
Ask AI3: What is stuck?
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`` He stuck with me all these years.
Just a half-breed 'pache, never said much, never meant anythin to me, but he stuck with me.
clutched her throat and sucked up the moisture in her mouth so that her tongue was dry and hard and stuck to the roof of her mouth and her teeth were clenched together in the rigid fixture of her jaws.
The lifeboats were stuck fast.
The cap was stuck and made a thin rusty squeaking as he applied pressure.
He was big, and filthy, and his toes stuck out of the flapping tops of his shoes.
Obviously I'm stuck on the line between the two countries ''.
For some happy reason Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian have always stuck in my mind.
He smiled and stuck a large finger with white hairs sprouting on it into his ear as though that might help.
But then, when you stuck things into the holes, why didn't they come right out again??
The content of his words may lapse back into monotonous repetition, as if a phonograph needle were stuck in one groove ; ;
But the nickname never stuck and Gehrig was no match for Ruth in `` color '' -- which is sometimes a polite word for delinquent behavior on and off the field.
He had gotten stuck with a job too big for his imagination ; ;
The lieutenant's sparse brown hair was heavily pomaded, and as Killpath raked the comb through it, it stuck together in thatches so that it looked like umbrella ribs clinging to his pink skull.
If Elaine's uncle had stuck to this desire for aloneness, he probably would still be alive.
The candle had been stuck on a tin lid so it wouldn't set fire to the crate when it guttered out.
The man stuck the nozzle in the gas tank.
At Caltech, Geneticist Beadle has stuck close to his research as head of the school's famous biology division since 1946.
She would have been better off if she had stuck to her Bible.
Her skin was stretched so tight that her cheekbones stuck out, and if looks could kill, Wally would have been dead.
That first time was good and it stuck with me.
He stuck his head in Mrs. Kirby's little rental office.
Cady stuck his jaw out.
When the eggs hatch, he transports the tadpoles on his back, stuck there by a mucous secretion, to a temporary pool where he dips himself into the water and the tadpoles drop off.
As had been the case on Bligh's tour 20 years before, the Australian media latched fervently onto the term, and, this time it stuck.

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