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Page "Lemuridae" ¶ 7
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** and Ring-tailed
** Lemur Island-This exhibit features the Ring-tailed Lemur, Black Lemur, and Blue-eyed Black Lemur.

** and Lemur
** Bemaraha Woolly Lemur, Avahi cleesei
** Eastern Woolly Lemur, Avahi laniger
** Moore's Woolly Lemur, Avahi mooreorum
** Western Woolly Lemur, Avahi occidentalis
** Sambirano Woolly Lemur, Avahi unicolor
** Peyrieras ' Woolly Lemur, Avahi peyrierasi
** Southern Woolly Lemur, Avahi meridionalis
** Ramanantsoavana's Woolly Lemur, Avahi ramanantsoavani
** Betsileo Woolly Lemur, Avahi betsileo
** Common Brown Lemur, Eulemur fulvus
** Sanford's Brown Lemur, Eulemur sanfordi
** White-headed Lemur, Eulemur albifrons
** Red Lemur, Eulemur rufus
** Red-fronted Lemur, Eulemur rufifrons
** Collared Brown Lemur, Eulemur collaris
** Gray-headed Lemur, Eulemur cinereiceps
** Black Lemur, Eulemur macaco
** Sclater's Lemur, Eulemur flavifrons
** Crowned Lemur, Eulemur coronatus
** Red-bellied Lemur, Eulemur rubriventer
** Mongoose Lemur, Eulemur mongoz
** Black-and-white Ruffed Lemur, Varecia variegata
** Red Ruffed Lemur, Varecia rubra

Ring-tailed and Lemur
Unlike most other lemurs, all but one species of lemurid ( the Ring-tailed Lemur ) lack a tapetum lucidum, a reflective layer in the eye that improves night vision.
In some cases, such as the Ring-tailed Lemur, the groups are long-lasting, with distinct dominance hierarchies, while in others, such as the Common Brown Lemur, the membership of the groups varies from day to day, and seems to have no clear social structure.
This family was once broken into two subfamilies, Hapalemurinae ( bamboo lemurs and the Greater Bamboo Lemur ) and Lemurinae ( the rest of the family ), but molecular evidence and scent glands similarities have since placed the Ring-tailed Lemur with the bamboo lemurs and the Greater Bamboo Lemur.
Species included are Allen's Swamp Monkey, Coquerel's Sifaka, Golden-headed Lion Tamarin, Lion-tailed Macaque, Pygmy Marmoset, Ring-tailed Lemur, and White-faced Saki.
Also in a throwback gesture, in A Fish Called Wanda there was a fish named after Jamie Lee Curtis ' character ; in Fierce Creatures there is a Ring-tailed Lemur named after Cleese's character.
* Ring-tailed Lemur
* Ring-tailed Lemur
File: Lemur singapore zoo 2009. JPG | Ring-tailed Lemur
* Ring-tailed Lemur
Ring-tailed Lemur
Nevertheless the collection of primates is varied, including such diverse creatures such as Golden Lion Tamarin, orangutan, Ring-tailed Lemur and Black and White Ruffed Lemur.
* Ring-tailed Lemur
* Ring-tailed Lemur
* Ring-tailed Lemur
His regular companion on the show was Dotty the Ring-tailed Lemur.
* Ring-tailed Lemur
These include Chimpanzee, Bornean Orangutan, Mandrill, Siamang, Colobus, Golden Lion Tamarin, Ring-tailed Lemur, Indian Rhinoceros, Clouded Leopard, Sloth Bear, Babirusa, Red Wolf, African Elephant, Bali Mynah, Victoria Crowned Pigeon, Great Indian Hornbill, Palm Cockatoo, and Komodo Dragon programs.
* Ring-tailed Lemur

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