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After and Muslim
After this event many Jews emigrated, in two waves ; some fled to the Muslim lands of the Ottoman Empire, but many also went to Christian Europe, first to northern Italy, then to the Netherlands, and later to England.
After a Muslim makes the trip to Mecca, he / she is known as a hajj / hajja ( one who made the pilgrimage to Mecca ).
After his death in 1492, his heirs were deposed by General Muhammad Ture, a Muslim of Soninke origins.
After spending the Muslim month of Ramadan in Damascus, he joined a caravan travelling the south to Medina, tomb of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
After spending another year in Mecca, Ibn Battuta decided to seek employment with the Muslim Sultan of Delhi, Muhammad bin Tughluq.
After his departure from al-Andalus he decided to travel through Morocco, one of the few parts of the Muslim world that he had never explored.
After Baldwin I extended his rule over Oultrejordain, Jerusalem gained revenue from the taxation of Muslim caravans passing from Syria to Egypt or Arabia.
After 750 CE, the Muslim world had the works of Hippocrates, Galen and Sushruta translated into Arabic, and Islamic physicians engaged in some significant medical research.
After replacing his surname with an “ X ,” Clay was given his Muslim name, Muhammad Ali, by Elijah Muhammad.
After the establishment of a local Emirate, Caliph Al-Walid I, ruler of the Umayyad caliphate, removed many of the successful Muslim commanders.
After the so-called Disaster of Alarcos, French, Navarrese, Castilian, Portuguese and Aragonese armies united against the Muslim forces in the massive battle of Las Navas de Tolosa ( 1212 ).
After his father's death, Sanchuelo / Abd al-Rahman, as a son of a Christian princess, was a strong contender to take over the ultimate power in Muslim al-Anadalus.
After the introduction of Islam to the archipelago in 13th century, the island was also called Andalas by Muslim travellers.
After a siege, the Vikings conquered Lisbon ( at the time, the city was under Muslim rule and known as Al-Ushbuna ).
After the Byzantines were betrayed by Admiral Euphemius, who fled to Tunisia and begged the Aghlabid leader Ziyadat Allah to help him, there was a Muslim conquest of Sicily in 831, which took until 904 against fierce resistance.
After years of resistance against the Delhi Sultan Muhammud bin Tughluq, the Bahmani Kingdom, a Muslim Sultanate in Deccan, was established on August 3, when King Ala-ud-din Hasan Bahman Shah was crowned in a mosque in Daulatabad.
After celebrating Easter in Taranto, Otto II moved his army westward, defeating a Muslim army in early July.
After a violent clash, a corps of Otto II's heavy cavalry destroyed the Muslim center and pushed towards al-Qasim's guards, with the Emir killed during the charge.
After the decline of Ghana, the Mali Empire grew into a powerful Muslim state, which reached its apogee in the early part of the fourteenth century.
After they adopted Islam they remained as tolerant as before, and the khan of the Golden Horde, who first became a Muslim, allowed the Rus ' to found a Christian bishopric in his capital.
Watson adds, " After examining the motives for the Muslim drive north of the Pyrenees, one can attach a macrohistorical significance to the encounter between the Franks and Andalusi Muslims at Tours-Poitiers, especially when one considers the attention paid to the Franks in Arabic literature and the successful expansion of Muslims elsewhere in the medieval period.
After the collapse of the Delhi Sultanate at the end of the 14th century, independent regional kingdoms reemerged, including the Tomara Rajput kingdom of Gwalior and the Muslim Sultanate of Malwa, with its capital at Mandu.
After setting up and ambush and attacking their lightly armoured Humvee vehicles with small arms fire and RPG ’ s the patrol stopped and Macedonian forces and guerrillas exchanged fire in a short skirmish, after soldiers started retreating half of the patrol managed to escape one soldier was shot and 7 others captured and allegedly executed with knives and then their corpses were allegedly burned. News of the massacre sparked local uprisings against Muslim Albanians in several towns and cities across Macedonia, and such revolts included burning and vandalising shops and Mosques.
After Constans ' son and successor, Constantine IV had overcome the Muslim siege of Constantinople in 678, he immediately set his sights on restoring communion with Rome: he wrote to Pope Donus suggesting a conference on the matter.
After the Arab and Muslim conquest, this name continued in use, as the region was called in Arabic Ifriqiya.

After and invasions
After the Mongolian invasions ( 1231 – 1258 ), however, Korea was relinquished imperial title.
After he defeated them in the Battle of Lake Benacus, he was finally able to take care of the invasions in the Balkan provinces.
After these invasions, the Huns begin to be noted as Foederati and mercenaries.
After a series of invasions and conquest by the Mongols and Turks, Iraq fell under Ottoman rule in the 16th century, intermittently falling under Mamluk and Safavid control.
After periods of Portuguese and Persian control and invasions from the ruling dynasties of Saudi Arabia and Oman, Bahrain established itself as an independent nation during the 19th century period of British hegemony.
After putting down a brief civil war, Otto defeated the Magyars in 955, ending the Hungarian invasions of Europe and as well as securing his hold over his kingdom.
After the invasions, the Mane sub-chiefs among whom the country had been divided began fighting among themselves.
After the invasions of the 890s, Wessex and English Mercia continued to be attacked by the Danish settlers in England, and by small Danish raiding forces from overseas, but these incursions were usually defeated, while there were no further major invasions from the continent.
After the English regained the territory of the former kingdom, Scots invasions reduced Northumbria to an earldom stretching from the Humber to the Tweed.
After Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo in 1815, the major victorious powers ( Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia ) agreed at Congress of Vienna on reuniting the former Austrian Netherlands and the former Dutch Republic, creating the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, which was to serve as a buffer state against any future French invasions.
After reaching its apogee in the 1230s, Bulgaria started to decline due to a number of factors, most notably its geographic position which rendered it vulnerable to simultaneous attacks and invasions from many sides.
After the Middle Ages, the Mongols ' and Tartars ' repeated invasions decimated the population, now known as the Ossetians.
After the invasions by the Vandals, the Longobards and the Goths in the 5th-6th centuries AD, Reggio became the capital of the " metropolis of the Byzantine possessions in southern Italy " and several times between 536 and 1060 AD it was also the capital of the Duchy of Calabria and linchpin of the Greek church in Italy.
After this first victorious defence, thanks to a massive line of walls, Hasta suffered for the barbarian invasions which stormed Italy after the fall of the Western Empire, and declined economically.
After he defeated them in the Battle of Lake Benacus, he was finally able to take care of the invasions in the Balkan provinces.
After the Slavic invasions of the former Roman province of Dalmatia in the 5th and 6th centuries, a tribe called the Narentines revived the old Illyrian piratical habits and often raided the Adriatic Sea starting in the 7th century.
After the failure of the British invasions, belligerent naval actions in the Caribbean were left to the privateers.
After about 1070, the Fatimid hold on the Levant coast and parts of Syria was challenged first by Turkic invasions, then the Crusades, so that Fatimid territory shrank until it consisted only of Egypt.
After the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the Lombard invasions, " Italy " or " Italia " gradually became the collective name for diverse sovereign entities appearing on the peninsula.
After a while he began to settle in New York, which was full of writers, painters, and composers who, like himself, had fled from Europe during the Nazi invasions.
After the invasions of northern nomadic peoples at the end of the Western Jin Dynasty, the chaos of the Sixteen Kingdoms and the Northern and Southern Dynasties ensued.
After the period of invasions, the town prospered in the Middle Ages due, in part, to the growing political influence of its bishops.
After Soviet invasions following two years of Romania fighting with the Axis, at the February 1945 Yalta Conference and the July 1945 Potsdam Conference, the western allies agreed to the Soviet absorption of the areas.
After the Viking invasions, the settled Norse population of the Danelaw adopted the form, and a number of crosses combine Christian imagery with pagan Norse myths, which the Church seems to have tolerated, and adopted at least as metaphors for the period when conversion was bedding down.

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