in its own power and stuck to the radical approach.
When authorities learned that this was plotted under the cover of gatherings for slave funerals, they prohibited slave funerals.
Many European cities have public pub crawls that act as social gatherings for the local expatriate communities and tourists.
Everyone within Mennonite Church USA is invited to attend the convention, and there are gatherings for adults, youth, junior youth and children ( K-5, Preschool and Infants / Toddlers ).
He was the architect of the Casa Martí ( also known as " Els Quatre Gats "), which became a place of ideas, projects and social gatherings for such well-known Catalans as Santiago Rusiñol and Ramon Casas.
There are several gatherings for raggare around Sweden.
However, gatherings for events such as New Year's Eve, Republic Day celebrations, or mass-screenings of important football matches are excluded from the ban.
He often holds gatherings for the other villains of the series.
During this time, Shouse and her husband, Jouett Shouse, would frequently host large social gatherings for friends, family, and prominent public figures, including World War II Generals Omar Bradley and George C. Marshall and several members of the Dumbarton Oaks Conference in 1944.
The Student Union also includes a courtyard for outdoor events and gatherings for the entire campus community.
He was taken on plant inspections — his first memory of such a visit ( to the Dayton, Ohio factory ) was at the age of five — business tours to Europe and he made appearances at IBM Hundred Per Cent Club meetings ( annual gatherings for the company's elite sales representatives ), even before he was old enough to attend school.
With these demo songs and the organization that fmjam provided, Bosnian hip hop for the first time had a organization to rely on to have the resources available to provide for future acts and organize concerts and hip hop gatherings for the youth.
She organised musical gatherings for Bortkiewicz within the embassy, and it was with the help of her husband that the composer and his wife were able to obtain a visa for Yugoslavia.
It was cancelled at the last minute by the British mandatory government, which banned all mass gatherings for fear of " anti-government demonstrations ".
Emma spent her teen-aged years at Richmond, where she was a débutante at one of Richmond's earliest " Germans ", which were formal social gatherings for the young people ( the name of these events had no relationship to Germany ).< ref >
Other smaller-scale First Fridays serve as social gatherings for groups of friends or people new to an area and may involve no art.
With these weekly gatherings for energetic dancing to let off steam and meet new friends, homosexuals felt the first bonds of a relatively cohesive community-a warm feeling of being welcomed into a new brotherhood, in contradistinction to erstwhile isolation, alienation and loneliness for many.
Now called White Cliffs, it is owned by the La Cava family and is a function facility often used for weddings, wedding showers, Bar / Bat Mitzvahs, Northborough's Annual Winter Ball, and gatherings for various local associations.
This cavern is dedicated to holding religious gatherings for the entire population, and also serves as a last defensive position in the event of a complete invasion by the Machines.
A fully revised edition was issued in 2001, with rubrics suggesting that the Martyrology might be proclaimed at the end of the celebration of Lauds or of one of the Little Hours, or apart from liturgical celebrations in community gatherings for meetings or meals.

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