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Some Related Sentences

no and matter
In Persia, where practically speaking there are no museums or libraries or, for that matter, hardly any books, the twins run free.
New ideas were dangerous and must be repressed, no matter how.
It must be granted that the flouting of convention, no matter how well intentioned one may be, is sure to lead to trouble, or at least to the discomfort that goes with social disapproval.
She used to tell me, `` When I stand there and look at the flag blowing this way and that way, I have the wonderful, safe feeling that Americans are protected no matter which way the wind blows ''.
`` Well, I might not get that far '', I told them, `` as actually I have no papers to enter Germany and, as a matter of fact, no permit to return to France once I leave ''.
He said it was stupid butchery to order men to make a charge like that, no matter who gave the order and what for.
In the stands he is lonely and lost, no matter how many are about him.
It is not in business for the purpose of absorbing increased municipal costs no matter how high a purpose that may be ''.
Afraid at one and the same time that his work might be turned down -- which would be a blow to his pride even though no one knew he was the author -- and that the work would be accepted, and then that his violent feelings in the matter would certainly betray how deeply concerned he was in spite of himself.
No matter how devoted a man was, no matter how fully he gave his life to the Lord, he could never extinguish that one spark of pride that gave him definition as an individual.
Why it was ever forgotten for even a moment I cannot say because it works perfectly for everyone, no matter whether he has short or long thigh-bone lengths!!
then no matter what happens, the child's performance will be controlled.
The concept of trans-illumination ( as shown by the photo on p. 92 ), as just one example, offers an entirely new approach to lighting problems -- no matter what industry is involved.
but the old fellow, a lifelong teetotaler, refused it, and no more was thought of the matter.
We couldn't be seen together, for the tongue of Scandal was ever ready to link our names, and the tongue of Scandal finds but one thing to say of the association of a man with a girl, no matter how innocent.
probably it is correct to think of it as a matter of a well-grooved, stereotyped mode of expression -- and no, or but a few, other communicational grooves, as yet -- being there, available for the patient's use, as newly-emerging emotions and ideas well up in him over the course of months.
The great majority of present-day linguists fall into one or more of a number of overlapping types: those who are convinced that tone cannot be analysed, those who are personally scared of tone and tone languages generally, those who are convinced that tone is merely an unnecessary marginal feature in those languages where it occurs, those who have no idea how to proceed with tone analysis, those who take a simplistic view of the whole matter.
And there is less rhythmic difference between progressive jazz, no matter how progressive, and Dixieland, than there is between two movements of many conventional symphonies.
There is no longer any sense of continuing development of the sort that can be traced from Baudelaire to Eluard, or for that matter, from Hawthorne through Henry James to Gertrude Stein.
One of these is the fact that the knife employed, no matter how well sharpened, will have a slightly rounded cutting edge.
The joint investigations of linguistics and psychiatry have established, in point of fact, that no matter what the subject of conversation is or what words are involved, it is impossible for people to talk at all without telling over and over again what sort of people they are and how they relate to the rest of the world.
As `` a matter of fact no such complete solution of the dream has ever been accomplished in any case,, and what is more, every one attempting such solution has found that in most cases there have remained a great many components of the dream the source of which he has been unable to explain nor is the discussion closed on the subject of the mantic or prophetic power of dreams ''.
It seems to me, the first thing you've got to do, to be happy, is to face up to your problems, no matter what they may be.

no and how
He had no idea how much time Budd would give him.
Then there was no saying how many times the marine had blown his nose on the handkerchief.
`` But if there is no line, how can there be two countries??
The main question raised by the incident is how much longer will UN bury its head in the sand on the Congo problem instead of facing the bitter fact that it has no solution in present terms??
But once the strike trend hits hoosegows, there is no telling how far it may go.
I had no idea of what subjects one discussed when alone with a girl, or how one behaved: Should I hold her hand while walking or only when crossing the street??
Reverently and raised their eyes, as if they were at a loss to describe how they felt about Kafka, which they were, because they had no opinions about Kafka, not having read Kafka.
Regardless of how much of a slob you knew yourself to be, you could be certain they would never find out -- and even if they did it would make no difference.
He also bought a huge square of pegboard for hanging up his tools, and lumber for his workbench, sandpaper and glue and assorted nails, levels and T squares and plumb lines and several gadgets that he had no idea how to use or what they were for.
But dominant in the sense that every other objective, no matter how worthy intrinsically, must defer to it.
This is, no doubt, inaccurate, but it does convey how isolated she feels among the vast army of the nonobservant.
There was no telling how she'd react to spending money ''.
Her day starts early, but no matter how many pressing letters there are to be written ( and during May, which is National Salvation Army Week, there are plenty ), schedules to be made or problems to be solved, Mrs. Marr's office is always open and the welcome mat is out.

no and trappings
He also had no time for the trappings of verbosity, and was a man averse to wasting words or, in his music, notes.
Although acknowledging that there are some similarities between the Singularity and the Rapture ( i. e., millenarianism, transcendence ), Singularitarians counter that the differences are crucial ( i. e., rationalism, naturalism, uncertainty of outcome, human-caused event, nature of the event contingent on human action, no insider privilege, no religious trappings, no revenge against non-believers, no anthropomorphism, evidence-based justification for belief ).
While troop types were divided into Elite Knights and peasant troops ( known as Rapscallions and Villens ) there was no mention of the Lady of the Lake or any of the ' Arthurian ' trappings that now characterise the country.
Asimov portrays Cleon as an amiable man, no longer enthusiastic about the trappings of office, eager to treat others as his equals and yet not capable of conversing comfortably — or even understanding their motivations.
Trudy is now in a difficult position, as she can no longer afford even the most basic trappings of her extravagant lifestyle.
"), which came to Pinter in taxicab while riding home from dinner out alone, and the thematic significance of the titular metaphorical phrase no man's land, and finds " something of Pinter " in both of the main characters, each one a writer whom Pinter may have to some degree feared becoming: one " with all the trappings of success but is inured by fame, wealth, comfort " ( Hirst ); the other, " the struggling, marginal, the pin-striped writer " who " does not make it " ( Spooner ); though when Billington put his theory to Pinter, Pinter said ( jokingly ), " Well, yes, maybe ; but I've never had two man servants named Foster and Briggs.
There were almost no modern trappings.
On the one hand its deliberately retro theatrical trappings ( all-male cast ; low production values ; all-live pit orchestra with no computers or synthesizers ; silly plots full of crude jokes, collegiate humor and anachronistic puns ) seem to preserve a museum-piece approach to musical theater.
The temple has no outward trappings and looks like an old private quarter except for the Garuda stambha ( pillar ) on the front gate.

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