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Page "Lamborghini Countach" ¶ 24
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many and had
The Gap looming before him -- the place where had confronted Jack English on that day so many years ago -- was his exit from all that had meaning to him.
And one had been too many.
Although it was dark as usual I could see that the hall had only recently contained a great many people.
She had spent too many hours looking ahead, hoping and longing to catch even a glimpse of Dan and finding nothing but emptiness.
For Matilda, it was the first she had known in many a night.
Hell, I gave him the first decent job he ever had, six, seven -- how many years ago was it, Rob ''??
Then there was no saying how many times the marine had blown his nose on the handkerchief.
To say that science had reduced many such fears merely reiterates the obvious and frequent statement that science eliminated much of magic and superstition.
I had read the story many times without asking myself why it affected me or caring why it did.
There is evidence to suggest, in fact, that many authors of the humorous sketches were prompted to write them -- or to make them as indelicate as they are -- by way of protesting against the artificial refinements which had come to dominate the polite letters of the South.
The sneers at Hearst changed to concern when it was seen that he had strong support in many parts of the country.
As the field on which my tent was pitched was a favorite natural playground for the kids of the neighborhood, I had made many friends among them, taking part in their after-school games and trying desperately to translate Grimm's Fairy Tales into an understandable French as we gathered around the fire in front of the tent.
`` Mr. Wolfe had been in declining health for many years and death was not unexpected ''.
In describing it to Professor Baker after it had been chosen for production, he defended his great array of characters by declaring that he had included that many not because `` I didn't know how to save paint '', but because the play required them.
According to William Ringler's study, Stephen Gosson, the theater business in London had become a thriving enterprise by 1577, and, in the opinion of many, a thoroughly bad business.
But you could ( as from yourself ) tell her that you had friends who, being with the army, don't know what to do with their money and would willingly let her have one or many thousand dollars ''.
I had always thought of that lovable man as many years older than myself, although he was perhaps only twenty years older, and he confirmed my feeling, along with the feeling of both my sons, that teachers of the classics are invariably endearing.
Finally, colleges and clubs took the line that speakers from England were not wanted any longer, even speakers like S.K., so unlike the novelists and poets who had patronized the Americans for many years.
The revolution in jazz that took place around 1949, the evolution from the `` bebop '' school of Dizzy Gillespie to the `` cool '' sound of Miles Davis and Lennie Tristano, Lee Konitz, and the whole legend of Charlie Parker, had made an impression on many academic and literary men.
We had walked it many times and shivered, figuring what a fish barrel it had been for the French.
Last year, after Trujillo had been cited for numerous aggressions in the Caribbean, the United States and many other members of the Organization of American States broke diplomatic relations with him.
He did mention in his column the fact that he had received many letters about this and he himself did not understand the networks and the independent local stations' not doing this -- but nothing happened.

many and those
If many of the characters in contemporary novels appear to be the bloodless relations of characters in a case history it is because the novelist is often forgetful today that those things that we call character manifest themselves in surface behavior, that the ego is still the executive agency of personality, and that all we know of personality must be discerned through the ego.
This understanding, of course, may in its turn take many forms and some of these -- especially those most interesting to the student of comparative literature -- are essentially historical.
those of 1788 were going to prove decisive, though many of their details are obscure.
But although in many of these discussions Othon and Amadee might have been tempted to consider their own interests as well as those of the king, Edward's confidence in them was so absolute that they were made the acknowledged leaders of the embassy.
To those of my readers who find many of my opinions morally, or politically, or sociologically antiquated ( and I have reason to know that there are some such ), I would like to say what I have already hinted, namely, that some of my opinions may indeed be subject to some discount on the simple ground that I am no longer young and therefore incapable of being youthful of mind.
For the most part, however, the new version is contemporary and, as such, should be the means for many to attain a clearer comprehension of the meaning of those words recorded so many hundreds of years ago by the first followers of Christ.
Open societies can take many forms, and within very broad limits recipients must be free to set their own goals and to devise their own institutions to achieve those goals.
Seeing so many illustrations and reading so many testimonials to the value of Quick-Wate and Super-Protein, those two wonder-working Weider food supplements, he decided to try them and see what they could do for him.
In the GE plan, a number of individual contributors have positions and compensation higher than those of many managers.
Their father, when he came back from those many business trips, just bumped their mother on the forehead with his lips and asked if anybody had thought to mix the martinis and put them in the electric icebox.
From a few students this group gradually increased to include over three-fourths of those officially enrolled in the class, and many outsiders as well.
Despite the opposition of the city newspapers, the Pratt Hall meeting `` brought together a very respectable audience, composed in part of those who had been distinguished for years for their radical views upon the subject of slavery, of many of our colored citizens, and of those who were attracted to the place by the novelty of such a gathering ''.
Even though we did not see many of your faces, it appears now quite evident that a considerable number of your profession heard, from those whom we had the fortune to encounter, that we had been in your midst.
And their roles are paralleled by those of Patrick Henry, Nathan Hale, Andrew Jackson, Davy Crockett, Theodore Roosevelt and many, many more.
Although economic and personal circumstances vary widely among those now choosing apartments, Leo J. Pantas, vice president of a hardware manufacturing company, pointed out recently that many apartment seekers seem to have one characteristic in common: a desire for greater convenience and freedom from the problems involved in maintaining a house.
But today many of those men are reaching retirement age and suddenly realizing that they face an estate tax problem with their closely held companies and also that they have no second-echelon management in their firms.
Publisher Richardson has updated the Blue Book `` but it still remains the compact reference book used by so many for those ever-changing telephone numbers, addresses, other residences, club affiliations and marriages ''.
Watch people flock to amusement houses, cocktail lounges, and night clubs that advertise continuous entertainment, which means an endless flow of noise and frivolity by paid entertainers who are supposed to perform in those incredible ways which are designed to give men a few hours of dubious relaxation -- watch them and you can tell that many of them are running away from something.
Of many passages in the book that exemplify the author's vivid style, the characterizations of the two plebeian dictators whose crimes make those of crowned autocrats pale by comparison may be selected.
There are times when one suspects that the songs that are dropped from musical shows before they reach Broadway may really be better than many of those that are left in.
Hundreds of other organizations exist in the various sub-fields of anthropology, sometimes divided up by nation or region, and many anthropologists work with collaborators in other disciplines, such as geology, physics, zoology, paleontology, anatomy, music theory, art history, sociology and so on, belonging to professional societies in those disciplines as well.

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