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After and Turkish
After the failure of the co-emperor Michael IX to stem the Turkish advance in Asia Minor in 1302 and the disastrous Battle of Bapheus, the Byzantine government hired the Catalan Company of Almogavars ( adventurers from Aragon and Catalonia ) led by Roger de Flor to clear Byzantine Asia Minor of the enemy.
After the Ottoman conquest of Greece, the Parthenon was used as the garrison headquarters of the Turkish army, and the Erechtheum was turned into the Governor's private Harem.
After graduating from high school in 1963, he moved to Europe, travelling around Paris and Liège, where he formed bands with local musicians and recorded some singles mainly in English and in French but also in Turkish.
After the success of " Dağlar Dağlar ", Manço recorded a couple of singles with Moğollar ( The Mongols ), another influential Turkish Anatolian rock band.
After the creation of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, the Turkish government began to formally object to the use of Constantinople in other languages and ask that others use the more common name for the city.
After resisting for 78 days the city fell on 2 September, and Turkish resistance collapsed throughout the region as far as Transylvania and Serbia.
After making the comments in Turkish daily newspaper BirGün, Yilmaz said that his words had been distorted and that he was referring to Greek agents causing fires in Turkey.
After two years at FC Barcelona, Hagi signed for Galatasaray S. K .. At Galatasaray, he was both successful and highly popular among the Turkish supporters.
After training he went to work for the far-right Turkish Grey Wolves, who were at the time destabilizing Turkey, which led to a military coup in 1980.
After serving six months, he escaped with the help of Abdullah Çatlı, second-in-command of the Grey Wolves and a prominent Gladio operative, and fled to Bulgaria, which was a base of operation for the Turkish mafia.
After this contribution, which is now called the rebirth of Turkish Cinema's reconciliation with its audience ; Altioklar carried on his road and proved the permanence of his success by shooting Kolera Street ( 1997 ).
* 2003 – After the November 15 bombings, a second day of the 2003 Istanbul Bombings occurs in Istanbul, Turkey, destroying the Turkish head office of HSBC Bank AS and the British consulate.
After the international recognition of the new Turkish parliament headquartered in Ankara, by means of the Treaty of Lausanne signed on 24 July 1923, the Turkish parliament proclaimed on 29 October 1923 the establishment of the Republic of Turkey as the new Turkish State that succeeded and formally ended the defunct Ottoman Empire, in line with the treaty.
After his victory in the Battle of Mohács in 1526, he established Turkish rule in the territory of present-day Hungary ( except the western part ) and other Central European territories, ( See also: Ottoman – Hungarian Wars ).
After Sidon came under Ottoman Turkish rule in the seventeenth century, it regained a great deal of its earlier commercial importance.
After the foundation of the Republic of Turkey and the script reform, the Turkish Language Association ( TDK ) was established in 1932 under the patronage of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, with the aim of conducting research on Turkish.
After the German-Soviet War broke out, the Turkish government sent a military delegation under Lieutenant General Ali Fuat Erden to the German Eastern Front and Germany.
After the German retreat from the Caucasus, the Turkish government got closer with Western Allies and Winston Churchill secretly met with İsmet İnönü at the Yenice Train Station near Adana on 30 January 1943, with the intent of pulling Turkey into the war, on the side of the Allies.
After the destruction of the Greek forces in Asia Minor and the expulsion of Ottoman sultan by the Turkish army under the command of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the Ankara-based government of the Turkish national movement i. e. Turkey, rejected the Treaty of Sèvres that was signed by the Ottoman Empire.
* After turning aside south for 15 years to invade the Caucasus, Asia Minor and Persia — united now under Batu Khan with representatives of all 4 khanates leading 150, 000 Mongol, Turkish and Persian troops into Europe, resume the European invasion with the resumption of Mongol invasion of Rus ' foreshadowed by.
After the 1980 Turkish coup d ' état until 1991 the use of the Kurdish language was illegal in Turkey.

After and resistance
After the return of René to Provence, Alfonso easily reduced the remaining resistance and made his triumphal entrance in Naples on 26 February 1443, as the monarch of a pacified kingdom.
After meeting heavy resistance, the English retreated, taking the island of Jamaica instead.
After initial resistance, the terms were eventually accepted.
After the Dollfuss dictatorship took steps against known Social Democrats, the Social Democrats called for nationwide resistance against the government.
After World War II increasing encroachment on wilderness land evoked the continued resistance of conservationists, who succeeded in blocking a number of projects in the 1950s and 1960s, including the proposed Bridge Canyon Dam that would have backed up the waters of the Colorado River into the Grand Canyon National Park.
After liberation from the fascist occupation on 29 November 1944, several Albanian partisan divisions crossed the border into German-occupied Yugoslavia, where they fought alongside Tito's partisans and the Soviet Red Army in a joint campaign which succeeded in driving out the last pockets of German resistance.
After their able leader Totila was killed at the Battle of Taginae, effective Ostrogothic resistance ended, and the remaining Goths were assimilated by the Lombards, another Germanic tribe, who invaded Italy and founded a Kingdom in the northern parts of the country in 567 AD.
After Al-Mukhtar's capture 15 September 1931 and his execution in Benghazi, the resistance petered out.
After facing stiff resistance in an invasion of Finland, an interim peace was entered, granting the Soviet Union the eastern region of Karelia ( 10 % of Finnish territory ).
After resistance by Churchill and Roosevelt, Stalin promised a re-organization of the current Communist puppet government on a broader democratic basis in Poland.
After a second battle at Mons Lactarius in October that year, the resistance of the Ostrogoths was finally broken.
After 1871 there appeared resistance among the Masurians towards Germanization efforts, the so called Gromadki movement was formed which supported use of Polish language and came into conflict with German authorities ; while most of its members viewed themselves as loyal to Prussian state, a part of them joined the Pro-Polish faction of Masurians.
After Owain's death, there was little resistance to English rule until, in the 16th century, the Tudor dynasty, whilst allowing Welshmen to become more prominent in English society, saw Owain's revolt as a catastrophe for Wales.
After Kandahar fell in December, remnants of the Taliban and al-Qaeda continued to mount resistance.
In the 1941 novel Sixth Column ( also known as The Day After Tomorrow ), a white resistance movement in the United States defends itself against an invasion by an Asian fascist state ( the " Pan-Asians ") using a " super-science " technology that allows ray weapons to be tuned to specific races.
After the Hut Tax War there was no more large-scale military resistance to colonialism.
After fierce resistance, Vitiges routs in panic, and many are slain or drowned in the river.
After the Byzantines were betrayed by Admiral Euphemius, who fled to Tunisia and begged the Aghlabid leader Ziyadat Allah to help him, there was a Muslim conquest of Sicily in 831, which took until 904 against fierce resistance.
After years of resistance against the Delhi Sultan Muhammud bin Tughluq, the Bahmani Kingdom, a Muslim Sultanate in Deccan, was established on August 3, when King Ala-ud-din Hasan Bahman Shah was crowned in a mosque in Daulatabad.
After the wars, some Māori began a strategy of passive resistance, most famously at Parihaka in Taranaki.
After the turn of the century it was found that negative resistance mercury lamps could amplify, and they were used.
After Dordogne was liberated, Malraux led a battalion of former resistance fighters to Alsace-Lorraine, where they fought alongside the First Army.
After some initial resistance, he successfully lobbied the government who passed the Melbourne Tramway & Omnibus Company Act 1883 on 10 October 1883, granting the company the right to operate a cable tram system in Melbourne.
After a long resistance, Cniva conquers the city and slays its one hundred thousand inhabitants.

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