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Another and major
Another major church body had 4,499,608 members and twenty years later its membership stood at 4,622,444.
Another major childhood influence was Heigo Kurosawa, Akira's older brother by four years.
Another court restriction overturned is the interpretation that an impairment that substantially limits one major life activity must also limit others to be considered a disability.
Another major breakthrough, whose originators were once thought to be crazy, is the mixing of ethnic cuisines.
Another major road, Route N196, winds southeast to Bonifacio.
Another major flaw of the controllers was that the design did not translate into a linear acceleration from the center through the arc of the stick travel.
Another major influence on black metal was the Swedish band Bathory, led by Thomas Forsberg ( under the pseudonym Quorthon ).
Another major issue as clock rates increase dramatically is the amount of heat that is dissipated by the CPU.
Another major airport, developed as a military staging area, is located at Sarh.
Another major problem in cosmology is what caused the universe to contain more particles than antiparticles.
Another major criticism point has been that although the filter is claimed to stop certain materials, the underground rings dealing in such materials will not be affected.
Another major conflict was between the Alexandrian and Antiochian schools of ecclesiastical reflection, piety, and discourse.
Another major postwar shift was toward the development of conglomerates, in which large corporations purchased smaller corporations to expand their industrial base.
Another major flood happened on June 12, 2008, when severe thunderstorms caused Duck Creek to overflow its banks and flood properties and nearby streets ( see Iowa flood of 2008 ).
Another major theme in Ephesians is the keeping of Christ's body ( that is, the Church ) pure and holy.
Another major feat was his appointment as the Patriarch of Constantinople by expelling Paul I of Constantinople ; Paul would eventually return as Patriarch after Eusebius ' death.
Another well-publicized incident from October 2000, usually referred to as the " Mystere incident ", involved Verant banning a player for creating controversial fan fiction, causing outrage among Everquest players and sparking a major industry-wide debate about players ' rights and the line between roleplaying and intellectual property infringement.
Another new major producing company formed during the war years was Triangle, with Mack Sennett, D. W. Griffith and Thomas Ince heading its production units.
Another major link is said to be the resemblance between Bacon's " New Atlantis " and the German Rosicrucian Johann Valentin Andreae's " Description of the Republic of Christianopolis ( 1619 )".
Another major page layout tool is QuarkXpress ( a product of Quark, Inc., a separate company from Adobe ).
* Gene therapy also plays a major role in the plot of the James Bond movie Die Another Day, where a scientist has developed a means of altering peoples ' entire appearances through the use of DNA samples acquired from others-generally homeless people that would not be missed-that are subsequently injected into the bone marrow, the resulting transformation apparently depriving the subjects of the ability to sleep.
Another major innovation in the Maastricht Treaty was the creation of a single currency for most EU members.
Another major blow to Honduran agriculture came from Hurricane Mitch and its aftermath in 1998 and 1999.
Another major industry, the chemical factory IFF, also closed by the end of the 1960s.
" Another of Hippocrates's major contributions may be found in his descriptions of the symptomatology, physical findings, surgical treatment and prognosis of thoracic empyema, i. e. suppuration of the lining of the chest cavity.

Another and aspect
Another example is that body symmetry is an important aspect of physical attractiveness which may be due to this indicating good health during body growth.
Another aspect of bioinformatics in sequence analysis is annotation.
Another common aspect of the festival in early 20th century Ireland was the hanging of May Boughs on the doors and windows of houses and the making of May Bushes in farmyards, which usually consisted either of a branch of rowan / caorthann ( mountain ash ) or more commonly whitethorn / sceach geal ( hawthorn ) which is in bloom at the time and is commonly called the ' May Bush ' or just ' May ' in both Ireland and Britain.
Another name for the Chinese calendar is the " yin calendar " ( 陰曆 / 阴历 ) in reference to the lunar aspect of the calendar, whereas the Gregorian calendar is the " yang calendar " ( 陽曆 / 阳历 ) in reference to its solar properties.
Another aspect of database design is its security.
Another important aspect of the religion was the belief in the afterlife and funerary practices.
Another aspect of this phenomenon occurs in type I glycogenosis, when chronic hypoglycemia before diagnosis may be better tolerated than acute hypoglycemia after treatment is underway.
Another aspect of the jazz guitar style is the use of stylistically appropriate ornaments, such as grace notes, slides, and muted notes.
Another aspect of mathematics, set-theoretic topology and point-set topology, concerns objects of a different nature from objects in our universe, or in a higher dimensional analogue of our universe.
Another aspect of mathematics, often referred to as " foundational mathematics ", consists of the fields of logic and set theory.
Another aspect of the medieval Inquisition is that little attention was paid to sorcery.
Another aspect of Paganini's violin techniques concerned his flexibility.
Another aspect that affects marketability is the supply and demand for the item in the community or region.
Another aspect of the atomicity of occasions of experience is that they do not change.
Another aspect of privacy on the Internet relates to online social networking.
Another aspect of the game to have been praised is its gameplay, which Thunderbolt has described as the " deepest most addictive ... to be found on the SNES console ".
Another important sociological aspect of tradition is the one that relates to rationality.
Another aspect of the deception was that it was very common for pre-20th century mathematicians to spend incredible amounts of time on hand calculations such as a logarithm table or trigonometric functions.
Another aspect of urban exploration is the practice of exploring active or in use buildings which includes gaining access to secured or " member-only " areas, mechanical rooms, roofs, elevator rooms, abandoned floors and other normally unseen parts of working buildings.
Another aspect is to see the setter as an attacking force, albeit a weakened force, because when the setter is in the front court they are able to ' tip ' or ' dump ', so when the ball is close to the net on the second touch, the setter may opt to hit the ball over with one hand.
Another aspect of military intelligence was the use of deception, which the Allies used to great effect, such as in operations Mincemeat and Bodyguard.
Another aspect of Morris ' preservationism was his desire to protect the natural world from the ravages of pollution and industrialism, causing some historians of the green movement to regard Morris as an important forerunner of modern environmentalism.
Another contentious aspect of the razor is that a theory can become more complex in terms of its structure ( or syntax ), while its ontology ( or semantics ) becomes simpler, or vice versa.
Another primitive aspect of Magnolias is their lack of distinct sepals or petals: Magnolias possess undifferentiated flower parts for which the term " tepals " was coined.
Another early aspect of concern was related to how the bandwidth of the measurement instrument would influence the measurement, such that it needed to be noted.

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