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Page "Law of noncontradiction" ¶ 28
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Some Related Sentences

Anyone and who
Anyone who tried to remedy some of the most glaring defects in our form of democracy was denounced as a traitorous red whose real purpose was the destruction of our government.
Mercer is supposed to have refused it with, `` Anyone who wears a square monacle must be affected ''!!
Anyone who has watched children develop a taste for literature will understand what I mean.
Anyone who now doubted that a personal duel was under way had only to watch how these exceptionally gifted golfers were playing this most difficult golf course.
Anyone who wants to look at sunlight naturally wipes his eye clear first, in order to make, at any rate, some approximation to the purity of that on which he looks ; and a person wishing to see a city or country goes to the place in order to do so.
Anyone who subscribes to this type of service is subject to restrictions.
For example, " Anyone who dares to deny the Holy Virgin the title Theotokos is Anathema!
In support of this, Erasmus states:Anyone who looks closely at the inward nature and essence will find that nobody is further from true wisdom than those people with their grand titles, learned bonnets, splendid sashes and bejeweled rings, who profess to be wisdom ’ s peak ”.
Anyone who finds life intolerable is free to quit it, but we should not abandon our appointed role without sufficient reason.
German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel noted the effect of airpower: " Anyone who has to fight, even with the most modern weapons, against an enemy in complete command of the air, fights like a savage against modern European troops, under the same handicaps and with the same chances of success.
Anyone who believes in Islamic monotheism must believe in the Almighty's justice.
Anyone who scores at least 40 percent in a quarter-final match in the Candidates Tournament
Anyone who has done good in their life are flown from Limbo to the Gates of Heaven by a large griffin ( which might be Ziz ).
Anyone who in a ridiculing, slanderous, insulting, threatening or any other manner publicly assaults a person or a group of people on the basis of their nationality, skin colour, race, religion or sexual orientation, shall be fined or jailed for up to 2 years.
Anyone who thinks my life is cupcakes is all wrong.
:" Anyone who studies Bahá ' ísm learns very soon of the volume sacred to those who profess this religion and known as " The Most Holy Book ... Yet, strange to say, although the teachings of Bahá have been widely proclaimed in Great Britain and America, only fragments of al-Kitab al-Aqdas have been translated previously into English.
To that effect, Cassatt's lifelong friend Louisine Havemeyer wrote in her memoirs: " Anyone who had the privilege of knowing Mary Cassatt's mother would know at once that it was from her and her alone that inherited her ability.
Anyone who opened a document with the virus in Microsoft Office would ' catch ' the virus.
According to Standish, " Anyone who is acquainted with the facts and has any amount of logical reasoning can not avoid the conclusion that neither Cook, nor Peary, nor Byrd reached the North Pole ; and they all knew it.
Anyone who claims to speak God's words or teach in his name and is not a prophet the Bible terms a false prophet.
For example, in " Anyone who thinks they have been affected should contact their doctor ", they and their are within the scope of the universal, distributive quantifier anyone, and can be interpreted as referring to an unspecified individual or to people in general ( notwithstanding the fact that " anyone " is strictly grammatically singular ).
*" Anyone who had a heart ( would know their own language )" by Geoff Pullum.

Anyone and denies
Anyone who denies that is a pussy-footing liar.

Anyone and law
Anyone wanting to claim sanctuary from the law would sit in the chair.
Anyone who wants to stop paying it has to declare in writing, at their local court of law ( Amtsgericht ) or registry office, that they are leaving the Church.
Anyone unemployed for longer than that had to rely on poor law relief paid by their local authority.
Anyone accused and found guilty of disobeying the law could be sentenced to ten years imprisonment, a fine of $ 10, 000 dollars ( US ), or both.
Anyone found in violation of the law could be imprisoned for up to two years.
Anyone suspected of being in the Resistance is simply picked up and scanned, without any due process of law.
Anyone who proposed a new law, or the alteration of one already existing, had to appear before the Citizen's Council with a rope round his neck.
Anyone accused and found guilty of disobeying the law could be sentenced to ten years of prison, be fined $ 10, 000 dollars ( US ) or both.
Anyone who broke a stannary law could find himself imprisoned in the gaol at Lydford.
Anyone accused and found guilty of disobeying the law could be sentenced to ten years of prison, be fined $ 10, 000 dollars ( US ) or both.
Anyone accused and found guilty of disobeying the law could be sentenced to ten years of prison, be fined $ 10, 000 dollars ( US ) or both.
Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.
Anyone accused and found guilty of disobeying the law could be sentenced to ten years of prison, fined $ 10, 000 dollars ( US ), or both.
Anyone visiting such countries would easily notice the manatee meat being sold on the streets and marketplaces, but the lack of law enforcement prevents the poachers from being punished.
Anyone accused and found guilty of disobeying the law could be sentenced to ten years imprisonment, a fine of $ 10, 000 dollars ( U. S .), or both.
Anyone accused and found guilty of disobeying the law could be sentenced to ten years imprisonment, a fine of $ 10, 000 dollars ( U. S .), or both.

Anyone and should
Anyone can accept that a writer's head should be full of projects he will never fulfil, and most writers are cautious enough not to set them down ; Coleridge, rashly, did set them down, so that his very fertility has survived as evidence of infertility.
Anyone with PID and partners of patients with PID since six months prior to diagnosis should be treated to prevent reinfection.
Anyone with a diarrheal illness should avoid swimming in public pools or lakes, sharing baths with others, and preparing food for others.
Anyone who would try extreme snowboarding should be an experienced rider, in physical and mental shape, and is familiar with avalanche safety and rescue.
Anyone contemplating swimming should be aware of hidden rocks and the absence of lifeguards or normal rescue services.
Anyone who can be compared to Yi should be better than Michiel de Ruyter from Netherlands.
: Anyone planning a long ferry ride with an RV should bear in mind that it is impossible to run the fridge while on board, where gas bottles must be turned off, and electricity is seldom provided.
" Roberts also wrote, " Anyone who is using a stolen copy of MITS BASIC should identify himself for what he is, a thief.
Anyone who should stop the horse is ritually cursed, and a dog is killed symbolic of the punishment for the sinners.
Anyone taking phenelzine should inform their psychiatrist before proceeding with dental surgery, and surgery in any other contexts.
Anyone inserting or removing a diaphragm should first wash their hands to avoid introducing harmful bacteria into the vaginal canal.
The San Francisco Bay Guardian says: " Anyone with ambivalent feelings about the influence of Catholic dogma ( especially concerning sex and procreation ); about the media's manufacture of images ; or about what one can, should or shouldn't do for someone less fortunate, should read this book.
Anyone who knows something to clear him should come forth and exonerate him.
Anyone planning to travel on a glacier should be trained in crevasse rescue.
Anyone wearing a tampon at the onset of symptoms should remove it immediately.
Anyone suffering from an uncommon form of cancer should consider joining a specialized online community to gain access to information often not available anywhere else.
Journalist George Will once reflected: " Anyone thinking that Nixon deserved a better fate from Watergate should remember his silence as his brave daughter Julie crisscrossed the country defending him against charges he knew to be true.
* S01 E05-England-" Anyone born in England should be deported " ( 6 November 1992 )
* S03 E04-Immigration-" Anyone born in England should be deported " ( paraphrasing S01 E05 )
* S04 E02-Media-" Anyone in charge of the media should be sacked after thirty minutes "
Anyone with an insurable interest in the property should be listed on the policy.

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