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Even and peasants
Even peasants, who did not share the bonds of kinship and culture, would often avoid killing a nobleman, valuing the high ransom that a live capture could bring, as well as the valuable horse, armour and equipment that came with him.
Workers were supposed to “ grasp revolution and promote productions ”, while peasants were supposed to raise more pigs because “ more pigs means more manure, and more manure means more grain .” Even a casual remark by Mao, “ Sweet potato tastes good ; I like it ” became a slogan everywhere in the countryside.
Gobineau's basic concept, as further refined and developed in Nazism, places the black Aboriginal Australians and " African savages " at the bottom of the hierarchy, while the white Northern and Western European Aryans ( consisting of Germans, Finnish, Swedish, Icelanders, Norwegians, Danish, British, French, Northern Italians, Irish and Dutch ) were at the top ; white olive-skinned Southern Europeans ( consisting of the Spanish, Southern Italians, Greeks and Portuguese, i. e. those of what is called the Mediterranean race, which was regarded as another subrace of the Caucasian race ) in the upper middle ranks ; Slavs ( Even though the Slavs are white and of Indo-European ancestry, the Nazis placed them lower on the scale because they were regarded as primarily of the Alpine race rather than the Nordic race, and thus fit only to be peasants.
Even Ayala confessed that the king's fall was regretted by many, among them the peasants and burghers subjected to the nobles by late feudal gifts and by the merchants, who enjoyed security under his rule.
Even before foreign intervention and the opening of Korea to the world, the peasants of the Korean Peninsula had become disillusioned with the rule of the upper yangban classes.
Even today, Albanian peasants swear by him.
Even when you look at the history of the Tonghak Rebellion, this resistance occurred because the peasants wanted equality and less corruption.
Even with these measures, the peasants did not stand much of a chance against the professional fighters of a chevauchée.
Even though it became increasingly common for one knight to have landholdings in several different princedoms, due to the use of direct production, the land of the Rus ' was still largely in the hands of the peasants during the 12th century.

Even and were
Even in the very area where the shooting had been done, cattle were still disappearing.
Even the knowledge that she was losing another boy, as a mother always does when a marriage is made, did not prevent her from having the first carefree, dreamless sleep that she had known since they dropped down the canyon and into Bear Valley, way, way back there when they were crossing those other mountains.
`` Even when the islands were under German mandate before World War 1,, Europeans gave Eromonga a wide berth.
Even today range riders will come upon mummified bodies of men who attempted nothing more difficult than a twenty-mile hike and slowly lost direction, were tortured by the heat, driven mad by the constant and unfulfilled promise of the landscape, and who finally died.
Even if the self portrait we distribute for popular consumption were accurate it would be dangerous to present it as a picture of the ideal society.
Even the first wave of homesickness had passed, although there were moments when Captain Heard pointed out on his compass the direction of Bradford that she felt a little twinge at her heart.
Even on his tough constitution, the exposure and strenuous activity were beginning to tell in earnest.
Even in the nineteenth century such accomplished philologists as Kemble and Guest were led into what now seem ludicrous errors because of their failure to recognize that modern forms of place names are not necessarily the result of logical philological development.
Even at this short distance they were only vague shapes, setting up the machine gun on a small knoll so that it could fire above the heads of the rest of the patrol.
Even before the benches had dried, the Civil War veterans were straggling back to their places.
Even if we were not bound by Nugent, petitioner here would not be entitled to the report.
Even then, as you go into the house oppressed by the knowledge that something is cooking and that your house has passed under this unaccountable, official control, could you go on forgetting that you still had that ridiculous hat on your head and you were still carrying that childish horn in your hand??
Even now, there were several slick cruisers tied to the dock, an ocean-going yawl anchored inside the breakwater.
Even the bellboys on their bench were listening.
And he took repeated care to let his colleagues know that he intended them: `` Even the Unitarian churches have caught the malaria, and are worse than those who deceived them '' -- which implied that they were very bad indeed.
Even if the atom were big enough to hold a football field, this nucleus is still only about the size of a pinhead.
Even after Elizabethan traditions were weakened by the Cromwellian interregnum, the practice of singing together -- choruses, catches and glees -- always flourished.
Even though the boy could not see them, he knew they were clouded by distance.
Even though this period-known in its earlier part as the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period-in its latter part was fraught with chaos and bloody battles, it is also known as the Golden Age of Chinese philosophy because a broad range of thoughts and ideas were developed and discussed freely.
Even more influential were such Roman thinkers as Cato, Cicero, Horace, and Virgil.
Even worse, it could keep radiating infinite amounts of energy because there were infinitely many negative energy states available.
Even though the parentheses were rearranged ( the left side requires adding 5 and 2 first, then adding 1 to the result, whereas the right side requires adding 2 and 1 first, then 5 ), the value of the expression was not altered.
Even in their new home they were not safe from Athenian rancour.
Even Houbraken recalled that Cuyp was a devout Calvinist and the fact that when he died, there were no paintings of other artists found in his home.
Even the loopholes – ritual slaughter and hunting – were challenged by advocates of ahimsa.

Even and considered
Even though it was known that the Luftwaffe in the north was now being directed by the young and energetic General Peltz, the commander who would conduct the `` Little Blitz '' on London in 1944, a major raid on Bari at this juncture of the war was not to be considered seriously.
In the above mentioned report of the Notre Dame Chapter of the American Association of University Professors, the basic outlook of the new breed of lay faculty emerges very clearly in the very statement of the problem as the members see it: `` Even with the best of intentions he ( the President of the university ) is loath to delegate such authority and responsibility to a group the membership of which, considered ( as it must be by him ) in individual terms, is inhomogeneous, mortal and of extremely varying temperament, interests and capabilities.
Even though they do not compete directly with cultivated plants, sometimes winter annuals are considered a pest in commercial agriculture, because they can be hosts for insect pests or fungal diseases ( ovary smut – Microbotryum sp ) which attack crops being cultivated.
Even though it is healthy for an ecosystem, a wildfire can still be considered an abiotic stressor, because it puts an obvious stress on individual organisms within the area.
Even certain male deities representing regeneration and fertility were occasionally depicted with breast-like appendices, such as the river god Hapy who was considered to be responsible for the annual overflowing of the Nile.
Even earlier examples of this sentiment may be found in Wild Talents by author Charles Fort where he makes the statement: "... a performance that may some day be considered understandable, but that, in these primitive times, so transcends what is said to be the known that it is what I mean by magic.
Even in such situations though divorce would be considered grounds for loss of privileges in the congregation.
Even angels are considered " divine " or " elohim ", in Scripture.
Even whom should be considered the earliest known king is contested: although C. Conti Rossini proposed that Zoskales of Axum, mentioned in the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, should be identified with one Za Haqle mentioned in the Ethiopian King Lists ( a view embraced by later historians of Ethiopia such as Yuri M. Kobishchanov and Sergew Hable Sellasie ), G. W. B.
Even the elongation of current gun tubes, such as the new German 120 mm L / 55, which was introduced by Rheinmetall is considered only an interim solution as it doesn't offer the dynamic increase in muzzle velocity required for the future combat system.
Even advanced kinetic energy ammunition such as the United States ' M-829A3 is considered only an interim solution against future threats.
Even for axis-parallel cuboids ( considered to be adjacent when two cuboids share a two-dimensional boundary area ) an unbounded number of colors may be necessary (; ).
Even the decisions of the Ifta House are not considered binding, whether for the people or the state.
Even when it deadlocked for several ballots between Illinois Governor Frank Lowden and General Leonard Wood, few delegates seriously considered Hoover as a compromise choice.
Even though all life is considered sacred by the Jains, human life is deemed the highest form of life.
Even though Saionji considered him brash and " ill-informed ," Konoe was considered his protégée by all parties, including Saionji himself.
" Even black workers considered skilled enough to fit the part were generally excluded from the Union.
Even though neither the motorist nor the pedestrian is free to leave, this interference with the freedom of action is not considered actual arrest or its functional equivalent for purposes of the Fifth Amendment.
Even those disorders often considered the most serious and intractable have varied courses i. e. schizophrenia, psychotic disorders, and personality disorders.
Even some critics concede that " Drexler has carefully considered a number of physical principles underlying the ' high level ' aspects of the nanosystems he proposes and, indeed, has thought in some detail " about some issues.
Even cases considered " regular ", with the final-s, are not so simple ; the-s in dogs is not pronounced the same way as the-s in cats, and in a plural like dishes, an " extra " vowel appears before the-s. These cases, where the same distinction is effected by alternative forms of a " word ", are called allomorphy.
Even at JTS, as The Forward writes, " he was an outsider, and often privately considered leaving the institution.
Even the broader definition of " carbon-containing molecules " requires the exclusion of carbon-containing alloys ( including steel ), a relatively small number of carbon-containing compounds such as metal carbonates and carbonyls, simple oxides of carbon and cyanides, as well as the allotropes of carbon and simple carbon halides and sulfides, which are usually considered to be inorganic.
Even materials considered pure elements often develop an oxide coating.

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