
Ask AI3: What is space?
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`` Yeah, I've heard more about SX-21 than space exploration lately.
The Brahmaputra has its headwaters in the tableland of the world, the towering white headwalls of the Himalayas that are unknown to man as any other space on the planet.
Keith Sterling had looked down on the Brahmaputra more times than he could remember, during the war days when he flew over the Hump of the world, thinking it high adventure in those times before man was guiding himself through outer space.
In the center of any open space remaining our grandfathers had planted syringa and sweet-shrub, snowball, rose-of-Sharon and balm-of-Gilead.
Experience is not seen, as it is in classical rationalism, as presenting us initially with clear and distinct objects simply located in space and registering their character, movements, and changes on the tabula rasa of an uninvolved intellect.
Moreover, he organized the movement of his forms, within his rigorously shaped space, into highly complex equilibriums ; ;
It is notable that at this time he was writing with admiration of Cimabue's and Poussin's way of filling space.
Next I refer to our program in space exploration, which is often mistakenly supposed to be an integral part of defense research and development.
We note that, first, America has already made great contributions in the past two years to the world's fund of knowledge of astrophysics and space science.
but they are important foundation stones for more extensive exploration of outer space for the ultimate benefit of all mankind.
Second, our military missile program, going forward so successfully, does not suffer from our present lack of very large rocket engines, which are necessary in distant space exploration.
Third, the United States is pressing forward in the development of large rocket engines to place vehicles of many tons into space for exploration purposes.
Fifth, we have just completed a year's experience with our new space law.
Like ours, the economy of the space merchants must constantly expand in order to survive, and, like ours, it is based on the principle of `` ever increasing everybody's work and profits in the circle of consumption ''.
For example, even the most successful executive lives in a two-room apartment while ordinary people rent space in the stairwells of office buildings in which to sleep at night ; ;
And this, of course, is exactly what Madison Avenue has been accused of doing albeit in a primitive way, with its `` hidden persuaders '' and what the space merchants accomplish with much greater sophistication and precision.
Thus the copywriter in the world of the space merchants is the person who in earlier ages might have been a lyric poet, the person `` capable of putting together words that stir and move and sing ''.
Indeed, again and again, the space merchants confirm the prediction of the humanists that the conditioners and behavioral scientists, once they have seen through human nature, will have nothing except their impulses and desires to guide them.
Peace, it's wonderful, and `` world law '', it's wonderful, too, and shouldn't we get an international covenant extending it into space, before the Russians put some claim jumper on the moon??
Mr. Freeman said that in many of the countries he visited on a recent world trade trip people were more awed by America's capacity to produce food surpluses than by our industrial production -- or even by the Soviet's successes in space.
But there is hope, for Conservation Commissioner Bontempo has tagged the sanctuary as the kind of place the state hopes to include in its program to double its park space.
Wider space between iron bars and agreement by prison boards to substitute rubber in 20 per cent of metal.
Usually a veteran has to hang himself to get space on the front page.
Community shelters are, of course, necessary for those having no space for shelter.
Sir -- People continue to inquire the reason for the race for outer space.

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