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Critics and claim
Critics of neoliberalism, at times, claim that it is the newly predominant form of imperialism.
Critics of these versions, such as Taoism scholar Eugene Eoyang, claim that translators like Stephen Mitchell produce readings of the Tao Te Ching that deviate from the text and are incompatible with the history of Chinese thought.
Critics claim the vocabulary and style of the Pauline letters could not have been written by Paul according to available biographical information and reflect the views of the emerging Church rather than the apostle's.
Critics may dispute the positive interpretation of results obtained in scientific studies of ESP, as they claim they are difficult to reproduce reliably, and are small in effect.
Critics have claimed that the Nazis ' claim of scientific reasons behind their promotion of racism and hostility to homosexuals is pseudoscience.
Critics dispute the claim that in practice free markets create perfect competition, or even increase market competition over the long run.
Critics of Moore's arguments sometimes claim that he is appealing to general puzzles concerning analysis ( cf.
Critics of hypertext claim that it inhibits the old, linear, reader experience by creating several different tracks to read on, and that this in turn contributes to a postmodernist fragmentation of worlds.
Critics claim that, in political contexts, labeling certain opinions and statements " hate speech " can be used to silence unfavorable or critical opinions and play down debate.
Critics claim that existing tests do not adequately measure student mastery of the stated objectives.
Critics of the privilege claim its use has become a tool for the government to cover up illegal or embarrassing government actions.
Critics claim that the terms " instantiation " and " copy " are not further defined and that participation and inherence are similarly mysterious and unenlightening.
Critics claim that in elastic, price-sensitive markets, price increases cause some consumers to seek substitutes for that product.
Critics tended to claim the film was either sensationalizing nuclear war or that it was too tame.
Critics of the Seventeenth Amendment claim that by altering the way senators are elected, the states lost any representation they had in the federal government and that this led to the gradual " slide into ignominy " of state legislatures, as well as an overextension of federal power and the rise of special interest groups to fill the power vacuum previously occupied by state legislatures.
Critics use these statistics to support the original claim that originally it was not a merger of equals, that it was a takeover of UMIST by Manchester University and that this was not in UMIST's best interests.
Critics claim the World Food Programme to be harmful to the aided countries.
Critics have described this as " Saudi vandalism " and claim that in Medina and Mecca over the last 50 years 300 historic sites linked to Muhammad, his family or companions have been lost.
Critics of inclusive language claim that inclusive language can provide incorrect translations in various instances.
Critics, such as Emmanuel Levinas and Karl Löwith, claim that Heidegger's support for National Socialism revealed flaws inherent in his thought.
Critics claim that these theories, when used as an explanation for fine-tuning, commit the inverse gambler's fallacy.
Critics often claim abuse of administrative power over domain names.
Critics, and those associated with the Anti-Globalization Movement, claim that the model has been unevenly applied to favor multinational corporations over local producers & retailers, and has led to a model of global domination along the north-south divide, characterized by a rich core and an impoverished periphery.
Critics claim that if the measures proposed by the US were implemented and applied this would prevent scientific research in Latin America, causing as a consequence more inequalities and technological dependence from the developed countries.
Critics of the effort claim that it creates hardship primarily for the coca growers, many of whom are poor and have no viable alternative way to make a living, causes environmental problems, that it is not effective in reducing the supply of cocaine, in part because cultivation can move to other areas, and that any social harm created by drug abuse is only made worse by the war on drugs.

Critics and events
Critics argue that the Charter presents the history of German people as starting from the expulsions, while ignoring events like Holocaust: professor Micha Brumlik pointed out that one third of signatories were former devoted Nazis and many actively helped in realisation of Hitler's goals ; Ralph Giordano wrote in Hamburger Abendblatt " the Charter doesn't contain a word about Hitler, Auschwitz and Buchenwald.
Critics of the textbook note the lack of detail about historical events such as the Siege of Leningrad ( 1941 – 44 ), the Gulag forced-labour camps, the Russo – Finnish Winter War ( 1939 – 40 ), the First Chechen War ( 1994 – 96 ), and the Second Chechen War ( 1999 – 2000 ), as serious factual inaccuracies ; most egregious, the critics propose, is the absence of the Holocaust ( 1933 – 45 ), and the glorification of the rule of Josef Stalin ( 1922 – 53 ).
Critics argued that the ministry imposed too many principles and guidelines for young writers in the workshop, such as, asking them to avoid metaphors in their poetry and advising them to write about events in their everyday life.
Critics point out that the film Pearl Harbors US-biased portrayal of events is a compensation for technical assistance received by the US armed forces.
Critics charged that Banks used the dramatic events of 9 / 11, and other features of the early 21st century, more as wallpaper than in any meaningful or resonant way.
Critics have praised her meticulous research of settings and events presented in her fiction, as well as the characterizations.
Critics allege that many of the supposed correlations of regnal durations are the product of the selective parsing and blending of the dates, events, and individuals mentioned in the original text .< ref >
Critics tend to agree that Charrière's depictions included events that happened to others and that Brunier was at the prison at the same time.
Critics contend that this lobbying was a form of genocide denial, as Turkey does not recognize the slaughter of up to 1. 5 million Armenians as a genocide, and does not want the American Government to recognize these events as genocide either.
Critics have noted that Bloor's version of events in Calumet in 1913 are untrustworthy.
Critics have argued that this is a way for members of the Socialist Workers ' Party to participate in the organisation of the events from which political parties are banned.
* Critics of the website argue that since it is funded by Hivos, a Dutch organization which in turn is funded by the government of Netherlands, it works in the interest of that nation, and does not represent factual accuracy of the events.

Critics and can
Critics of foundationalism often argue that for a belief to be justified it must be supported by other beliefs ; in Donald Davidson's phrase, " only a belief can be a reason for another belief ".
Critics, such as political economist Karl Polanyi, question whether a spontaneously ordered market can exist, completely free of " distortions " of political policy ; claiming that even the ostensibly freest markets require a state to exercise coercive power in some areas-to enforce contracts, to govern the formation of labor unions, to spell out the rights and obligations of corporations, to shape who has standing to bring legal actions, to define what constitutes an unacceptable conflict of interest, etc.
Critics of the view have questioned the original thought experiments saying that the lessons that Putnam and later writers such as Tyler Burge ( 1979, 1982 ) have urged us to draw can be resisted.
Critics have doubted that any of the annotations in the Bible can be reliably attributed to de Vere and not the book's other owners prior to its acquisition by the Folger Shakespeare Library in 1925, as well as challenging the strictness of Stritmatter's standards for a Biblical allusion in Shakespeare's works and arguing that there is no statistical significance to the overlap.
Critics, however, question how one can have the concept of a form existing in a special realm of the universe, apart from space and time, since such a concept cannot come from sense-perception.
Critics of this traditional view have observed that the types can be quite strongly stereotyped by professions ( although neither Myers nor Keirsey engaged in such stereotyping in their type descriptions ), and thus may arise more from the need to categorize people for purposes of guiding their career choice.
Critics argue this in turn undermines the freedom and importance of Members of Parliament ( MPs ) in day-to-day legislating, making the cabinet the only organ of government where individual legislators can aspire to influence the decisions of the government.
Critics also argue that charging more to drive is elitist policy, pricing the poor off of roads so that the wealthy can moveabout unencumbered.
Critics, such as Drug Free America Foundation and other members of network International Task Force on Strategic Drug Policy, state that a risk posed by harm reduction is by creating the perception that certain behaviours can be partaken of safely, such as illicit drug use, that it may lead to an increase in that behaviour by people who would otherwise be deterred.
Critics also argued that using placebos can delay the proper diagnosis and treatment of serious medical conditions.
Critics of such approaches point out that the ambiguity inherent in natural language allows errors to be undetected in such proofs ; often, subtle errors can be present in the low-level details typically overlooked by such proofs.
Critics of Robert ’ s Rules believe that the process can involve adversarial debate and the formation of competing factions.
Critics question whether the promoters of truly ' open ' and mandatory improvement licensing, having spent most of their lives opposed to software patents, can actually attract donors of patents, or would actually participate in a process that they claim to despise.
Critics of dualism have often asked how something totally immaterial can affect something totally material-this is the basic problem of causal interaction.
Critics have also argued that competition can be destabilizing, particularly competition between certain financial institutions.
Critics of AC can object that Chalmers begs the question in assuming that all mental properties are sufficiently captured by abstract causal organization.
Critics of the system argue that this " agreed election " called into question the need for a supposedly non-political office where only politicians can nominate a candidate, with few powers, that is detached from the people, and to which elections take place only every 14 years.
Critics question whether such a process can be as objective as computer scoring, and the degree to which such scoring methods can result in different scores from different scorers.
Critics and opponents of integralism argue that the movement can be associated with fascism ( especially in Latin America ), although there exist deep points of disagreement: integralism stresses trade unionism and localism while fascism defends a centralist state ; the traditionalist and Catholic foundation of integralist ideas against the often secular and anti-clerical, and modernist philosophical basis of fascism.
Critics further contend that the controversial policies are fundamentally anti-democratic in that it is not for the United States or any other country or coalition of countries to determine what trade laws Iraqis must live by, and that such rules can only be legitimate if passed initially by an elected Iraqi government free of foreign occupation and domination.
Critics also argue that charging more to drive is elitist policy, pricing the poor off of roads so that the wealthy can move about unencumbered.

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