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Page "Marsupial" ¶ 30
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*** and Family
*** Family Didelphidae: opossums
*** Family Microbiotheriidae: monito del monte
*** Family † Thylacinidae: thylacine
*** Family Dasyuridae: antechinuses, quolls, dunnarts, Tasmanian devil, and relatives
*** Family Myrmecobiidae: numbat
*** Family Thylacomyidae: bilbies
*** Family † Chaeropodidae: Pig-footed bandicoot
*** Family Peramelidae: bandicoots and allies
*** Family Notoryctidae: marsupial moles
*** Family Phascolarctidae: koala
*** Family Vombatidae: wombats
*** Family † Diprotodontidae: diprotodon
*** Family Phalangeridae: brushtail possums and cuscuses
*** Family Burramyidae: pygmy possums
*** Family Tarsipedidae: honey possum
*** Family Petauridae: striped possum, Leadbeater's possum, yellow-bellied glider, sugar glider, mahogany glider, squirrel glider
*** Family Pseudocheiridae: ringtailed possums and relatives
*** Family Potoroidae: potoroos, rat kangaroos, bettongs
*** Family Acrobatidae: feathertail glider and feather-tailed possum
*** Family Hypsiprymnodontidae: musky rat-kangaroo
*** Family Macropodidae: kangaroos, wallabies, and relatives
*** Family † Thylacoleonidae: marsupial lions
*** Family Equidae: horses and allies, seven species in one genus
*** Family Tapiridae: tapirs, four species in one genus

*** and Caenolestidae
*** Family Caenolestidae ( shrew opossums )

*** and shrew
*** Genus Dymecodon: True ’ s shrew mole
*** Genus Urotrichus: Japanese shrew mole
*** Genus Neurotrichus: Shrew mole ( American shrew mole, Pacific northwest USA, southwest British Columbia )
*** Subfamily Uropsilinae: shrew moles
*** Short-tailed shrew tenrec ( Microgale brevicaudata )
*** Cowan's shrew tenrec ( Microgale cowani )
*** Dobson's shrew tenrec ( Microgale dobsoni )
*** Drouhard's shrew tenrec ( Microgale drouhardi )
*** Dryad shrew tenrec ( Microgale dryas )
*** Pale shrew tenrec ( Microgale fotsifotsy )
*** Gracile shrew tenrec ( Microgale gracilis )
*** Elephant shrew ( Macroscelidea )
*** Tribe Urotrichini-Japanese shrew moles
*** Tribe Neurotrichini-New World shrew moles
*** Assam mole shrew, A. assamensis
*** Giant mole shrew, A. schmidi
*** Chinese mole shrew, A. squamipes
*** Taiwanese mole shrew, A. yamashinai
*** Indochinese short-tailed shrew, B. griselda
*** Asiatic short-tailed shrew, B. quadraticauda
*** Burmese short-tailed shrew, B. wardi
*** Northern short-tailed shrew, B. brevicauda
*** Southern short-tailed shrew, B. carolinensis
*** Elliot's short-tailed shrew, B. hylophaga

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