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and economy
The economy of Roman Britain ’, in Todd, M.
Davidson also states that “ far from being peripheral to the British economy, Scotland – or more precisely, the Lowlands – lay at its core ”.
While Roosevelt s walk softly and carry a big stick as well as the Canal Company s apartheid administrative policies, early on, have been the subject of much criticism, the fact is that, beyond the financial injection to the country s economy and workforce, the changes brought about by the canal venture were largely positive for Panama.
Trinidad & Tobago has the features of a dual economy ’.
This duality results in a wealthy sector, with excellent growth prospects, with the rest of the economy lagging behind.
And the city today has become, as the British Guardian once wrote, a compass of the global economy ’.
A countervailing view, put forward by prominent Dutch sociologist Saskia Sassen is that the modern or new informal sector is the product and driver of advanced capitalism and the site of the most entrepreneurial aspects of the urban economy, led by creative professionals such as artists, architects, designers and soft-ware developers.
There was a structural change in the economy from industry to services, which, along with the arrival of trans-Tasman retail chains and an increasingly cosmopolitan hospitality industry, led to a new café culture enjoyed by more affluent New Zealanders.
David Bollier takes the position that in a gift economy, " one s self-interest has a much broader, more humanistic feel than the utilitarian rationalism of economic theory ".
Rather than maintain an inward-looking economy, the idea of catching up can be much faster with strong competition rather than the domestic competition of people with similar levels of human capital.
Clemenceau said ...‘ I am totally opposed to you – we both recognise a great danger and you are ... reducing your army and weakening your navy .’ Ah said Bannerman but that is for economy !’... then said that he thought the English ought to have some kind of military service, at which Bannerman nearly fainted ...‘ It comes to this said Clemenceau in the event of your supporting us against Germany are you ready to abide by the plans agreed upon between our War Offices and to land 110, 000 men on the coast while Italy marches with us in the ranks ?’ Then came the crowning touch of the interview.
John Ross has analysed the long term correlation between the level of investment in the economy, rising from 5-7 % of GDP at the time of the Industrial Revolution in England, to 25 % of GDP in the post-war German economic miracle ’, to over 35 % of GDP in the world s most rapidly growing contemporary economies of India and China.
* A section for the out of school youth with disabilities established with an intention to provide them with skills which would render them employable and active participants in the country s economy
It subsumes the terms food chain and food economy ’, which are both too narrowly linear and / or economic.
Yet for the youner generation, traditional Swahili music did not address contradictions of the liberalized Tanzanian economy .”
In January 1960 the council s chairman, the unabashed patriot Sir Norman Martin, announced the introduction of a new annual award for the Australian of the Year .’ He explained that Australia Day was a fitting occasion on which to give proper recognition to a leading citizen, whose contribution to the nation s culture, economy, sciences or arts was particularly outstanding.
Economy-The CPS believes in regulation that does not inhibit the growth of business, taxes that do not act as a disincentive to work or to investment in the UK, and a leaner more effective state that avoids unnecessary intervention in the economy ’.
Barcelona's bourgeois industrialists even claimed that protectionism and leadership served the interests of the "‘ national market or of developing the national economy ( national meaning Spanish here ) " ( Balcells 19 ).
In a growing number of publications from the European Commission and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development it is emphasised that we currently operate in a knowledge-based economy ’.
For several reasons many prefer the term the learning economy in characterising the current phase of socio-economic development.

It assumes that one party has an unlimited amount of information ( usually through some kind of expertise ) and can act as the information services provider ( pg 268 ) while the other party acts as the information services consumer ( Bordewijk and Kaam, 1986: 268 )
An abugida ( from Ge ez አቡጊዳ äbugida ), also called an alphasyllabary, is a segmental writing system in which consonant – vowel sequences are written as a unit: each unit is based on a consonant letter, and vowel notation is secondary.
It is an Ethiopian name of the Ge ez script, ä bu gi da, taken from four letters of that script the way abecedary derives from Latin a be ce de.
Labels such as semi-Arian or neo-Arian are misleading, for those labelled so would have disavowed the importance of their relation to Arius.
These coins were scripted DIVAE FAUSTINA and were elaborately decorated.
He was forced, instead, to make peace with them.
In the seventh week after Easter May 878, around Whitsuntide, Alfred rode to Egbert's Stone east of Selwood, where he was met by " all the people of Somerset and of Wiltshire and of that part of Hampshire which is on this side of the sea is, west of Southampton Water, and they rejoiced to see him ".
To obtain the needed garrison troops and workers to build and maintain the burhs ' defences, Alfred regularised and vastly expanded the existing ( and, one might add, quite recent ) obligation of landowners to provide fortress work on the basis of the hidage assessed upon their lands.
Spencerian survival of the fittest firmly credits any provisions made to assist the weak, unskilled, poor and distressed to be an imprudent disservice to evolution.
Cassidy proposed an allegiance-conduct-witness theory to explain how Luke s purpose lines up with the equipping claim.
The first ayahuasca Churches affiliated to the Brazilian Santo Daime were established in the Netherlands.
His comment on Numbers 23: 19 has a still more polemical tone: “ God is not a man that he should lie ; neither the son of man, that he should repent ; < font face =" times new roman " size = 3 > if a man says: I am a god he is a liar ; if he says: I am a son of man he will have cause to regret it ; and if he says, I will go up to heaven he has said but will not keep his word ” last phrase is borrowed from B ' midbar 23: 19 ( Yer.

and is
This belief is grounded in the Gospel of John passage “ You heard me say, I am going away and I am coming back to you .’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.
It is said that these armored cars became the eyes and ears of Wavell ’.
Alexander advances the idea that it is would not be God s fault to create a being that would bind the corrupt with the clean ’.
It is important to note that Alexander put peace for all at the end of the list to amplify its importance.
However, the name Artemis ( variants Arktemis, Arktemisa ) is most likely related to Greek árktos bear ( from PIE * h₂ŕ ̥ tḱos ), supported by the bear cult that the goddess had in Attica ( Brauronia ) and the Neolithic remains at the Arkouditessa, as well as the story about Callisto, which was originally about Artemis ( Arcadian epithet kallisto ).
In Gregory s day, history was not recognized as an independent field of study ; it was a branch of grammar or rhetoric, and historia ( defined as story ’) summed up the approach of the learned when they wrote what was, at that time, considered history .’ Gregory s Dialogues Book Two, then, an authentic medieval hagiography cast as a conversation between the Pope and his deacon Peter, is designed to teach spiritual lessons.
This incident is similar to later incidents ascribed to attacks using Yellow Rain ’.

and increasingly
But this group found it increasingly difficult to prove that they were not labourers because the 1882 act defined excludables as skilled and unskilled labourers and Chinese employed in mining .’ Thus very few Chinese could enter the country under the 1882 law.
The economist Sidney D Merlin introduced the English word as an academic term in 1943, in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, writing that the Nazi Party facilitates the accumulation of private fortunes and industrial empires by its foremost members and collaborators through “ privatisation ” and other measures, thereby intensifying centralisation of economic affairs and government in an increasingly narrow group that may for all practical purposes be termed the national socialist elite ’.
The second largest group is defined as Asian at 4. 34 %, third as Black at 2. 35 %, fourth as Mixed at 1. 82 % Culturally the population is predominantly Christian ( 77. 8 %), but growing and increasingly becoming a more diverse ethnic mix.
In America by the end of the decade, the new jazz age ' and the rise of the fox-trot confirmed the player piano as the instrument of popular music, with classical music increasingly relegated to the reproducing piano.
As a clerk in the House of Commons he increasingly identified himself with the fortunes of Charles Stewart Parnell, one of the founders of the Irish Land League and a noted obstructionist in the Commons.
The increasing interest in how some businesses in an industry perform better than others led to the emergence of the resource based view ( RBV ) of strategy ( Wernerfelt, 1984 ; Barney, 1991 ; Grant, 1991 ), which seeks to discover the firm-specific sources of superior performance – an interest that has increasingly come to dominate research.
Since 2011, the term Indo-Pacific is being used increasingly in the global strategic / geo-political discourse.
In recent years, creative industries have become increasingly attractive to governments outside the developed world ’.
( 2009 ) put it, the harnessing of creativity brings with it the potential of new wealth creation, the cultivation of local talent and the generation of creative capital, the development of new export markets, significant multiplier effects throughout the broader economy, the utilisation of information communication technologies and enhanced competitiveness in an increasingly global economy ’.
< http :// www. bioone. org. www. library. gatech. edu: 2048 / doi / full / 10. 1894 / 0038-4909 % 282006 % 2951 % 5B418 % 3AROTGBM % 5D2. 0. CO % 3B2 >.</ ref > While Gray Bat habitat locations were always patchy ,’ Gray Bat habitats have become increasingly more isolated and fragmented with human perturbation .< ref > Brady, J., T. Kunz, M. Tuttle, Ph. D., D. Wilson ( July 1982 ).
From the 1950s anthropologists who studied peasant societies in Latin America and Asia, had increasingly started to incorporate their local setting ( the village ) into its larger context, as in Redfield s famous distinction between small and big traditions ( Redfield 1941 ).
Street children is increasingly recognized by sociologists and anthropologists to be a socially constructed category that in reality does not form a clearly defined, homogeneous population or phenomenon ( Glauser, 1990 ; Ennew, 2000 ; Moura, 2002 ).
Seeing how China s economic and military growth corresponds to the logic of internal balancing, it comes as no surprise that its claim of peaceful growth is increasingly being suspected of implying a challenge to the current world order and balance of power.
This trend has also meant that numerous older homes have been saved from deterioration by tree-changers ’, who have increasingly bought and renovated older homes in Dungog and its surrounding countryside.
Instead of having laboratories, CIFOR would be a Center without walls ’, marshalling interdisciplinary research teams in collaboration with partners to tackle forest policy changes in an increasingly complex and globalised world.
The Ballad and Blues Club became the Singer Club and, in 1961 moved to The Princess Louise pub in Holborn, with the emphasis increasingly placed on English traditional music and particularly on unaccompanied song in the singer s own voice, leading to the creation of strict policy clubs ’, that pursued a pure and traditional form of music.
" Mayo owed Allen money from a card game, Boo-Ray ,' and sources said Mayo became increasingly belligerent and antagonistic toward Allen when asked to settle the debt ," Yahoo Sports ' Adrian Wojnarowski reports.
The increasingly rapid pace of globalisation ; the failure of liberal state building through the instruments of the Washington Consensus ; the reduced threat of nuclear war between the superpowers, the exponential rise in the spread and consolidation of democratisation and international human rights norms opened a space in which both development and concepts of security could be reconsidered.

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