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Page "/dev/random" ¶ 11
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EGD and alternative
Moreover, if no ulcer is present, EGD can often provide an alternative diagnosis.
A software program called EGD ( entropy gathering daemon ) is a common alternative for Unix systems which do not support the < tt >/ dev / random </ tt > device.

EGD and such
Some cryptographic software such as OpenSSL, GNU Privacy Guard, and the Apache HTTP Server support using EGD when a < tt >/ dev / random </ tt > device is not available.
Following damage to the facility by Hurricane Juan, the government entered into an agreement with the Atlantic Lottery Corporation and have been redeveloping the CDP with an improved track, lighting and a gaming facility containing Electronic Gaming Devices ( EGD ); such facilities are commonly termed racinos.

EGD and entropy
If EGD does not have enough entropy to immediately satisfy the request, fewer bytes, or perhaps no bytes may be returned.
If EGD does not have enough entropy, it will wait until it has gathered enough before responding.
The EGD daemon may mix in the received entropy and will return nothing back.

EGD and from
* Direct culture from an EGD biopsy specimen ; this is difficult to do, and can be expensive.
The second byte in the request tells EGD how many random bytes of output it should return, from 1 to 255.

EGD and socket
The client connects to an EGD socket and sends a command, identified by the value of the first octet:

EGD and with
Younger patients with ulcer-like symptoms are often treated with antacids or H2 antagonists before EGD is undertaken.
In addition, endoscopy of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum ( esophagogastroduodenoscopy or EGD ), with or without endoscopic ultrasound, is typically performed to rule out the possibility of cancer.
Due to the risk of chronic heartburn progressing to Barrett's, EGD every five years is recommended for patients with chronic heartburn, or who take drugs for chronic GERD.
In older patients ( sometimes even younger ones ) an unexplained drop in hematocrit ( one sign of anemia ) is an indication that calls for a colonoscopy, usually along with an esophagogastroduodenoscopy ( EGD ), even if no obvious blood has been seen in the stool ( feces ).
Diagnosis of angiodysplasia is often accomplished with endoscopy, either colonoscopy or esophagogastroduodenoscopy ( EGD ).
* Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ( ERCP ) combines EGD with fluoroscopy
* Endoscopic ultrasound ( EUS ) combines EGD with 5 – 12 MHz ultrasound imaging
Irritable bowel syndrome and functional dyspepsia is not diagnosed with EGD, but EGD may be helpful in excluding other diseases that mimic these common disorders.
EGD communicates with other programs which need random data using a simple protocol.

EGD and ),
An esophagogastroduodenoscopy ( EGD ), a form of endoscopy, also known as a gastroscopy, is carried out on patients in whom a peptic ulcer is suspected.
In general, an EGD is done when the patient either does not respond well to treatment or has alarm symptoms including dysphagia, anemia, blood in the stool ( detected chemically ), wheezing, weight loss, or voice changes.
It is also called upper GI endoscopy ( UGIE ), gastroscopy or simply endoscopy ( since it is the most commonly performed type of endoscopy, the ambiguous term ' endoscopy ' refers to EGD by default ).

EGD and .
* Histological examination and staining of an EGD biopsy.
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy ( EGD ) ( a form of endoscopy ) involves insertion of a thin scope through the mouth and throat into the esophagus and stomach ( often while the patient is sedated ) in order to assess the internal surfaces of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy may be abbreviated EGD, or OGD if one uses the British spelling oesophagogastroduodenoscopy.
Problems of gastrointestinal function are usually not well diagnosed by endoscopy since motion or secretion of the gastrointestinal tract are not easily inspected by EGD.
The EGD daemon returns a 4-byte number in big endian format representing the number of random bytes that can currently be satisfied without delay.
The second byte tells EGD how many random bytes of output it should return.

compatible and alternative
To enhance and modernize the Aster CT-80 the company also designed three alternative video display adapters to supplement or replace the TRS-80 compatible video card, ( due to the modular nature of the Aster it was simply a matter of changing the video card, and / or CPU card to upgrade the system ).
The Earthdawn Player's Compendium and Earthdawn Gamemaster's Compendium are essentially an alternative second edition, but without a version designation ( since the material is compatible anyway ).
Companies such as AMD and Cyrix developed alternative CPUs that were functionally compatible with Intel's.
However, the SPD dominance in this sector has meant that alternative pedal manufacturers nearly always design their pedals to be usable with Shimano shoes, and likewise mountain bike shoe manufacturers make their shoes " Shimano SPD " compatible.
Acorn subsequently released alternative versions of the BBC disks that were compatible with the WD1770.
One can also define the topological index using only K theory ( and this alternative definition is compatible in a certain sense with the Chern-character construction above ).
To create applications for managed code platforms, a similar ( but not mutually compatible ) alternative is Delphi Prism.
By contrast, other groups have embraced the hyphen, arguing that the American identity is compatible with alternative identities and that the mixture of identities within the United States strengthens the nation rather than weakens it.
Advocating what is termed within philosophical circles " libertarian freedom ", Kane argues that "( 1 ) the existence of alternative possibilities ( or the agent's power to do otherwise ) is a necessary condition for acting freely, and ( 2 ) determinism is not compatible with alternative possibilities ( it precludes the power to do otherwise )".
Advocating what is termed within philosophical circles " libertarian freedom ", Kane argues that "( 1 ) the existence of alternative possibilities ( or the agent's power to do otherwise ) is a necessary condition for acting freely, and that ( 2 ) determinism is not compatible with alternative possibilities ( it precludes the power to do otherwise )".
However, none of the games supporting the Rumble Pak require it for proper operation of the game, meaning that the games themselves are still compatible with DSi ( some software titles, such as Nintendo DS Browser and Guitar Hero: On Tour, have SLOT-2 peripherals that are required for operation, and are hence incompatible with DSi and DSi XL, although the former already has an alternative version made specifically for the Nintendo DSi and later consoles ).
MacroMaker was not compatible with System 7, which marked the introduction of AppleScript as an alternative.
This incentive compatible value elicitation method did not eliminate the endowment effect but did rule out habitual bargaining behavior as an alternative explanation.
The library is meant as a compatible update / replacement to the deprecated OpenAL Sample Implementation, as well as a free alternative to the now-proprietary OpenAL.
* 1440 was a popular lower-cost alternative, although not fully compatible with the 1401.
His book is an attempt to develop an alternative to dualism that is compatible with canonical scientific thinking.
When the move from PA-RISC ( 9000 ) to Itanium ( Integrity ) was announced, Integrity workstations running either HP / UX or Windows were initially announced and offered, but were moved to end of sales life relatively quickly, with no replacement ( arguably because x86-64 made IA-64 uncompetitive on the desktop, and HP / UX does not support x86-64, with HP offering desktop Linux as an alternative, not fully compatible, solution ).
SDS was one of the first companies to offer a machine intended as an alternative to the IBM System / 360 ; although not compatible with the 360, it used similar data formats, the EBCDIC character code, and in other ways, such as its use of multiple registers rather than an accumulator, it was designed to have specifications that were comparable to those of the 360.
The CBS color system was scrapped after the FCC embraced the alternative RCA all-electronic dot sequential system, which was fully compatible with the existing monochrome television standard, late in 1953.
As a result, what might have been the central word size in a fresh design has to coexist as an alternative size to the original word size in a backward compatible design.
Advocating what is termed within philosophical circles " libertarian freedom ", Kane argues that "( 1 ) the existence of alternative possibilities ( or the agent's power to do otherwise ) is a necessary condition for acting freely, and ( 2 ) determinism is not compatible with alternative possibilities ( it precludes the power to do otherwise )".

0.523 seconds.