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Page "The Man from Snowy River (poem)" ¶ 20
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And and one
And one had been too many.
And, as a matter of fact, Nicolas had slept in the park only part of one night, when he discovered that Munich's early mornings even in summer are laden with dew.
And he knew that the men talked about him behind his back, saying that he was one up on everybody else -- including the pilot of the plane with the swastika on it -- because he was chemically incapable of fear.
And it is precisely in this poorer economic class that one finds, and has always found, the most racial friction.
Being a teacher of American literature, I remembered Whittier's `` Massachusetts To Virginia '', where he said: `` But that one dark loathsome burden ye must stagger with alone, And reap the bitter harvest which ye yourselves have sown ''.
And one finds it again in Thomas Nelson Page ) to the effect that the Mayflower on its second voyage brought a cargo of Negro slaves.
And I would further note that they all -- with one exception again -- sang in one key or another the same song.
`` And besides, Thorstein Veblen was one of the Chicago professors ''.
To Serenissimus such tribes as the Cossacks of the Don or those ex-bandits the Zaporogian Cossacks ( in whose islands along the lower Dnieper the Polish novelist Sienkiewicz would one day place With Fire And Sword ) were just elements for enforced resettlement in, say, Bessarabia, where, as `` the faithful of the Black Sea borders '', he could use their presence as bargaining points in the Czarina's territorial claims against Turkey.
And then perhaps one day we get to Athens.
And there is one other point in the Poetics that invites moral evaluation: Aristotle's notion that the distinctive function of tragedy is to purge one's emotions by arousing pity and fear.
And we can add that Krutch's interpretation of purgation is also one answer to Plato's fear that poetry will encourage our passions.
Victor had been stirred by my account of him in Makers And Finders, for Stephens was one of the lost writers whom Melville had seen in his childhood and whom I was bent on resurrecting.
And one of the best services available to the people who try to raise and can meat, to plant, grow vegetables and put them up.
And it may be that one or both men actually welcomed the opportunity, when the bravado comments are cast aside.
And then I put the question as pointedly as I could directly to Chiang Kai-shek: `` In America '', I said, `` practically no one believes that you subjectively intend to re-enter the Mainland.
And one cannot but wonder whether Marshal Malinovsky, who was blowing hot and cold, exalting peace but also almost openly considering the possibility of preventive war against the West, wasn't trying to keep the Chinese quiet.
And not one of the four men who attended all the schools has ever been called on to apply any of his knowledge in any way.
And another one comes to me and he says, ' Look here, there's a mill in my state employs five thousand people making uniforms for the Navy.
And listening to such a conversation one morning while taking a cup of chocolate in a cafe, Rousseau found himself bathed in perspiration, trembling lest his authorship become known, and at the same time dreaming of the startling effect he would make if he should proclaim himself suddenly as the composer.
`` And in the future, since I write for a public of one, I can save the poor publishers from wasting their money ''.
And the name Rayburn is one of the most dominant in the history of American politics for the last half century.
And Sam Rayburn is a great man -- one who will go down in American history as a truly great leader of the Nation.
and ( C ) to finance, for not more than three years beyond the end of said period, such activities as are required to correlate, coordinate, and round out the results of studies and research undertaken pursuant to this Act: Provided, That funds available in any one year for research and development may, subject to the approval of the Secretary of State to assure that such activities are consistent with the foreign policy objectives of the United States, be expended in cooperation with public or private agencies in foreign countries in the development of processes useful to the program in the United States: And provided further, That every such contract or agreement made with any public or private agency in a foreign country shall contain provisions effective to insure that the results or information developed in connection therewith shall be available without cost to the United States for the use of the United States throughout the world and for the use of the general public within the United States.

And and was
And he was fleeing, running -- fleeing his death and his life at the same time.
And he was handsome, despite the long thin scar that slanted across his cheek.
And there was a house ; ;
And then there was a numbing blow to the heart, and another gut-flattening blow to the stomach
And she was deeply thankful that she could see her now, out there in the midst of a gay, youthful circle, skipping and singing, `` Farmer in the dell, Farmer in the dell, Heigh-ho the dairy-oh, the farmer in the dell ''.
The husband points the steps out with his flashlight: `` Its white stare filling her pale eyes To the blind brim with appetite, Bleaching her hands that grazed my thighs And sent us from the table in surprise To let the dishes soak all night, '' ( Mary Jane asked herself if Meredith was blushing at this line, or was it the fire??
And for the hundredth time that week, he was startled at her beauty.
And in the hunting land, this hunger was considered to be a noble thing.
And while he was ever alert for game, and most particularly a tiger, Penny marvelled at the Eden they were traversing.
And when this was gone, he hadn't even a little bitter tablet to purify other water if he were to discover some stagnant jungle pool.
And so when Miss Langford came to teach at the one-room Chestnut school, where Jack was a pupil in the eighth grade, the Woman of Jack's mind assumed the teacher's face and figure.
And so when the others stampeded out that afternoon Jack remained docilely in his seat near a window, looking out in what he hoped was a pitiable manner, while the other kids laughed and yelled in at him and made faces as they dispersed, going home.
The slave is owner, And ever was.
The first result of Heidenstam's long sojourn abroad was a volume of poems, Pilgrimage And Wander-Years ( Vallfart och Vandringsar ), published in 1888.
And with Progressivism the Religion of Humanity was replacing what Gabriel called Christian supernaturalism.
And the common man was developing mythic power, or charisma, on his own.
And by the time the war ended, liberal leadership in this country was spiritually Marxist.
And here again we hear the same refrain mentioned above: `` the paramount goal of the United States set long ago was to guard the rights of the individual, ensure his development, enlarge his opportunity ''.
And in the context of drifting personal utterances we have examined, there was occasional evidence of the origin of all such evasions.
And just as `` Laurie '' Lawrence was first attracted to bright Jo March, who found him immature by her high standards, and then had to content himself with her younger sister Amy, so Joe Jastrow, who had also been writing Henrietta before he came to Johns Hopkins, had to content himself with her younger sister, pretty Rachel.
And now there was some question as to his continued residence there.

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