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revolution and was
In what has aptly been called a `` constitutional revolution '', the basic nature of government was transformed from one essentially negative in nature ( the `` night-watchman state '' ) to one with affirmative duties to perform.
Hands-off the economy was replaced by conscious guidance through planning -- the economic side of the constitutional revolution.
Historical records indicate that Copernicus was unaware of the fundamental aspects of his so-called ' revolution ', unaware perhaps of its historical importance, he rested content with having produced a simpler scheme for prediction.
One day he assigned me to lay bare a `` plot '' by the Duponts to supply munitions to a wholly fictitious revolution he said was about to occur in Cuba.
Almost inevitably, the first result of this technological revolution was a reaction against the methods and in many cases the conclusions of the Oxford school of Stubbs, Freeman and ( particularly ) Green regarding the nature of the Anglo-Saxon conquest of Britain.
The plane was sent back to the United States, for a change, but Castro kept the crazy gunman, who will prove a suitable recruit to the revolution.
`` That House & Home Round Table was the real starting point for today's revolution in materials handling '', says Clarence Thompson, long chairman of the Lumber Dealers' Research Council.
Greek civilization was swirling toward its great revolution, in which the developed qualities of the Hellenic outlook were suddenly to break forth.
The revolution was well under way before 700 B.C., and premonitory signs go back virtually across the century.
Technique pure and simple, rendition, is not of major importance, but it is interesting that Parker, following Lester Young, was one of the leaders of the so-called saxophone revolution.
She was in Egypt during the revolution and had passport difficulty.
The roof was about ready to fall in on Diane's little world, but it took nothing less than the Egyptian revolution to bring it down.
There was the revolution in Tibet which we pretended did not exist.
He wants to be `` brutally frank and say that these rebellions would be hopeless -- far, far more hopeless than was the Hungarian revolution of 1956 ''.
Up to the time of the revolution the promise was, " to be true and faithful to the king and his heirs, and truth and faith to bear of life and limb and terrene honour, and not to know or hear of any ill or damage intended him without defending him therefrom.
The dethroning of queen Isabel II meant a vacuum that was profited by the Bank of New York and some Cubans opposed to the projected extension of the 1837 Abolition Act to finance a Texas style " independence " revolution known as the Cuban 10 Years War ( 1868 78 ) lost by the Cubans.
During his short reign, peace was established both at home and abroad, finances were well regulated, and the various administrative services were placed on a basis that afterwards enabled Spain to pass through the disastrous war with the United States without the threat of a revolution.
The greatest and longest lasting democratic leader was Pericles ; after his death, Athenian democracy was twice briefly interrupted by oligarchic revolution towards the end of the Peloponnesian War.
In 88 BC, there was a revolution under the philosopher Athenion, who persuaded the Assembly to agree to elect whoever he might ask to office.
She called to Sparta for assistance but was denied, as Sparta was facing the largest helot revolution in its history.
Following the Glorious Revolution, the line of succession to the English throne was governed by the Bill of Rights 1689, which declared that the flight of James II from England to France during the revolution amounted to an abdication of the throne and that James ' son-in-law, ( and nephew ) William of Orange, and his wife, James ' daughter, Mary, were James ' successors, who ruled jointly as William III and Mary II.
He refused to fly them anywhere and after a 10-day standoff Rickards was informed that the revolution was successful and he could go in return for giving one group member a lift to Lima.

revolution and universally
Dissatisfaction with older philosophical approaches had begun earlier and had produced other changes in society, such as the Protestant Reformation, but the revolution in science began when natural philosophers began to mount a sustained attack on the Scholastic philosophical program and supposed that mathematical descriptive schemes adopted from such fields as mechanics and astronomy could actually yield universally valid characterizations of motion and other concepts.
Ptolemy's model, like those of his predecessors, was geocentric and was almost universally accepted until the appearance of simpler heliocentric models during the scientific revolution.
A scientific revolution occurs, according to Kuhn, when scientists encounter anomalies that cannot be explained by the universally accepted paradigm within which scientific progress has thereto been made.
The modernist ' revolution of the word ' was not universally welcomed, either by readers or writers.
The steam locomotive, as commonly employed, has its pistons directly attached to cranks on the driving wheels ; thus, there is no gearing, one revolution of the driving wheels is equivalent to one revolution of the crank and thus two power strokes per piston ( steam locomotives are almost universally double-acting, unlike the more familiar internal combustion engine ).
Glazer's most recent book is the 2007 publication From a Cause to a Style: Modernist Architecture ’ s Encounter With the American City, an essay collection " that traces the diminishment of Modernist architecture from a social revolution — which asserted that traditional architecture ' had come to an end ' — down to a mere style, and one almost universally resented outside the profession.
While most secular communists advocate a form of revolution, Christian communists almost universally insist on nonviolent means, such as passive resistance or winning elections.

revolution and recognized
Furthermore, the United States persuaded El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua to join in declaring that, under the 1923 treaty provision, no leader of the recent revolution would be recognized as president for the coming term.
In 1956, the second was redefined in terms of a year ( the period of the Earth's revolution around the Sun ) for a particular epoch because, by then, it had become recognized that the Earth's rotation on its own axis was not sufficiently uniform as a standard of time.
Although on the surface an entertaining escapist romance, alert contemporary readers would have quickly recognized the political subtext of Ivanhoe, which appeared immediately after the English Parliament, fearful of French-style revolution in the aftermath of Waterloo, had passed the Habeas Corpus Suspension acts of 1817 and 1818 and other extremely repressive measures and when traditional English Charter rights versus revolutionary human rights was a topic of discussion.
The women of Nicaragua prior to, during and after the revolution played a prominent role within the nation's society as they have commonly been recognized, throughout history and across all Latin American states, as its backbone.
Although he recognized the value of Mao's interpretation of Marxism in inciting the Chinese peasants and labourers to revolution, Chen opposed Mao's rejection of the strong role of the bourgeoisie that Chen had hoped to achieve.
Today the Altair is widely recognized as the spark that led to the microcomputer revolution of the next few years: The computer bus designed for the Altair was to become a de facto standard in the form of the S-100 bus, and the first programming language for the machine was Microsoft's founding product, Altair BASIC.
Sympathizing with the revolution of July, he was at once recognized by the new government as a friend of national liberty.
Netscape's success attracted the attention of Microsoft, which recognized the Web's potential and wanted to put itself at the forefront of the rising Internet revolution.
He was a man of recognized ability, and only a real political revolution could have defeated him.
The Prussian principle of propagating enlightenment with a stick did not appeal to him ; he recognized the confusion and want of clear ideas in the highest circles, the tendency to make agreement with the views of the government the test of loyalty to the state ; and he noted in his journal ( 25 June 1844 ) four years before the revolution of 1848, " a slight cause and we shall have a rising.
Avakian has argued that while it is true that the proletariat as a class will be the backbone social base which is most strongly compelled to make communist revolution, at the same time, it must be recognized that the process of revolution is a very complicated and difficult process: that increasingly ever larger sections and various strata of society must be drawn into and enthusiastically take up this struggle, or very soon the revolution will fail, that is its communist objectives will be undermined and some form of capitalism will be restored.
Francis Joseph I war urged to solve the internal problems of his realm and was well advised to provide a substantial rise to the Hungarian nobility, which had stayed in passive resistance to him after the crushed Hungarian revolution of 1848 and 1849: In the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 ( Ausgleich ) Hungary was recognized as a self-governing kingdom outside of the Empire of Austria, in exchange for willing to keep the common ruler, army, navy and foreign representation ( Real union ).
Among the wealthiest men in the British American colonies, he is known as the " Penman of the Revolution " for his Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania ; upon receiving news of his death, President Thomas Jefferson recognized him as being " among the first of the advocates for the rights of his country when assailed by Great Britain " whose " name will be consecrated in history as one of the great worthies of the revolution.
Where titles and style ( manner of address ) s ( such as Serene Highness ) had ceased to be recognized by national governments ( e. g. Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia ), the almanac provided associated dates and details, but continued to attribute such titles and styles to individuals and families, consistent with its practice since the French revolution ; deposed sovereigns and dynasties continued to be accorded their former titles and rank, but dates of deposition were noted and titles exclusively associated with sovereignty ( e. g. emperor, queen, grand duke, crown princess ) were not accorded to those who had not borne them during the monarchy.
After China's republican revolution of 1911, Russia and Japan recognized each other's spheres of influence in Inner Mongolia.
The confederations, as a right of revolution, were recognized in Polish law through the Henrician articles ( 1573 ), part of the pacta conventa sworn by every Polish king since 1576.
During 1848 revolution, the Austrians, concerned by Polish demands for greater autonomy within the province, gave support to a small group of Ruthenians ( the name of the East Slavic people who would later adopt the self-identification of " Ukrainians ") whose goal was to be recognized as a distinct nationality.
On July 2, 1964, in recognition of his bravery in the first battles before independence, Peru officially recognized Mariano Melgar as one of the country's first patriots and soldiers for the revolution for independence.
He was recognized as the leader of the Hanoverians and of all those above who opposed the revolution.

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