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Some Related Sentences

Authors and T
In an autobiographical piece that Orwell sent to the editors of Twentieth Century Authors in 1940, he wrote: " The writers I care about most and never grow tired of are: Shakespeare, Swift, Fielding, Dickens, Charles Reade, Flaubert and, among modern writers, James Joyce, T. S. Eliot and D. H. Lawrence.
Authors Nick Montfort and Ian Bogost echoed similar comments about Pac-Man and E. T. s combined effect on the company's reputation and the industry's reaction.
Authors such as Howard Zinn ( A People's History of the United States ), Gilbert T. Sewall ( Textbooks: Where the Curriculum Meets the Child ) and James W. Loewen ( Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong ), make the claim that U. S. history textbooks contain mythical untruths and omissions, which paint a whitewashed picture that bears little resemblance to what most students learn in universities.
Authors of " Menippea " in Bakhtin's sense include Voltaire, Diderot, and E. T. A.
* Algol N Authors: S. Igarashi, T. lwamura, K. Sakuma T. Simauti, T. Simuzu, S. Takasu, E. Wada & N. Yoneda-Published in: ALGOL Bulletin, Issue 30, Feb. 1969, Pages 38-85
Annie Adams Fields wrote the biography Memoir of James T. Fields, by his Wife ( Boston, 1881 ) and Authors and Friends ( Boston, 1896 ), which also mentions him.
* Authors Bill Palmini, Bob Grandinetti and science fiction writer Lucius Shepard have written about the FTRA, as well as William T. Vollmann, most notably in his book on freighthopping, Riding Toward Everywhere
Authors such as Catherine Asaro, Philippa Ballantine, Charles Shields, T. J. Perkins, and others have spoken there in recent years.
Authors published by Prometheus include Leon Lederman, John W. Loftus, Martin Gardner, Antony Flew, Nathan Salmon, Ibn Warraq, George H. Smith, Rob Boston, James Randi, Isaac Asimov, Steve Allen, Joe Nickell, Molefi Asante, S. T. Joshi, Philip J. Klass, Julian Huxley, Sidney Hook, Frederich Nietzsche, Ludwig Feuerbach, Robert M. Price, David Ricardo, utilitarian Jeremy Bentham, John Maynard Keynes, Dr. Jack Kevorkian, and Pulitzer Prize-winner Tom Toles.
* T. S. Eliot What Famous Authors Say About Crosby Editions 1932.

Authors and .
Authors such as David Schneider, Clifford Geertz, and Marshall Sahlins developed a more fleshed-out concept of culture as a web of meaning or signification, which proved very popular within and beyond the discipline.
Authors have used the term android in more diverse ways than robot or cyborg.
Authors who use this formulation often speak of the choice function on A, but be advised that this is a slightly different notion of choice function.
Authors whose usage predates Steiner's include occultist Agrippa von Nettesheim, alchemist Thomas Vaughn ( Anthroposophia Theomagica ), and philosophers Immanuel Hermann Fichte and Robert Zimmermann ( Anthroposophie im Umriss ); Steiner wrote his doctoral thesis on Fichte and attended Zimmermann's classes at the University of Vienna.
Authors of recent doctoral dissertations have described their work as concerned with the fields of archaeology and cultural anthropology ; with various fields of history including the history of specific regions and periods, the history of science and the history of religion ; and with the relation of astronomy to art, literature and religion.
Authors may post the documents on their own websites, but they are required to link back to the digital library's reference page for the paper.
* Alaska Natives and American Laws 2nd ed Authors: Case, David S. Voluck, David A. ISBN 978-1-889963-07-5
Authors Martin Walker and Bob Woodward state Clinton's innovative use of sound bite-ready dialogue, personal charisma, and public perception-oriented campaigning was a major factor in his high public approval ratings.
In 1972, Wills accepted a citation from the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers in Nashville.
The British Statute of Anne ( 1710 ) further alluded to individual rights of the artist, beginning: " Whereas Printers, Booksellers, and other Persons, have of late frequently taken the Liberty of Printing ... Books, and other Writings, without the Consent of the Authors ... to their very great Detriment, and too often to the Ruin of them and their Families :" A right to benefit financially from the work is articulated, and court rulings and legislation have recognized a right to control the work, such as ensuring that the integrity of it is preserved.
The Copyright Clause of the United States Constitution ( 1787 ) authorized copyright legislation: " To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.
Authors writing in the Lovecraftian milieu use elements of the Mythos in an ongoing expansion of the fictional universe.
Dictionary of Midwestern Literature Volume One: The Authors.
Authors maintain and improve their own modules.
At first he considered a career in law, but came to have, in his words, " an insurmountable aversion to everything but the pursuits of Philosophy and general Learning ; and while family fanceyed I was poring over Voet and Vinnius, Cicero and Virgil were the Authors which I was secretly devouring.
Authors other than Derrida have also used the term " deconstructionism " with different definitions .< ref >" Glossary Definition: Deconstructionism.
Authors whose epigrams survive include Catullus, who wrote both invectives and love epigrams – his poem 85 is one of the latter.
* 1914 – Copyright: In New York City the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers is established to protect the copyrighted musical compositions of its members.
Benjamin D. Santer, a climate change researcher, wrote: The Global Climate Coalition-a less than disinterested party-has made serious allegations regarding the scientific integrity of the Lead Authors of Chapter 8, and of the IPCC process itself.

Authors and Moore
Salt-Water Moon won the Canadian Authors Association Award for Drama, the Dora Mavor Moore Award for Best New Play, and the Hollywood Drama-Logue Critics ’ Award.
It was also chosen as one of the Top 10 Best Songs of All Time by a panel of 20 top industry songwriters and producers including Hal David, Paul McCartney, Brian Wilson, Jerry Leiber, and others as reported to Britain's Mojo music magazine, and was also winner of " The Award Of Merit " from The American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers ( ASCAP ) for the song's writers, Miracles members Pete Moore, Marv Tarplin and Smokey Robinson.
* Moore has also been awarded by the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers ( ASCAP ) for co-composing The Tracks Of My Tears with fellow Miracles Marv Tarplin and Smokey Robinson ( see Reference ).
The song " The Tracks of My Tears " was also awarded " The Award Of Merit " from The American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers ( ASCAP ) for Miracles members / composers Pete Moore, Marv Tarplin, and Smokey Robinson.

Authors and e
Authors have to take care when naming fictional currencies because of the associations between currency names and countries ; recognizable names for currencies of the future ( e. g. Dollar or Yen ) may be used to imply how history has progressed, but would appear out of place in an entirely alien civilization.

Authors and Roland
Authors and collaborators include Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, Maurice Blanchot, Jacques Derrida, Jean Cayrol, Jean-Pierre Faye, Julia Kristeva, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Marcelin Pleynet, Maurice Roche, Philippe Sollers, Tzvetan Todorov, Francis Ponge, Umberto Eco, Gérard Genette, Pierre Boulez, Pierre Guyotat, Severo Sarduy, and Shoshana Felman.
Authors featured on Integral World include, among others: Michel Bauwens, Don Beck, Roland Benedikter, Elliot Benjamin, Edward Berge, Allan Combs, Susanne Cook-Greuter, Robert McDermott, Chris Dierkes, Mark Edwards, Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, Jorge Ferrer, Jordan S. Gruber, Wouter Hanegraaff, Ray Harris, Rod Hemsell, John Heron, Alan Kazlev, David Lane, Steve McIntosh, Jeff Meyerhoff, Joe Perez, Nancy Roof, Wayne Teasdale, Frank Visser, Lawrence Wollersheim, Michael Zimmerman

Authors and G
Authors published originally by Collins include H. G. Wells, Agatha Christie and J. R. R. Tolkien.
* Lilika Nakos ( Twayne World Authors Series, G. K. Hall, 1983 )
Authors republished in the imprint have included works of the Mass-Observation archives, John Betjeman, Angus Wilson, A. J. P. Taylor, H. G. Wells, Joyce Cary, Nina Bawden, Jean Genet, P. H. Newby, Louis MacNeice, John Carey, F. R. Leavis, Jacob Bronowski, Jan Morris and Brian Aldiss.
* English Country: Fifteen Essays by Various Authors ( 1934 ) editor, with H. E. Bates, Edmund Blunden, W. H. Davies, Vita Sackville-West, A. G. Street, John Collier
The Authors Guild approached the Fair Trade Commission, arguing that " the $ 1. 4 billion acquisition of Random House by Bantam's parent, Bertelsmann A. G., the German media conglomerate, would create a ' new economic behemoth ' with the potential to restrict readers ' choices and authors ' ability to market their works ".
* G. Nationalist Authors — Theodor Soucek ; Friedrich Lenz ; Kurt Ziesel ; Emmanuel J. Reichenberger

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