
Ask AI3: What is panic?
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Many of them, in increasing panic, came running with water in their hats in a ludicrous effort.
He fought the panic of vertigo.
As his feet slowed, he felt ashamed of the panic and resolved to make a stand.
-- No doubt there have been moments during every Presidency when the man in the White House has had feelings of frustration, exasperation, exhaustion, and even panic.
He wasn't troubled with the ordinary, rank-and-file fear that overcomes and paralyzes and sends individual soldiers and whole companies under fire running in panic.
It was not exactly panic they gave way to, but they could not just sit there.
and by the second night he was in a state of panic: he could see nothing out of the afflicted eye.
In blind panic of grief she accepted Jonathan's dictum, and believed in her desperation that she had been cursed by God.
The rhinos would panic, screaming help!!
Soon Mrs. B.'s fears threatened to burst into a full-blown panic concerning the welfare of the entire family.
later he flees in panic from the family table just as his theft is about to be discovered and is blocked at the front door by a soldier who accusingly holds out a pair of handcuffs which he has brought to Gargery's forge for mending.
A kind of panic paralyzes their features, as though they found themselves trapped on the edge of a steep place.
It could be argued that any fellowship which centers in residential neighborhoods is doomed to become an expression of the panic for stable identity among the middle classes.
Was it because she had shown panic??
So, he understood her panic.
And then he saw something that he had not seen before, and panic gripped him again.
A rush of panic caught Sarah.
Later, she apologized for the long scratch across his face, tried to explain she couldn't help herself, that the panic arose in her unwanted.
The moment the sea closed over Nick, some atavistic sense warned him that he would survive in this alien element only if he did not panic.
After Cuba and Laos, it was argued, Mr. Khrushchev will interpret the President's consent to the meeting as further evidence of Western weakness -- perhaps even panic -- and is certain to try to exploit the advantage he now believes he holds.
I had never liked snakes much, I still had that kind of quick panic that I'd had as a child whenever I saw one, but this snake was clean and bright and very beautiful.
His eyebrow went up in amusement at his soul-searching panic.
For someone who suffers anxiety this can lead to a panic attack.
Although panic attacks are not experienced by every person who has anxiety, they are a common symptom.
A person experiencing a panic attack will often feel as if he or she is about to die or lose consciousness.

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