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Some Related Sentences

Another and valid
Another view accepts Altaic as a valid family but includes in it only Turkic, Mongolic, and Tungusic.
Another way to increase the unicity distance is to increase the number of possible valid sequences in the files as it is read.
Another requirement, at least valid at the level of human experience, is that cause and effect be mediated across space and time ( requirement of contiguity ).
Another important officer is the defender of the bond, another canon lawyer whose job is to present reasons to the tribunal why a marriage is valid in cases of alleged nullity and why an ordination is valid in the rare cases of alleged nullity of Holy Orders.
Another important tenet of Constructivist theory is that there is no single valid methodology in science, but rather a diversity of useful methods.
Another version of cheat, where rules follow as in regular cheat save that royal cards ( Jack, Queen and King ) are not valid plays.
Another view, for example, is that the biblical text Gen. 1: 28 " Be fruitful and multiply ," is really not a command but a blessing formula and that while there are many factors to consider as far as people's motives for remaining childless, there are many valid reasons, including dedicating one's time to demanding but good causes, why Christians may choose to remain childless for a short time or a lifetime.
Another reason is that ICAB does not acknowledge Roman Catholic orders as valid after 1968.
* Another sort of criticism is that whereas the concept of labour power may be perfectly valid, Marx misrepresents what happens when a worker enters into a labour contract with an employer ( see Hodgson ).
Another limitation of the dual-coding theory is that it is only valid in for tests on which people are asked to focus on identifying how concepts are related ( Reed, 2010 ).
Another ticket option is Senior Virtual Ticketing ; it functions the same way as the regular Virtual Ticketing but registrants must be 65 or older to be eligible and must present valid photo ID with proof of age.
Another argument is that prediction of reliability based on historic data can be very misleading, as a comparison is only valid for exactly the same designs, products, manufacturing processes and maintenance under exactly the same loads and environmental context.
Another important step was the postulate that the Lorentz Transformation has to be valid for non-electrical forces as well.
Another method of email address harvesting is to offer a product or service free of charge as long as the user provides a valid email address, and then use the addresses collected from users as spam targets.
Another reason leading to rejection would be the lack of a valid visa.
Another workaround was released on December 25, 2005 to bypass WGA authentication by using a valid hash generated by a remote system.

Another and classification
Another classification system is based on biological activity ; in this classification, antibacterials are divided into two broad groups according to their biological effect on microorganisms: bactericidal agents kill bacteria, and bacteriostatic agents slow down or stall bacterial growth.
Another active area of research is the program to obtain classification, or to determine the extent of which classification is possible, for separable simple nuclear C *- algebras.
Another classification is by the action against vulnerable system: unauthorized data access, arbitrary code execution, denial of service.
Another classification by topics, is the distinction between political satire, religious satire and satire of manners.
Another classification uses the geometrical shape of their capsid ( often a helix or an icosahedron ) or the virus's structure ( e. g. presence or absence of a lipid envelope ).
Another criticism of the Hubble classification scheme is that, being based on the appearance of a galaxy in a two-dimensional image, the classes are only indirectly related to the true physical properties of galaxies.
Another common classification distinguishes nominative – accusative languages and ergative – absolutive ones.
Another classification is based on the distance of the stars, relative to their sizes:
Another complication in its classification is that it is older than the human – chimpanzee divergence ( estimated to ) seen in genetic data, and that there are few if any specimens other than the partial cranium known as Toumaï.
Another classification can be made between single-modality and multi-modality methods.
Another sub classification is nasopharyngitis ( the common cold ).
Another classification system, applicable to quadrupeds in general, uses the categories of 1 ) walking gaits ( including ambling ), 2 ) running or trotting gaits, and 3 ) leaping gaits.
Another interesting project is CRM114 which hashes phrases and does bayesian classification on the phrases.
Another name for a mid-tread quantizer is dead-zone quantizer, and the classification region around the zero output value of such a quantizer is referred to as the dead zone.
Another limitation is the lack of consideration within the Singh-VW classification system for the effects of drug metabolites.
Another database, FSSP, is purely automatically generated ( including regular automatic updates ) but offers no classification, allowing the user to draw their own conclusion as to the significance of structural relationships based on the pairwise comparisons of individual protein structures.
Another way in which the ko rule enters the discussion is through the complications ko adds to the classification by status.
Another feature of statistical classifications is the provision of residual categories for " other " and " unspecified " conditions that do not have a specific category in the particular classification.
Another approach is numerical classification, also called ordination, where soil individuals are grouped by multivariate statistical methods such as cluster analysis.
Another classification of theories distinguishes between Structural Analysis, Strategic Analysis, Process Analysis, Integrative Analysis and behavioral analysis of negotiations.
Another classification of laboratory PRTs is Secondary Standard platinum Resistance Thermometers ( Secondary SPRTs ).
Another common classification of championships are by weight classes.

Another and would
Another, more interesting explanation, is hinted at by Watson when he observes on several occasions that Holmes would have made a magnificent criminal.
Another would be to take the advice of Dr. Elmer Ellis, president of the University of Missouri, and provide for an impartial professional analysis of Missouri's economy.
Once there, the D.A. with devilish cleverness would provide Marshall with headlines: `` Viola's Multiple Romances '' `` Viola Lake an Addict '' `` Downfall of Another Film Idol ''!!
Another medium, another sitter, would produce a somewhat different content, but in general it would probably sound much like the foregoing reading.
Another source of NBC pride was its rare film clip of Bix Beiderbecke, but this view of the great trumpeter flew by so fast that a prolonged wink would have blotted out the entire glimpse.
Another effect is that people would like altruism to be due to a personality characteristic rather than due to overt reputational concerns and simply pointing out that there are reputational benefits of an action may actually reduce them.
Another alternative would be to suggest that the Preface to the Labours takes place at one date but that the labours are completed over a matter of twenty years.
Another example is the adiabatic flame temperature, which is the temperature that would be achieved by a flame in the absence of heat loss to the surroundings.
Another freedman, Gaius Julius Callistus, was against Claudius remarrying Paetina and stated to Claudius that he divorced her before and that remarrying Paetina would make her more arrogant.
Another way of making the point is that if the Platonic world were to disappear, it would make no difference to the ability of mathematicians to generate proofs, etc., which is already fully accountable in terms of physical processes in their brains.
Another difficulty is that manuscripts of early writers were often incomplete: it is apparent that Bede had access to Pliny's Encyclopedia, for example, but it seems that the version he had was missing book xviii, as he would almost certainly have quoted from it in his De temporum ratione.
Another approach would be to study the firings of individual neurons while a person is trying to remember the phone number.
Another consequentialist version is motive consequentialism which looks if the state of affairs that results from the motive to choose an action is better or at least as good as each of the alternative state of affairs that would have resulted from alternative actions.
Another complementary view is that this idea may have been used by ministers and counselors to deter aristocratic whims that would otherwise be to the detriment of the state's people.
Another schism in the Conservative ranks, this time from the movement's right wing, would come when a number of the traditionalist Rabbis led by JTS Talmudics professor David Weiss Halivni split from the United Synagogue to form the Union for Traditional Judaism.
Another, lighter set of carob seeds would be used when the merchant wanted to sell to a customer.
Another method is for numbers to be sorted alphabetically as they would be spelled: for example 1776 would be sorted as if spelled out " seventeen seventy-six ", and 24 heures du Mans as if spelled " vingt-quatre ..." ( French for " twenty-four ").
Another argument in favor of an early dating is that the author seems unfamiliar with the Eucharist ritual ( had the author been familiar, it would have served as a great example ).
Another 1970s and 1980s application of expert systems, which we today would simply call AI, was in computer games.
Another major feat was his appointment as the Patriarch of Constantinople by expelling Paul I of Constantinople ; Paul would eventually return as Patriarch after Eusebius ' death.
Another 128 million euros contract would have been signed, according to Tripoli, with EADS for a TETRA radio system.
Another element supporting this fact is that Paris has the highest density of cinemas in the world, measured by the number of movie theaters per inhabitant, and that in most " downtown Paris " movie theaters, foreign movies which would be secluded to " art houses " cinemas in other places are shown alongside " mainstream " works.
Another noticeable change to the script is that of the final battle, which doesn't move to the countryside but instead would have reduced Tokyo to rumble during the ensuing conflict between the three monsters.

1.182 seconds.