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Even and most
Even though in most cases the completion of the definitive editions of their writings is still years off, enough documentation has already been assembled to warrant drawing a new composite profile of the leadership which performed the heroic dual feats of winning American independence and founding a new nation.
Even the most rational of men, under great stress, may be transported by a new faith and behave like mystics.
Even `` America's most efficient builder '', Bob Schmitt of Berea, hopes to cut his labor costs another $2,000 per house as a result of the time-&-motion studies now being completed on his operation by industrial efficiency engineers from the Stanley Works.
Even in its most conventional appearance, the guests' song of praise to Marina, there are a few female dissenters criticizing the princess for her coldness.
Even English has general, albeit complex, rules that predict pronunciation from spelling, and these rules are successful most of the time ; rules to predict spelling from the pronunciation have a higher failure rate.
Even as his works dropped from performance, and he wrote no new operas after 1804, he still remained one of the most important and sought after teachers of his generation and his influence was felt in every aspect of Vienna's musical life.
Even the most advanced structural characterization techniques, such as x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, have difficulty in distinguishing between amorphous and crystalline structures on these length scales.
Even the most comfortable and technologically advanced autonomous houses may require some differences in behavior.
Even though most proposals call for payments of less than the full amount of the debt owing, in most cases, the creditors will accept the deal, because if they do not, the next alternative may be personal bankruptcy, where the creditors will get even less money.
Even worse, the attempts have instead often created psychopathic supervillains of which Captain America's 1950s imitator and Nuke are the most notorious examples.
Even if for operational reason very large portions of them reside in volatile storage ( e. g., tens of Gigabytes in volatile memory, for in-memory databases ), most of this is backed-up in nonvolatile storage.
Even if for operational reason very large portions of them reside in volatile storage ( e. g., tens of Gigabytes in volatile memory, for in-memory databases ), most of this is backed-up in nonvolatile storage.
" He notes that " Even in traditional bluegrass slap bass only appears sporadically and most of what I've done has been on the more contemporary side of that ( Tony Rice, Tim O ' Brien ).
Even if one does know this, it may not be possible to identify it with any confidence, since most keys refer to adult characters.
Even more ironically most of the bands who actually did appear as themselves in the movie, such as Art Bergman, The Modernettes and D. O. A., were not on the fake tribute album.
Even the " exact " FFT algorithms have errors when finite-precision floating-point arithmetic is used, but these errors are typically quite small ; most FFT algorithms, e. g. Cooley – Tukey, have excellent numerical properties as a consequence of the pairwise summation structure of the algorithms.
Even in the absence of any work in astronomy, Bessel's role in developing the functions which now bear his name would have, by itself, placed him among the most significant and influential mathematicians of the 19th century.
Even the most complex and sophisticated munera of the Imperial era evoked the ancient, ancestral dii manes of the underworld and were framed by the protective, lawful rites of sacrificium.
Even if a gas absorbs radiation efficiently at a certain wavelength, this may not affect its GWP much if the atmosphere already absorbs most radiation at that wavelength.
Even though the revolutionaries were often defeated, most European states had become constitutional ( rather than absolute ) monarchies by 1871, and Germany and Italy had developed into nation states.
Even within a species, different variants of hemoglobin always exist, although one sequence is usually a " most common " one in each species.
Even so, up to the 1930s many of Marx's earlier works were still unknown, and in reality most self-styled Marxists had not read beyond Capital Vol.
Even though Ralph 124C 41 + is one of the most influential science fiction stories of all time, and filled with numerous science fiction ideas, few people still read the story.
Even though the 3. 1x series still lacked most of the important features of OS / 2, such as long file names, a desktop, or protection of the system against misbehaving applications, Microsoft quickly took over the OS and GUI markets for the IBM PC.

Even and usually
Even with all possible precaution, homecomings are usually rather cruel and sad, and only the perpetually ebullient and the continually optimistic are made happy by them.
Even a city of thirty thousand might have six baseball teams, sponsored by grocers and hardware merchants or department stores, that played two or three times a week throughout the summer, usually in the cool of the evening, before an earnest and partisan audience who did not begrudge a quarter each, or even more, to be dropped into a hat when the game was half over.
Even so, he generally listened and was usually reasonable to those who voiced their objections properly.
Even touching an alpha source is usually not harmful, though many alpha sources also are accompanied by beta-emitting radio daughters, and alpha emission is also accompanied by gamma photon emission.
Even with a release aid mechanism some of this effect will usually be experienced, since the string always accelerates faster than the retaining part of the mechanism.
Even though slaves outnumbered the Portuguese colonists, the lack of weapons, the colonial law, the disagreement between slaves coming from different African cultures and their complete lack of knowledge about the land and its surroundings would usually discourage the idea of a rebellion.
Even full-time orchestra jobs do not usually last for the entire year.
Even in the appointment of the prime minister, the Governor-General rarely exercises any discretion, usually appointing the leader of the largest party or coalition of parties in the House of Representatives.
Even if a provider were so irrational as to want to provide such coverage, it is against the public policy of most countries to allow such insurance to exist, and thus it is usually illegal.
Even when an address is not based on the MAC address though, the interface's address is ( contrary to IPv4 ) usually global instead of local, which makes it much easier to identify a single user through the IP address.
" Even the lyrics, while occasionally demented, were usually too inchoate to be anything but curiously passionate love songs.
Even in the dry season there is usually some water remaining in Lake Eyre, normally collecting in a number of smaller sub-lakes within its margins.
Even today, parents usually read these tales to their not-yet-literate children.
Even simple computers usually have one unit to read and write memory, and another to execute user code.
Even though no names were mentioned in these skits, the audience would usually be able to guess who the heckling message in the troupe's dramatised portrayals was aimed at, as it was played out right on the concerned person's own front yard.
Even when placing isolated rails not connected to any other lines, track layers usually choose a standard rail gauge so they can use off-the-shelf rolling stock.
Even the broader definition of " carbon-containing molecules " requires the exclusion of carbon-containing alloys ( including steel ), a relatively small number of carbon-containing compounds such as metal carbonates and carbonyls, simple oxides of carbon and cyanides, as well as the allotropes of carbon and simple carbon halides and sulfides, which are usually considered to be inorganic.
Even at night the air is stifling despite the usually present breezes.
Even where there can be no doubt as to whose side the author is on, the antagonists are usually not depicted as villains but as honourable on their own terms.
Even though the band is regularly described as being over a hundred men, usually only three or four are specified.
Even when Robin is defeated, he usually tricks his foe into letting him sound his horn, summoning the Merry Men to his aid.
Even when her original intention is to destroy it, she always ends up with something much better, ( and usually more destructive ).
Even if the data-set is empty, it can usually be argued that there is an in-built bias in the reasoning and planning mechanisms.
Even though archaeological evidence has been found at Erlitou that indicate the Xia Dynasty existed from about 2100 BC to 1800 BC, they are not usually considered a true dynasty.

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