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Electors and also
George I, George II, and George III also served as electors and dukes of Brunswick-Lüneburg, informally, Electors of Hanover ( cf.
The bookseller and publisher Zedler published this book in Leipzig under the name " Great Complete Encyclopaedia of All Sciences and Arts Which So Far Have Been Invented and Improved by Human Mind and Wit: Including the Geographical and Political Description of the Whole World According to All Monarchies, Empires, Kingdoms, Principalities, Republics, Free Sovereignties, Countries, Towns, Sea Harbors, Fortresses, Castles, Areas, Authorities, Monasteries, Mountains, Passes, Woods, Seas, Lakes ... and also a Detailed Historical and Genealogical Description of the World's Brightest and Most Famous Family Lines, the Life and Deeds of the Emperors, Kings, Electors and Princes, Great Heroes, Ministers of State, War Leaders ... ; Equally about All Policies of State, War and Law and Budgetary Business of the Nobility and the Bourgeois, Merchants, Traders, Arts.
Even's views also led to a debate within the national Social Credit Party about whether to continue to run on a Social Credit basis or under the " non-partisan " " Union of Electors " banner.
Electors also consider the two most important nationalist parties: Convergence and Union from Catalonia and Basque Nationalist Party from the Basque Country, to be centred.
The junior Albertine branch ruled as Electors ( 1547 – 1806 ) and Kings of Saxony ( 1806 – 1918 ) and also played a role in Polish history: two Wettin were Kings of Poland ( between 1697 – 1763 ) and a third ruled the Duchy of Warsaw ( 1807 – 1814 ) as a satellite of Napoleon.
He sang the praises of the house of the Electors of Brandenburg in a collection of poems entitled Kurbrandenburgische Rose, Adler, Lowe und Scepter ( 1661 ), and also produced many occasional poems, several of which became popular ; the most famous of them is " Anke von Tharaw öss, de my geföllt " ( rendered from Low Saxon by Herder into modern German as " Ännchen von Tharau "), composed in 1637 in honor of the marriage of a friend.
Electors who ruled states in addition to their electorates also voted in the Council of Princes ; similarly, princes who also ruled comital territories voted both individually and in the comital benches.
By 1663, however, Cologne had forgone its claim to the village, thus also bringing an end to the Electors ' attempts to reintroduce the Catholic faith into the community.
In the disputes between the Electors of Cologne and Waldeck, Cologne also claimed Münden.
Below him in the hierarchy are the two Arch-Lectors, who are also Electors.
Ferdinand also hoped to persuade the Electors to approve greater Imperial involvement in the European wars.
The Social Credit Party of Ontario ( SCPO ) ( also known as the Ontario Social Credit League, Social Credit Association of Ontario and the Union of Electors ) was a minor political party at the provincial level in the Canadian province of Ontario from the 1940s to the early 1970s.
Electors were also asked to vote on a second question at the 1999 referendum which asked whether they approved of:
Other municipal officials are also elected by an Assembly of Electors but are not subject to an oath of office.
In 1653 Philipp Wilhelm was married to Elisabeth Amalie of Hesse-Darmstadt, with whom he had 17 children, including the next two Palatine Electors, John William and Charles III Philip but also Elector-Archbishop Franz Ludwig von Pfalz-Neuburg.

Electors and several
On August 6, 1806, pressed both by Napoleon and by several German princes ( including some Electors ), the last Holy Roman emperor, Emperor Francis II, by edict dissolved the Empire.
In addition to being members of the Council of Electors, several lay electors were therefore members of the Council of Princes as well by virtue of other territories they possessed.
Under the U. S. Constitution the President and Vice President are chosen by Electors, under a constitutional grant of authority delegated to the legislatures of the several states and the District of Columbia ( see Bush v. Gore ).
If the first phase of the Thirty Years War, or Wars, as some historians call it, hinged on the Palatine inheritance, this phase hinged on the liberties of various bishoprics in Lorraine, and the autonomy of several Lutheran princes, including imperial Electors of Saxony and Brandenburg.
The Palatine Wittelsbachs were, beginning in 1356, Electors, and after Elector Palatine and King of the Romans ( German King ) Ruprecht III ’ s death, they split into several lines, among which was the Palatinate-Simmern line, which kept its residence in the town.
In the final years of the Empire, several Electors were added, who however only held their offices for less than three years before the Empire's final dissolution.

Electors and their
Electors were among the princes of the Empire, but they had exclusive privileges in addition to their electoral ones which were not shared with the other princes.
It is fully understood by the voters and the Electors themselves that they are the representative " stand-ins " for the individuals to whom they have pledged to cast their electoral college ballots to be President and Vice President.
In some states, in past years, this pledge was informal, and Electors could still legally cast their electoral ballot for whomever they chose.
More recently, state legislatures ( exercising their constitutional authority to do so ) have mandated in law that Electors shall cast their electoral college ballot for the Presidential Candidate to whom they are pledged.
The Electors cast their votes on the Monday following the second Wednesday in December of that year.
Electors used their second vote to cast a scattering of votes, many voting for someone besides Adams ( a carefully organized scheme originating with Alexander Hamilton ) less out of opposition to him than to prevent Adams from matching Washington's total.
They were ready to elect him, provided he make extensive concessions to the Electors and follow their political demands.
But despite the tight specifications, Adolf soon emancipated himself from his Electors and concluded pacts with their opponents.
Free Imperial Cities were not officially admitted as an Imperial Estate to the Reichstag until 1489, and even then their votes were usually considered only advisory ( votum consultativum ) compared to the Benches of the Electors and the Princes.
The Protestant Princes of the Empire and the two remaining Protestant Electors ( of Hanover and Prussia ) were anxious to keep Saxony well-integrated in their camp.
Nevertheless, a few months later the Lapua Movement was capable of not only demanding " their man " appointed President of Finland by the Collegium of Electors, which only weeks before had been chosen in nation-wide voting, but a sufficient number of the electors followed the Lapua Movement's request, disregarding the intentions they had declared during the election campaign.
" Two Pair of Portraits ;" – presented to all the unbiassed Electors of Great Britain, an anti-Whig caricature published 1798 by James Gillray showing Charles James Fox | Fox as the personification of vice next to a portrait of William Pitt the Younger | Pitt as the embodiment of honesty, followed by portraits of their fathers, Lord Holland and William Pitt senior displayed below.
The Union of Electors electoral philosophy was that it was not a partisan political party but an organization which marshals voters to enforce their wishes on their elected representatives.
25 are elected by universal suffrage from Open constituencies (" open " meaning that the franchise is open to all locally resident Fijian citizens, irrespective of their ethnic background ), with the remaining 46 elected from communal constituencies, with 23 seats reserved for ethnic Fijians, 19 for Indo-Fijians, 1 for Rotuman Islanders, and 3 for " General Electors "-Europeans, Chinese, Banaban Islanders, and other minorities.
The court ruled that voters have a right under the commonwealth's constitution to reliable and secure voting systems and can challenge the use of electronic voting machines " that provide no way for Electors to know whether their votes will be recognized " through voter verification or independent audit.
25 seats represented Communal constituencies ( 9 indigenous Fijians, 9 Indians, and 7 General Electors ( Europeans, Chinese, and other minorities ), elected on closed electoral rolls by voters registered as members of their respective ethnic groups.
The fourth electoral roll, for General Electors, is for people who have no ethnic Fijian, Indo-Fijian, or Rotuman ancestry, as well as for individuals who have such ancestry but choose, for whatever reason, not to register on the electoral roll reserved for their particular ethnic community.
Because he had no surviving male heirs, he negotiated the Pragmatic Sanction to assure that his daughter Maria Theresia would succeed him, going so far as to pre-bribe the nine Electors but, of course, once he died they ignored their promises but kept the money, resulting in the War of the Austrian Succession.
During an election, Elections Canada informs Canadians about their right to vote, how to get on the National Register of Electors and the voters list, and where and how they can vote.
However, as with Neukirchen, the Electors forwent their claim in 1663.

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