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I'm making a Spanish podcast for learners. It's completely in Spanish. Check it out!

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Español Podcast 21

podcast logo Cámara

Hoy discutimos un mecanismo muy interesante.

The audio is created with Google Text-to-Speech in Android for free using the spanish (Spain) voice. The script was written by various authors around the world and given to Wikipedia, where I got it on June 30, 2024.

Toma fotos!

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Español Podcast 20

podcast logo Oveja

This is the twentieth podcast. Hoy discutimos un animal muy interesante.

The audio is created with Google Text-to-Speech in Android for free using the spanish (Spain) voice. The script was written by various authors around the world and given to Wikipedia, where I got it on June 12, 2024.

I want to thank the listeners for spending time learning. Keep ...

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Español Podcast 19

podcast logo Filosofía de la Mente

This is the nineteenth podcast. Hoy discutimos filosofía. Me gusta mucho.

The audio is created with Google Text-to-Speech in Android for free using the spanish (Spain) voice. The script was written by various authors around the world and given to Wikipedia, where I got it on May 20, 2024.

Philsophy will be on a break for a few weeks after ...

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Espanol Podcast 18

podcast logo Libre Albedrío

This is the eighteenth podcast. Hoy discutimos filosofía. Me gusta mucho.

The audio is created with Google Text-to-Speech in Android for free using the spanish (Spain) voice. The script was written by various authors around the world and given to Wikipedia, where I got it on May 20, 2024.

Philsophy is an important topic but if you have other things ...

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