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After and returning
After returning Stratford he drew up a defense of the town's right to toll corn and the office of collecting it, and his list of suggested witnesses included his father and Shakespeare's father.
After returning to the United States and raising the money, he discovered on getting back to Japan that the hours were no longer available.
After returning to the LM to wrap up the second lunar excursion, the two astronauts climbed back inside the landing craft's cabin, sealing and pressurizing the interior after 7 hours, 23 minutes, and 26 seconds of EVA time, breaking a record that had been set on Apollo 15.
After returning to the Serie A, Roma managed to stabilise themselves as a top half club again with players such as Egisto Pandolfini, Dino Da Costa and Dane Helge Bronée.
After returning to Paris, he fell ill, probably due to an epidemic then sweeping the city.
After the trade, however, Colavito hit over 30 home runs four times and made three All-Star teams for Detroit and Kansas City before returning to Cleveland in.
After returning to Guangzhou, a rift developed between Sun, who sought to militarily unify China under the KMT, and Guangdong Governor Chen Jiongming, who wanted to implement a federalist system with Guangdong as a model province.
After releasing Chiang and returning to Nanjing with him, Zhang was placed under house arrest and the generals who had assisted him were executed.
After release he was forbidden from returning to any corporate or public office until 1951.
After returning home, Thomas worked on Under Milk Wood in Wales, before sending the original manuscript to the BBC's Douglas Cleverdon on 15 October 1953.
After returning to the hotel, he went out again for a drink at 2 am.
After returning to the US, Douglass produced some abolitionist newspapers: The North Star, Frederick Douglass Weekly, Frederick Douglass ' Paper, Douglass ' Monthly and New National Era.
After several continuous days of nursing the newborn pups, females go on extended foraging trips that can last as long as a week, returning to the rookery to feed their pups until they are weaned.
After returning to Earth, Heero and Quatre take refuge in the newly restored Sanc Kingdom, which is governed by none other than Relena.
After being affected by the System, Heero fights once more against a returning Zechs, who is piloting Wing ZERO.
After his retirement in 1936, he traveled to Cyprus, penning the novel A Goddess Arrives before returning to England.
After returning to Los Angeles the group recorded " The Train Song ", written during an increasingly infrequent songwriting session on the train and produced by 1950s R & B legends Larry Williams and Johnny " Guitar " Watson.
After returning to Germany, Creutzfeldt worked at the Neurological Institute in Frankfurt am Main, at the psychiatric-neurological clinics in Breslau, Kiel and Berlin, and at the Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Psychiatrie in Munich.
After returning, Alafin Orompoto ( c. 1560 – 1580 ) built up an army based on heavily armed cavalry and long-service troops.
After returning to Quanzhou in 1346, Ibn Battuta began his journey back to Morocco.
After returning home from his travels in 1354, and at the instigation of the Sultan of Morocco, Abu Inan Faris, Ibn Battuta dictated an account of his journeys to Ibn Juzayy, a scholar whom he had previously met in Granada.
After returning to Herat, Ismail Khan quickly consolidated his control over the region.
After returning to normal his chest did not fully recover and some parts of it remained icy, he was unable to return them to normal, he became afraid of it and it made him gain a new attitude in life, even rude at some times.
After returning to Basel, Servetus published Two Books of Dialogues on the Trinity () which caused a sensation among Reformers and Catholics alike.
After graduation, Madison remained at Princeton to study Hebrew and political philosophy under the university president, John Witherspoon, before returning to Montpelier in the spring of 1772.

After and home
After the war, Penny had wanted Keith at least to visit her home with her.
After I paid Monsieur Prieur for Dandy, I brought him home, but he was ill at ease and ran away the same night.
After figuring out how to regulate the barrels so that they shot to the same point of impact, we fired this little 20-inch-barrel job on my home range and in Marlin's underground test gallery.
After he had been away from home about a year he wrote: `` ( dear Wife ) if I did not write and receive letters from you I believe that I would forgit that I was married.
After a roundup the pushin' of stray cattle of outside brands toward their home range was called `` throwin' over ''.
After Guardino's left, we'll dump the kid somewhere near the border where she kin get home.
After Al Paschal gruonded out, Jay Cooke walked and Jim McDaniel singled home McAuliffe.
After 108 games in 1927, Ruth had 35 home runs.
After arriving in New Orleans — and witnessing slavery firsthand — he walked back home.
After he left home before the age of eighteen, his main interest in life was his opposition to the death penalty, which he regarded as state-sponsored murder.
After the Padres ' defeat at the hands of the Milwaukee Brewers on September 29, the Diamondbacks secured both the NL West title and home field advantage throughout the NL playoffs.
After taking the first two games at home against the Cubs, in the National League Division Series, they took the series to Wrigley Field, where they completed their sweep, earning their first berth in the National League Championship Series since 2001.
After the ceremony, the Diamondbacks won the game against the San Diego Padres 6 – 5 after a walk-off home run by Chris Young, who also led the game off with a home run in the Bottom of the First Inning.
After this event Aegisthus reigned seven years longer over Mycenae, until in the eighth Orestes, the son of Agamemnon, returned home and avenged the death of his father by putting the adulterer to death.
After a brief return to his regiment Napoleon was promoted to First Lieutenant and came home again on leave in 1791.
After literally dragging Nora home from the party, Torvald goes to check his mail, but is interrupted by Dr. Rank, who has followed them.
After moving from his home in Chicago to Washington, D. C., he set up one of the first home recording studios where he not only recorded the album Bo Diddley Is a Gunslinger but he recorded his valet, Marvin Gaye.
After five straight championship wins in the AAFC and NFL, the Browns appeared poised to bring another trophy home in 1951.
After Maris broke Babe Ruth's home run record, Lane defended himself by saying he still would have done the deal because Maris was unknown and he received good ballplayers in exchange.
After the Maris trade, Lane acquired 25-year old Norm Cash from the White Sox for Minnie Miñoso and then traded him to Detroit before he ever played a game for the Indians ; Cash went on to hit over 350 home runs for the Tigers.
After losing a dismal 103 games in 1966, the Cubs brought home consecutive winning records in ' 67 and ' 68, marking the first time a Cub team had accomplished that feat in over two decades.
After being beaten in Game 3 7 – 1, the Cubs lost Game 4 when Smith, with the game tied 5 – 5, allowed a game-winning home run to Garvey in the bottom of the ninth inning.

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