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Page "hobbies" ¶ 736
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still and more
We'll still have the rifle, and I might be able to round up some more.
Over the rapidly-diminishing outline of a jump seat piled high with luggage Herry's black brushcut was just discernible, near, or enviably near that spot where -- hidden -- more delicately-textured, most beautifully tinted hair must still be streaming back in cool, oh cool wind sweetly perfumed with sagebrush and yucca flowers and engine fumes.
Johnson unwired the right hand door, whose window was, like the left one, merely loosely-taped fragments of glass, and Johnson wadded himself into a narrow seat made still more narrow by three cases of beer.
From the terraces -- eighteen in all -- broad flights of steps descend into the water or onto still more terraces barely above the level of the river.
Truman Capote is still reveling in Southern Gothicism, exaggerating the old Southern legends into something beautiful and grotesque, but as unreal as -- or even more unreal than -- yesterday.
They differed in the balance they believed essential to the sovereignty of the citizen -- but the supreme sacrifice each made served to maintain a still more fundamental truth: That individual life, liberty and happiness depend on a right balance between the two -- and on the limitation of sovereignty, in all its aspects, which this involves.
Even in domains where detailed and predictive understanding is still lacking, but where some explanations are possible, as with lightning and weather and earthquakes, the appropriate kind of human action has been more adequately indicated.
These my grandmother left in their places ( they are still there, more persistent and longer-lived than the generations of man ) and planted others like them, that flourished without careful tending.
Even if people do, in a not far distant future, begin to read one another's minds, there will still be the question of whether what you find in another man's mind is especially worth reading -- worth more, that is, than what you can read in good books.
There is another side of love, more nearly symbolized by the croak of the mating capercailzie, or better still perhaps by the mute antics of the slug.
In the final issues of the Englishman, which ended just as the new session of Parliament began, he provided his enemies with still more ammunition.
I still have the dress, and I hope to give it to the Smithsonian Institution as a memento, or, as I more fondly hope, to present it to a museum containing articles showing the daily lives of the Presidents -- if I can get it organized.
Hearst had spent more than $60,000 of his own money in the probe, but still Attorney General Knox was quiescent.
She ended her letter with the assurance that she considered his friendship for her daughter and herself to be an honor, from which she could not part `` without still more pain ''.
There were several men of ninety or more whom I knew first or last, all of whom were still productive and most of whom knew one another as if they had naturally come together at the apex of their lives.
But in ways more fundamental than specific political opinions they are still what they always were: passionate, sure without a shadow of doubt of whatever it is that they are sure of, capable of seeing black and white only and, therefore, committed to the logical extreme of whatever it is they are temporarily committed to.
I'm still not convinced, though, I'll have to see more of him before predicting that big year for him.
Traditional crewel embroidery which seems to be appearing more frequently this fall than in the past few years is still available in this country.
Until Moscow resumed nuclear testing last September 1, the US and UK had released more than twice as much radiation into the atmosphere as the Russians, and the fallout from the earlier blasts is still coming down.
Off-Broadway, where production is still comparatively cheap, is proving itself only slightly more original.
and it is still very far from certain how valid the party's claim is that in `` a growing number of kolkhozes '' the peasants are finding it more profitable, to surrender their private plots to the kolkhoz and to let the latter be turned into something increasingly like a state farm.
Back and forth Duclos had to go, between M. De Cury and Jean Jacques and between the Duke D'Aumont and Jean Jacques again, as his little operetta, The Village Soothsayer, though still unperformed, took on ever more importance.
That development, in turn, formed the foundation of still more significant expansions in later years -- in gear cutting, in circular graduating, in index drilling, and in many other fields where accuracy was a paramount requirement.
later came a 1961 cut on the West Coast ( still pending elsewhere ) of $.07/cwt on 70,000 lb-plus carloads ( which works out to more than $4/mbf on that portion of the load in excess of 70,000 lb.

still and sophisticated
But his is still a simple life relatively free of the female presence or influence, and he must go far, even though he may go fast, for sophisticated pleasures.
There is much to be said for a college that, while happily attuned to the sophisticated Ivies, still gives its students a chance to get up early in the morning and drive along back roads where a glimpse of small game, deer, or even bear is not uncommon.
Although modern analytical chemistry is dominated by sophisticated instrumentation, the roots of analytical chemistry and some of the principles used in modern instruments are from traditional techniques many of which are still used today.
More sophisticated versions may make specific desired changes to the deck's order, while still appearing to be an innocuous normal cut.
This was formerly the universal custom and still persists among the less sophisticated Veddas who sometimes in addition place a large stone upon the chest for which no reason could be given, this is observed at Sitala Wanniya ( off Polle-bedda close to Maha Oya ), where the body is still covered with branches and left where the death occurred.
Yet at the same time, theirs was a sophisticated, civilized, and highly articulated shared ideal of pleasure: as Virginia Woolf put it, their " triumph is in having worked out a view of life which was not by any means corrupt or sinister or merely intellectual ; rather ascetic and austere indeed ; which still holds, and keeps them dining together, and staying together, after 20 years ".
Nevertheless, the explanatory gains of using sophisticated formulations of group selectionism as opposed to Dawkins's gene-centred selectionism are still under dispute.
Indeed, the implementation of the scientific community metaphor requires sophisticated message passing that is still the subject of research.
In news and other discussions, often the term " drone " is still mistakenly used to refer to these more sophisticated aircraft.
Higher-end workstations still use more sophisticated CPUs such as the modern iterations of the Intel Xeon, AMD Opteron, IBM POWER, or Sun UltraSPARC CPUs, and typically run a variant of Unix, often allowing these machines to still focus on one area of expertise extensively.
However, even in systems in which dinner is the meal usually eaten at the end of the day, an individual dinner may still refer to a main or more sophisticated meal at any time in the day, such as a banquet, feast, or a special meal eaten on a Sunday.
During the late 1970s, video arcade game technology had become sophisticated enough to offer good-quality graphics and sounds, but it was still fairly basic ( realistic images and full motion video were not yet available, and only a few games used spoken voice ) and so the success of a game had to rely on simple and fun gameplay.
Surveyor 1 transmitted 11, 237 still photos of the lunar surface to the Earth by using a television camera and a sophisticated radio-telemetry system.
Workers were cleaning a blockage in one of the eight condensate polishers ( sophisticated filters cleaning the secondary loop water ), when, for reasons still unknown, the pumps feeding the polishers stopped.
New evidence could still emerge in defense of tribal claims to ancestry, but emergent evidence may require more sophisticated and precise methods of determining genetic descent, given that there was no cultural evidence accompanying the remains.
Even with sophisticated anti-aliasing filters used in the recorder, it is still demanding for the player not to introduce more distortion.
From a position in the early 1970s where British yards could still build the largest types of sophisticated merchant ships, British shipbuilders today have been reduced to a handful specialising in defence contracts and repair work.
The sophisticated music of the Romani orchestras that visited Western Europe became popular in the second half of the 19th century and had its heyday from the 1920s onwards to about 1960, although this music remains popular still today.
More sophisticated vocoders, taking advantage of modern DSPs and rate set 2, remedied the voice quality situation and are still in wide use in 2005.
During the persecution of Christians under the Roman Empire, Christian art was necessarily furtive and ambiguous, and there was hostility to idols in a group still with a large component of members with Jewish origins, surrounded by, and polemicising against, sophisticated pagan images of gods.
Many networks are conjectured to be scale-free, including World Wide Web links, biological networks, and social networks, although the scientific community is still discussing these claims as more sophisticated data analysis techniques become available.
The USSR produced a number of sophisticated schlieren systems based on the Maksutov telescope principle, many of which still survive in the former Soviet Union and China.

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