
Ask AI3: What is groups?
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`` Me neither '', others said, and soon the game broke up, the children going off in pairs, in larger groups and alone.
In its beginnings the nation-state had to struggle to assert itself -- internally, against feudal groups, and externally, against the power and influence of such other claimants for loyalty as the Church.
By subduing disparate lesser groups the nation has, to some degree at least, broadened the capacity for individual liberty.
To him, law is the command of the sovereign ( the English monarch ) who personifies the power of the nation, while sovereignty is the power to make law -- i.e., to prevail over internal groups and to be free from the commands of other sovereigns in other nations.
The crowd consequently breaks up into temporary groups ranging in size from two to six, with a half-life for the cluster ranging from three to twenty minutes.
To perpetuate wealth control led by small groups of individuals who played no role in its creation prevents those with real initiative from coming to the fore, and is basically anti-democratic.
The liberal-conservative division, we might observe in passing, is not of itself directly involved in a private interest conflict nor even in struggle between ruling groups.
but both groups were so closely knit that despite individual differences the family life in both cases was remarkably similar in atmosphere if not entirely in content -- the one being definitely Jewish and the other vaguely Christian.
The decision maker who acts for the community as a whole must decide whether the objectives pursued and the methods used are appropriate to public policy regarding cultural groups.
They involve similar uncertainties regarding the multiple identities of any number of non-Jewish groups.
And as they go through college, the students tend to bring their political position in line with that prevalent in the social groups to which they belong.
The students who are most willing to acquiesce in the suppression of civil liberties are also those who are most likely to be prejudiced against minority groups, to be conformist and traditionalistic in general social attitudes, and to lack a basic faith in people.
Detached from their prior statuses and social groups and exposed to the pervasive stimuli of the university milieu, the students tend to assimilate a new common culture, to converge toward norms characteristic of their own particular campus.
It is a fact of life that magazines are edited by groups: they have to be or they wouldn't be published at all.
Soon some members of the two industry groups doubtless will want to amend their codes on grounds that otherwise they will suffer unfairly from the efforts of non-code competitors.
Viewed from afar, the CDC looks like a rather stalwart political pyramid: its elected directorate fans out into an array of district leaders and standing committees, and thence into its component clubs and affiliated groups -- 500 or so.
Mr. Nixon, despite a very earnest effort to capture the minority groups, failed to do so.
A GOP `` task force ' committee will seek to find out how its party may win support from the ethnic and minority groups in cities.
The arguments advanced by those individuals and groups who oppose the system in force and who would drastically curtail or do away entirely with hospital care for the non-service-connected case, seem to be coldly impractical and out-of-step with the wishes of the general public.
Kiwanis, American Legion and other groups donate small sums and the mothers do what they can to bring in dollars for its support.
On the one hand, the Public Health Service declared as recently as October 26 that present radiation levels resulting from the Soviet shots `` do not warrant undue public concern '' or any action to limit the intake of radioactive substances by individuals or large population groups anywhere in the Aj.
The lack of scientific unanimity on the effects of radiation is due in part to insufficient data covering large population groups, from which agreed-on generalizations could be drawn.
SBA cosponsors these courses with educational institutions and community groups.
There are other countries where, with skillful diplomacy, we may be able by our aid to give encouragement to those groups in government which would like to press forward with economic and social reform measures to promote growth.
In the same period, 431 presentations by members of the staff were made to local, national, and international medical groups.

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