
from Brown Corpus
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Mission as co-optation
The rule of economic integration in congregational life can be seen in the missionary outreach of the major denominations.
There is much talk in theological circles about the `` Church as Mission '' and the `` Church's Mission '' ; ;
theologians have been stressing the fact that the Church does not exist for its own sake but as a testimony in the world for the healing of the world.
A crucial question, therefore, is what evangelism and mission actually mean in metropolitan Protestantism.
If economic integration really shapes congregational life, then evangelism should be a process of extending economic integration.
The task of a congregation would be defined, according to economic integration, as the work of co-opting individuals and families of similar social and economic position to replenish the nuclear core of the congregation.
( Co-optation means to choose by joint action in order to fill a vacancy ; ;
it can also mean the assimilation of centers of power from an environment in order to strengthen an organization.
) In a mobile society, congregational health depends on a constant process of recruitment ; ;
this recruitment, however, must follow the pattern of economic integration or it will disrupt the congregation ; ;
therefore, the recruitment or missionary outreach of the congregation will be co-optation rather than proclamation -- like elements will have to be assimilated.

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