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Consejo and Nacional
* The National Security Council ( El Consejo de Seguridad Nacional ) or N. S. C.
México, D. F .: Radio Educación — Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes.
Officially formed after the Mexican government ’ s violation of university autonomy during the summer of 1968, the National Strike Council ( Consejo Nacional de Huelga or CNH ) organized all subsequent protests against the Diaz Ordaz government.
es: Consejo de Seguridad Nacional
* Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de México
The CONAPO ( Consejo Nacional de Población-National Population Council ) in Mexico estimated the population of the municipality in 2010 of 804 663 inhabitants and of the metropolitan area of 1 085 153.
The borough was ranked with the highest standard of living in the country of Mexico according to the Consejo Nacional de Población.
His government proved a good handling of economical development, Ulate raised the Consejo Nacional de Produccion ( CNP )- National Production Committee -, the Central Bank of de Costa Rica ( main financial institution in Costa Rica ), the Contraloria General de la Republica ( regulates government and public institutions ' budgets and expenses ), the " Ley del Aguinaldo " ( law that enforces a 13th month paid salary for all Costa Rican workers during Christmas time ), the right for women to vote in National Elections and the foundations for the actual International Juan Santamaria Airport ( called " El Coco "), despite the fact that many of his achievements were self-recognized by following presidents.
* National Electoral Council ( Colombia ) ( Spanish: Consejo Nacional Electoral )
* National Electoral Council ( Venezuela ) ( Spanish: Consejo Nacional Electoral )
She founded the Consejo Nacional de Mujeres ( National Women Council ), the Alianza de Mujeres para los Derechos Femeninos ( Women alliance for women's rights ), and the Uruguayan and Argentine branches of the International Abolitionist Federation.
es: Consejo Nacional Electoral ( Venezuela )
es: Consejo Antifascista de Liberación Nacional de Yugoslavia
Group exhibitions of his works include: in 1962, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana ; 1967, Expo ’ 67, Pabellón Cubano, Montreal ; 1980, Consejo Mexicano de Fotografía, Mexico City ; 1980, Centro de Arte Internacional, Havana ; 1983, Westbeth Gallery, New York ; 1999, Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales, Havana ; 2000, C. Grimaldis Gallery, Baltimore, Maryland ; 2002, Museum of Art, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Business leader throughout his career, has held as President of the Chamber of Commerce of Guatemala, in several periods, Director of the National Exports Council ( In Spanish, Consejo Nacional para las Exportaciones – CONAPEX ), Director and President of the Central American Chamber of Commerce Federation ( In Spanish, Federación de Cámaras de Comercio del Istmo Centroamericano ( FECAMCO ).
The Consejo Nacional de Rectores ( Council of Rectors ) defines a licentiate as lower than a master's degree but in some instances slightly higher than a bachelor's degree.
es: Consejo Nacional
Seeking better surrender terms, they seized power in Madrid on 5 March 1939, created a military Junta, the Consejo Nacional de Defensa, and deposed Negrín.
When Juan Negrín refused to surrender to Francisco Franco, Mera decided to support Segismundo Casado, commander of the Republican Army of the Center, and Julián Besteiro of the Spanish Socialist Workers ' Party to stage a coup d ' etat and establish an anti-Negrin, anti-Communist Consejo Nacional de Defensa.
When the military seized power in 1973, Álvarez became permanent secretary of the new Consejo de Seguridad Nacional ( National Security Council ).
After Uruguay voted for a return to democracy in a referendum in 1980, Álvarez forced the Consejo de Seguridad Nacional to name him president on September 1, 1981.
* Tierra Adentro: Cuentario ( Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, 2002 )
* Consejo Nacional de Energía Information about eolic energy available in Oaxaca
Casado established a military junta, the Consejo Nacional de Defensa. The remaining Republican navy ships ( three cruisers, eight destroyers and one submarine ) flee to Bizerte where they are interned.

Consejo and para
During the early 1980s, after the restoration of democracy, Nino became engaged in politics, serving as personal assistant to President Raúl Alfonsín and as coordinator of his newly created " Consejo para la consolidación de la democracia ", a special committee for the study and design of institutional reforms.
es: Consejo para el Humanismo Secular
es: Consejo Empresarial Mundial para el Desarrollo Sostenible
* Author of several books ( including Oviedo al fondo, Desde mi ventana, De Oviedo a Salinas por el Eo and La sirenita y otros coletazos ) and other works ( including Indalecio Prieto y Oviedo, Apunte para un estudio de la Guerra Civil en Asturias, La última reunión del Consejo Soberano de Asturias y León, La autodeterminación del Sáhara Occidental, Alegaciones al Estatuto de Autonomía de Asturias, Asturias en las ediciones de ' Voyage au bout de la nuit ' de Céline and El pintor Luis Fernández )
* National Council for Teaching and Research in Psychology ( CNEIP ) Consejo Nacional para la Enseñanza e Investigación en Psicología ( CNEIP )
* National Council for the Accreditation of Higher Education in Law, A. C. ( CONFEDE ) Consejo Nacional para la Acreditacion de la Educación Superior en Derecho, A. C. ( CONFEDE )
es: Consejo de Estado para la Paz y el Desarrollo
Then-President Vicente Fox appointed him president of the National Council to Prevent Discrimination ( Consejo Nacional para Prevenir la Discriminación, CONAPRED ) on 11 July 2003.
es: Consejo Supremo para la Reconstrucción Nacional
es: Consejo Militar para la Justicia y la Democracia
It is accredited by the Consejo Mexicano para la Acreditación de la Educación Médica ( COMAEM ), and is listed in the International Medical Education Directory.

Consejo and la
In the case of Brandy de Jerez, the Consejo Regulador de la Denominacion Brandy de Jerez classifies it according to:
In May 2002 the piece won an award at the Tribuna Argentina de Música Electroacústica ( TRIME ), organized by the Foundation Encuentros Internacionales de Música Contemporánea ( EIMC-SIMC ), with the support of the Consejo Argentino de la Música ( CAMU-CIM-Unesco ).
es: Consejo de la Entente
He was a member of the Consejo Superior de la Empresa Privada ( COSEP, 1988 – 1990 ), vice-president of the Unión de Productores Agropecuarios de Nicaragua ( UPANIC, 1986 – 1990 ).
* Consejo de la Crónica de Milpa Alta Official site
* Informes de la Construcción-Scientific journal published by Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain.
* El Consejo Real y Supremo de las Indias: Su historia, organizacion, y labor administrativo hasta la terminacion de la Casa de Austria
es: Categoría: Consejo de la Unión Europea
Judicial power is invested in the Superior Court of Justice of Nuevo León, along with 7 ministers elected to a Consejo de la Judicatura for a term of 10 years, with the possibility of succeeding themselves once.
* Consejo Español en Defensa de la Solidaridad y la Paz ( CEDESPAZ )
es: Consejo Constitucional de la República Francesa
The general Managers have had a seat in the Board of Directors of the Banco de la República, in the Council of Economic and Social Policy ( Consejo de Política Económica y Social ) and in the Council of International Trade and Commerce.
* Escenarios Demográficos y Urbanos de la Zona Metropolitana del Valle de México, published by the Consejo Nacional de Población ( CONAPO ).
# De 1945 a 1946 ejerció la Fiscalía del Consejo del Distrito Central.
# En el año de 1957 presidió la Delegación Especial de la República de Honduras ante el Consejo de la Organización de Estados Americanos constituido provisionalmente como Organo de Consulta con motivo de la agresión cometida al territorio hondureño por la Guardia Nacional Nicaragüense.

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