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Page "Digital filter" ¶ 54
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Some Related Sentences

:* and optimal
:* choosing the optimal estimator by minimising a " norm " which measures the size of the covariance matrix of the estimators.

:* and minimum
:* curves with a minimum radius of, banked for, with guard rails at embankments
:* Lt. Godfrey – minimum between 2, 500 and 3, 000
:* 8 p. m. EDT ( 0000 UTC, September 12 ) – Hurricane Ivan has a recorded minimum pressure of 910 millibars, making it the then sixth most intense Atlantic hurricane on record.

:* and noise
:* mechanical sound ( e. g., engine, propeller, or machinery noise );
:* Ledesma S. and Liu D. ( 2000 ) " Synthesis of fractional Gaussian noise using linear approximation for generating self-similar network traffic ", Computer Communication Review, 30, 4 – 17.

:* and sense
:* non-parametric statistics ( in the sense of a statistic over data, which is defined to be a function on a sample that has no dependency on a parameter ), whose interpretation does not depend on the population fitting any parametrized distributions.
:* Karelia, the land of Karelians, in its most general sense
:* For a true sense of appreciation for each other and to achieve a spirit of fun and enjoyment in our development.
:* A keen sense of relevance
:* Emotions ( other )-cause yourself to feel something different by provoking your sense of humor or happiness with corresponding activities.
:* Odd beliefs or magical thinking that influences behavior and is inconsistent with subcultural norms ( e. g. superstition, belief in clairvoyance, telepathy, " sixth sense ", or bizarre fantasies or preoccupations )
:* A denial that salvation is in any sense a work of the human heart, either fully or partially.
:* Catholic interpretation-Because the Catholic Church is, according to Catholics, the official custodian and interpreter of the Bible, Catholicism's teaching concerning the Sacred Scriptures and their genuine sense must be the supreme guide of the commentator.
:* six kinds: one for each sense faculty ( eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind )
:* 18 kinds: explorations of the aforementioned three mental kinds of feelings ( mental pleasant, mental painful, equanimous ) each in terms of each of the aforementioned six sense faculties
:* Common sense suggests that where a horse only has one wolf tooth it is less likely to have a uniform response to the bit on both reins.

:* and ):
:* Hungarian uses the umlaut, the acute and double acute accent ( unique to Hungarian ): ö ü, á é í ó ú and ő ű.
:* In the 10th year of Tenji, in the 11th month ( 671 ): Emperor Tenji, in the, designated his son as his heir ; and modern scholars construe this as meaning that the son would have received the succession ( senso ) after his father's death.
:* In the 10th year of Tenji, in the 11th month ( 671 ): Emperor Tenji, in the, died ; and despite any military confrontations which ensued, the brother of the dead sovereign would have received the succession ( senso ); and after a time, it would have been understood that Emperor Temmu rightfully acceded to the throne ( sokui ).
:* In the 10th year of Tenji, in the 11th month ( 671 ): Emperor Tenji, in the 10th year of his reign ( 天智天皇10年 ), designated his son as his heir ; and modern scholars construe this as meaning that the son would have received the succession ( senso ) after his father's death.
:* In the 10th year of Tenji, in the 11th month ( 671 ): Emperor Tenji, in the 10th year of his reign ( 天智天皇10年 ), died ; and despite any military confrontations which ensued, the brother of the dead sovereign would have received the succession ( senso ); and after a time, it would have been understood that Emperor Temmu rightfully acceded to the throne ( sokui ).
:* In the 10th year of Tenji, in the 11th month ( 671 ): Emperor Tenji, in the 10th year of his reign ( 天智天皇10年 ), designated his son as his heir ; and modern scholars construe this as meaning that the son would have received the succession ( senso ) after his father's death.
:* In the 10th year of Tenji, in the 11th month ( 671 ): Emperor Tenji, in the 10th year of his reign ( 天智天皇10年 ), died ; and despite any military confrontations which ensued, the brother of the dead sovereign would have received the succession ( senso ); and after a time, it would have been understood that Emperor Temmu rightfully acceded to the throne ( sokui ).
:* Changchui He ( China ) ( Operations ): 2009-2011.
:* Ann Tutwiler ( US ) ( Knowledge ): 2011-present.
:* Manoj Juneja ( India ) ( Operations ): 2011-present.
:* 8, 000 to 9, 999 ft ( 2, 438 to 3, 047 m ): 10
:* 5, 000 to 7, 999 ft ( 1, 524 to 2, 437 m ): 20
:* 3, 000 to 4, 999 ft ( 914 to 1, 523 m ): 24
:* under 3, 000 ft ( 914 m ): 26
:* 5, 000 to 7, 999 ft ( 1, 524 to 2, 437 m ): 2
:* 3, 000 to 4, 999 ft ( 914 to 1, 523 m ): 15
:* under 3, 000 ft ( 914 m ): 44
:* Species cumulus fractus ( Cu fra ): Cu broken up into ragged and changing fragments ( C < sub > L </ sub > 1 or 7 ).
:* Species cumulus humilis ( Cu hum ): Small Cu usually with just a light-grey shading underneath ( C < sub > L </ sub > 1 ).
:* Species cumulus mediocris ( Cu med ): Cumuliform clouds of moderate vertical development with medium-grey shading underneath ( C < sub > L </ sub > 2 ).
:* Species cumulus congestus ( Cu Con )-ICAO towering cumulus ( Tcu ): Cumuliform clouds of great vertical size, usually with dark-grey bases, and capable of producing severe turbulence and showers of moderate to heavy intensity ( C < sub > L </ sub > 2 ).
:* Species cumulonimbus calvus ( Cb cal ): Thunderclouds with very high clear-cut domed tops similar to towering cumulus ( C < sub > L </ sub > 3 ).
:* Species cumulonimbus capillatus ( Cb cap ): Thunderclouds with very high tops that have become fibrous due to the presence of ice crystals ( C < sub > L </ sub > 9 ).
:* IP NGN ( Next Generation Networks ): High-end routing and switching for fixed and mobile service provider networks, broadcast video contribution / distribution, entitlement and content delivery systems.

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