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Page "Environmental movement in the United States" ¶ 11
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Contrary and critics
" Contrary to the views of other critics, Barry Walters of Rolling Stone said that although the ballads were " gooey ", " the love songs work better than the dance tracks ".
" Contrary to GamesRadar's opinion, some film critics expressed a positive opinion about the practicality of Ada's high-slit dress.
Contrary to the critics ' expectation however-and with the advent of low-fare and discount airlines-Horan International Airport ( now known as Ireland West Airport Knock ) became a commercial success, drawing not just pilgrims as well as passengers, but also becoming the air-gateway for the whole of Connacht.
Contrary to many critics, he argued that the MAI would help prevent " races to the bottom " that would undermine high standards of Canadian regulation.
*" Contrary to what many romantically inclined critics of contemporary civilization say about the dehumanizing effects of machines, I believe that contact with machines ( particularly complicated machines ) exercises a profoundly humanizing influence in the sense of making people less brutal.
Contrary to classicists, modern science fiction critics do not necessarily view the satirical streak of the story to conflict with modern notions of science fiction.
Contrary to the communist policy, Autobiography appreciated the " formalist " art of Mir Iskusstva and dismissed " some critics applying Marxist analysis " as utterly incompetent.

Contrary and beliefs
Contrary to non-Cajun, or Continental, beliefs, gumbo does not mean simply " everything in the pot ".
Contrary to popular beliefs involving him wishing to keep his music and techniques secret, Paganini devoted his time to the publication of his compositions and violin methods.
Contrary to popular beliefs, in West African vodun, spells are not cast upon someone.
Contrary to the beliefs of some, San Francisco's Chinatown was nearly, but not completely destroyed by the 1906 earthquake, nor did all of its inhabitants relocate elsewhere.
Contrary to normal Western beliefs, Amin was informed of the Soviet decision to send troops into Afghanistan.
Contrary to some modern beliefs, the spring actually consisted of cold groundwater seeps rather than hot springs.
Contrary to previous beliefs, skill learning is not accomplished by shifting from one source of feedback to another, or reducing the importance of feedback for information critical to task performance.
Contrary to some beliefs, Sumner did not believe that warfare was a result of primitive societies ; he suggested that “ real warfare ” came from more developed societies.
Contrary to the popular image of an anti-communist, Letov himself claimed to be a " true communist ", a claim he did not abandon until the most recent change in his beliefs.
Contrary to some popular beliefs about " man-hating butch dykes ", lesbian feminist theory does not support the concept of female masculinity.
Contrary to popular beliefs, women are not the only gender to fake orgasms.
) Contrary to some beliefs, the movie " Mighty Ducks " was not filmed here.
Contrary to beliefs, the source of the river isn't in Etchemin Lake, but rather a little east of the lake itself, in Saint-Luc-de-Bellechasse.

Contrary and model
Contrary to the miasma model, he identified drinking water as the vessel for transmission of the disease.
Contrary to Keynes, who related consumption to current income, Fisher ’ s model showed how rational forward looking consumers chooses consumption for the present and future to maximize their lifetime satisfaction.
Contrary to popular belief the Bogner Fish, which is often cited as the preamp for the album, was first released one year after the album debuted, therefore making it impossible to be the preamp of use on this album, unless he received a pre-production model.
Contrary to popular belief, Waris is not related to fellow Somali model Iman.
Contrary to the Ptolemaic cosmology of the original book by his father, the appendix featured a detailed discussion of the controversial and still poorly known Copernican heliocentric model of the Universe.
Contrary to popular belief, Live was not prototyped in Max / MSP, although Max / MSP was used to model some of the audio devices.
Contrary to previous estate publications, Vanderbilt was an early and ardent driver ; documents show he " upgraded " to the ' 13 Duryea ( from the previous year's model ) because the newer car featured electric lamps ( as opposed to oils ).
Contrary to popular belief, there was never a Glock model specifically developed for use that was unique to Tasmania Police.
Contrary to popular myth, though the Nokia 7110 does feature a spring-loaded cover concealing the keypad, this is not the model featured in the first Matrix movie, which is the Nokia 8110 ( made 3 years prior ), which was adapted with a spring mechanism to feature in the 1999 film.
Contrary to Matiz or Nubira, the Leganza was not afforded a mid-life facelift, so there was no " V150 " model ( the xx50 designations are used by Daewoo to indicate facelifted versions of xx00 models ).
Contrary to Byzantine court protocol and expectancies and similar to her predecessor, Eudokia Makrembolitissa, Anna was to be a new model of a powerful family matriarch.

Contrary and is
Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence to support the assertion that the blue laws were originally printed on blue paper.
Contrary to popular conception, there is no evidence of a society or economy that relied primarily on barter.
Contrary to the modern-day picture of the traditional tyrannical pirate, he commanded his vessels with the permission of their crews and there is no known account of his ever having harmed or murdered those he held captive.
Contrary to popular belief, the airport is located completely on French soil.
Contrary to popular belief, Crux is not opposite to Ursa Major.
Contrary to the popular belief that indoctrination is inconsistent with democracy, Chomsky goes so far as to argue that ' it's the essence of democracy.
Contrary to brownian motion, which is the diffusion of a single particle, interactions between particles may have to be considered, unless the particles form an ideal mix with their solvent ( ideal mix conditions correspond to the case where the interactions between the solvent and particles are identical to the interactions between particles and the interactions between solvent molecules ; in this case, the particles do not interact when inside the solvent ).
Contrary to what many thoughtless people seem to believe, dandyism is not even an excessive delight in clothes and material elegance.
Contrary to popular belief, " Dr ." is not part of the name but just an academic title like " Mag.
Contrary to a popular misconception that software is either free or commercial, they are unrelated traits, since free software can be commercial and proprietary software can be non-commercial.
Contrary to normal practice the book was written after the TV series was produced, although the line " Basis for the acclaimed public television triumph " is written on the front cover, using the program transcripts as reference.
( Contrary to popular misuse, the word " colt " refers to a young male horse only ; " filly " is a young female.
Contrary to a popular misconception — that hypnosis is a form of unconsciousness resembling sleep — contemporary research suggests that hypnotic subjects are fully awake and are focusing attention, with a corresponding decrease in their peripheral awareness.
Contrary to pre-existing Cartesian philosophy, he maintained that we are born without innate ideas, and that knowledge is instead determined only by experience derived from sense perception.
Contrary to tweening, every frame of a keyframed computer animation is directly modified or manipulated by the creator, such that no tweening has actually occurred.
* Temporal / timing performance: Contrary to spatial performance, temporal performance is a feature where smaller is better.
Contrary to mainstream Islam, the Ahmadis do not believe that Jesus is alive in heaven, but that he survived the crucifixion and migrated towards the east where he died a natural death and that Ghulam Ahmad was only the promised spiritual second coming and likeness of Jesus, the promised Messiah and Mahdi.
Contrary to some common usage, the Internet and the World Wide Web are not synonymous: the Internet is the system of interconnected computer networks, linked by copper wires, fiber-optic cables, wireless connections etc.
Contrary to popular belief, even the larger species, such as the reticulated python, P. reticulatus, do not crush their prey to death ; in fact, prey is not even noticeably deformed before it is swallowed.
Contrary to popular belief there is no evidence that Regiomontanus ever erected an observatory, however he did found the world's first scientific printing press and in 1472 he published the first printed astronomical textbook, the Theoricae novae Planetarum of his teacher Georg von Peurbach.
Contrary to other allotropes, it is unsoluble in CS < sub > 2 </ sub >.

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