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Stogie and cigar
Sam is joined by an idiot kit-built robot assistant, Hoagy, and, after a crack-down on smoking in IPC Comics, is given a Cuban robot cigar called Stogie, designed to help him cut down on nicotine.

Stogie and is
In earlier books it is mentioned that no matter how cleverly the admiral hides his cigars two are always missing every time he counts them, in what Giordino called Operation Stogie.

Stogie and .
Sam solved a very lucrative case and retired rich, but was eventually forced out of retirement after Hoagy and Stogie spent all his money.
In December 2003, Alan Grant and Ian Gibson reunited for a revival of the strip starring Sam's granddaughter, Samantha Slade, Hoagy and Stogie.

cigar and word
The word " cigar " originated from sikar, the Yucatec Mayan word for smoking, which became cigarro in Spanish, probably from the Mayan sikar (" to smoke rolled tobacco leaves " – from sik, " tobacco ;") or from the Spanish word cigarra (" grasshopper ").
At Steeler games, there is a sign that shows a picture of Rooney with his characteristic cigar and under the photo, the word " Believe.
If a contestant said the word, a toy duck resembling Groucho with a mustache and eyeglasses, and with a cigar in its bill, descended from the ceiling to bring a $ 100 bill.
Galante was rarely seen without a cigar, leading to the nickname " The Cigar " and " Lilo " ( an Italian slang word for cigar ).

cigar and is
A popular, but probably apocryphal, story is that once when an opponent laid a cigar on the table, he complained to the tournament arbiters, " He is threatening to smoke, and as an old player you must know that the threat is stronger than the execution.
* Cigar ash, the ash produced when a cigar is smoked
Pipe smoke, like cigar smoke, is usually not inhaled.
Well known for his wit and sense of humor, one of Marshall's most enduring jokes came during a Senate debate in which, in response to Senator Joseph Bristow's catalog of the nation's needs, Marshall quipped the often-repeated phrase, " What this country needs is a really good five-cent cigar ", provoking laughter.
" He then quipped, loudly enough for most of the chamber to hear, " What this country needs is a really good five-cent cigar ", which provoked laughter from a number of senators.
There is a number of vendors in the terminal building, including three restaurants, three coffee shops, a duty free shop, cigar lounge, book store, travel shop, gift shop etc.
Although it is shown that if the guest from room N has N cigars then both he and all guests in lower-numbered rooms can smoke, it is never proved that any of the guests actually have cigars therefore it doesn't follow that any guest can smoke a cigar inside the Hotel.
A cigar is a tightly-rolled bundle of dried and fermented tobacco that is ignited so that its smoke may be drawn into the mouth.
Even a female literary giant of the Victorian era, George Sand, observed " The cigar is a perfect compliment to an elegant lifestyle ".
A cigarette is distinguished from a cigar by its smaller size, use of processed leaf, and paper wrapping, which is normally white, though other colors are occasionally available.
Parker poses with cigar and is branded by newspapers as " cigar smoking gun moll " after cops find Joplin film
*" rising smoke " gives " ragic " ( a " cigar " is a smoke and this is a down clue so " rising " indicates that " cigar " should be written up the page ; i. e., backwards )
Hook is often seen with a custom-made cigar holder that lets him smoke two cigars at once.
Nowadays, the most valued port ( 40 % of the users ) is the USB, though the cigar lighter receptacle is used for non-audio applications more often, but is often used to power FM transmitters for stock systems without AUX inputs.

cigar and form
His sailors reported that the Taínos on the island of Cuba smoked a primitive form of cigar, with twisted, dried tobacco leaves rolled in other leaves such as palm or plantain.
“ When the director ( D ) made his peremptory demands for light from his female assistant ( A ) he received it not for his cigar, as in the original, but in the form of torchlight for his script.
It was believed that a lighted cigar had rolled under the dress of one as she sat at a cafe, but " the balloon-like form of her skirts and the confined air " delayed conflagration until she began to walk outside, when her skirts abruptly ignited.
Like others of her type, Wetmore had a hull in the form of a flattened cigar, with a continuous curve above the waterline to where the sides met amidships.
Mr. Big more closely resembled his game counterpart, but he didn't use a wheelchair, and didn't have a " second form ", instead using cigar-related gadgets and weapons (" cigar missiles ", for example ).
" 1 ) Go to a crossroads of Exu on a Monday or Friday near midnight, if possible in the company of a member of the opposite sex ; 2 ) greet Ogum with a bottle of light beer, a white or red candle, and a lighted cigar ; 3 ) greet Exu Sir Block-Streets-of-the-Souls by opening seven bottles of rum ( cachaça ) in the form of a circle, lighting seven red and black candles, and offering seven cigars ; 4 ) put inside a vase ( alguidar ) and mix the following: manioc flour ( farinha da mandioca ), palm oil ( azeite-de-dendê ), and peppers ; 5 ) put on the ground in the middle of the circle the name of the person whom one wishes to hurt, and, using a knife, stab this with violence, asking Exu to attend to one's request.
Pourgouri is also used to make koupes where the bulgur / pourgouri is mixed with flour and water to form a dough, which is formed into a cigar shape.

cigar and Conestoga
The cigar was the smoke of choice for teamsters driving Conestoga wagons in the cigar-making Conestoga valley area around Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
So many cigars were made in the watershed in the late 19th century that a local cigar named the Conestoga became known as the stogie throughout the US.

cigar and .
They squatted on their heels in the deep mud and Dill found a cigar in his breast pocket, passing it over silently.
He slid in at her side, tucked a cigar into his mouth, and politely proffered one to her.
He was puffing on a cigar, and he was turning up his coat collar against the rain.
Ludie had a cigar box full of marbles and shooters, and a Roman candle from last Fourth of July.
Vernon would tilt his hat over one ear as he lounged with his feet on the dashboard, indulging in a huge cigar.
sometimes he would be up before dawn, clad as a garbage collector and hurling pails into areaways to exasperate us, and thereafter would hurry to the Bronx Zoo to grimace at the lions and press cigar butts against their paws.
Ruth himself, still owning his farm in Massachusetts and an interest in the Massachusetts cigar business that printed his round boyish face on the wrappers, had led the parade down from Fenway Park, followed by pitchers Carl Mays, Leslie `` Joe '' Bush, Waite Hoyt, Herb Pennock, and Sam Jones, catcher Wally Schang, third baseman Joe Dugan ( who completed the `` playboy trio '' of Ruth, Dugan, and Hoyt ), and shortstop Everett Scott.
I grinned at him, handed him a couple of dollars and said, `` By the time you get the parking charge figured up, there should be a cigar in it for you ''.
A man, lighting a match for his cigar, paused until the flame burned his fingers.
As early as Murder on the Links, where he still largely depends on clues, Poirot mocks a rival " bloodhound " detective who focuses on the traditional trail of clues that had been established in detective fiction by the example of Sherlock Holmes: footprints, fingerprints and cigar ash.
Inner picture of a cigar box from the early 1900s with a portrait of Brewster.
As a reflection of this fame, Brewster portrait was later printed in some cigar boxes.
He arrived on the first night in a replica of the A-Team van, smoking a cigar and accompanied by Post & Carpenter's A-Team theme tune.
But the most important thing Griffith did was work out significant and expressive natural gestures in intensive rehearsal periods with his actors, before the film was shot, such as the enraged and jealous husband in The Voice of the Child ( 1911 ) walking around his office chomping on a cigar and puffing clouds of smoke out of it through clenched teeth.
According to Murphy ’ s parody, when the television cameras were turned off, the sweet Gumby reverted to his true self: a cigar chomping, irascible celebrity who was highly demanding of the production executives.
His distinctive appearance, carried over from his days in vaudeville, included quirks such as an exaggerated stooped posture, glasses, cigar, and a thick greasepaint mustache and eyebrows.
Marx developed a routine as a wise-cracking hustler with a distinctive chicken-walking lope, an exaggerated greasepaint mustache and eyebrows, and an ever-present cigar, improvising insults to stuffy dowagers ( often played by Margaret Dumont ) and anyone else who stood in his way.
" To this, Marx responded, " I love my cigar, too, but I take it out of my mouth once in a while.
However, Botham subsequently accepted the honour of Honorary Life membership of MCC and his portrait ( depicting him enjoying a cigar ) now hangs prominently in the Long Room Bar at Lord's.
For example Erzulie Freda will be given a mirror and a comb, fine cloth or jewelry ; Legba will be given his cane, straw hat and pipe ; Baron Samedi will be given his top hat, sunglasses and a cigar.
Under pressure from Starr, who had obtained from Lewinsky a blue dress with Clinton's semen stain, as well as testimony from Lewinsky that the President had inserted a cigar tube into her vagina, Clinton stated, " I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate.
Energy input deforms the nucleus into a fat " cigar " shape, then a " peanut " shape, followed by binary fission as the two lobes exceed the short-range strong force attraction distance, then are pushed apart and away by their electrical charge.
* The Punch cigar brand was named after Mr. Punch, and features him on the label.

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