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Few and if
Few areas, if any, are as good as prepared shelters but they are worth knowing about.
Few people ever realize when they are acting according to their own beliefs and when they are meekly submitting to authority … To permit myself to be drafted with the understanding that I am submitting to authority's demand to do something very wrong would make me frightened of myself … I am fully prepared to go to jail if I am not granted Conscientious Objector status.
Few, if any, of the clumps of stunted Pisonia grandis once found on the island still survive.
* Few, if any, windows.
* Few if any non-English speaking nations use the whole word teaching method. They do not have to ; phonics works for their language because it follows the alphabetic principle: the words are almost entirely spelled as they sound.
Few if any Red-tailed Black Shark s ( Epalzeorhynchos bicolor ) remain in the wild today.
Few, if any, Southwestern Pennsylvania towns can boast the range of architecture from its period of settlement to the 20th century as can be found in Greensboro.
Some sources say that piperine, a substance present in black pepper, irritates the nostrils, causing the sneezing ; Few, if any, controlled studies have been carried out to answer the question.
Few, if any, made a living from playing in the years 1970 – 73, nor did they expect to.
Few of us take the time to really study it, yet if we care to follow these ancient beliefs, we may find that nature itself holds the key to much inner knowledge of our own nature, and the part we play in the great Cosmic Plan.
" Few appeasers were really prepared to seek peace at any price ; few, if any, anti-appeasers were prepared for Britain to make a stand against aggression whatever the circumstances and wherever the location in which it occurred.
Few know how to reach this tributary, if it exists at all.
Few if any such critics have anything favorable to say about the illicit drug trade, but they point out that under the current coca eradication policies, poor campesinos bear the brunt of efforts to combat it, while North American and European chemical companies ( which supply chemicals needed in the manufacture of cocaine ) and banks ( which annually launder hundreds of billions of dollars in illegal revenues ) continue to profit from the trade.
Few, if any, of these men ever lived here, but their farms prospered.
Few in the press now doubted Diz's boast, as he was also fond of saying, " It ain't braggin ' if ya can back it up.
When asked by his son Boromir how much time must pass before a Steward could become a King, if the King did not return, Denethor II replied: " Few years, maybe, in other places of less royalty ...
Few, if any, coaches can match Auerbach's record of wins and successful mentorship of his players.
Few, if any, of his own spoonerisms were deliberate, and many of those attributed to him are apocryphal.
* Few, if any, online music stores offer music in lossless, metadata-enabled formats such as FLAC, but instead stick to WAVE or AIFF files in which no metadata can generally be embedded.
Few debate that one ought to run quickly if one's goal is to win a race.
[...] Few, if any, are more indicative of wins and losses than passer rating.
Few ( if any ) online poker sites allow action to be taken " in the dark ", while this is usually allowed and applied by players in real gaming houses.
Few, if any, records exist from the period of Chinese history when Yu reigned.
Few if any Messapic inscriptions have been definitely deciphered.

Few and any
Few individual situations will provide the ideal mix of materials at any point in time.
Few of them had any publishing experience before they found themselves running Ace.
Few academics argue that the text, in its present form, dates back any earlier than the 14th – 16th centuries ; although a minority see it as containing portions of an earlier work, and almost all would detect the influence of earlier sources — over and above the Vulgate text of the Latin Bible.
J. D. G. Dunn comments on historical Jesus scholarship, " Few scholars would regard John as a source for information regarding Jesus ' life and ministry in any degree comparable to the synoptics.
Few calves are born ahead of time and of these, hardly any will survive.
Sabata and If You Meet Sartana Pray for Your Death, directed by Gianfranco Parolini introduces into similar betrayal environments a kind of hero molded on the Mortimer character from For a Few Dollars More, only without any vengeance motive and with more outrageous trick weapons.
::" Few human creatures would consent to be changed into any of the lower animals, for a promise of the fullest allowance of a beast's pleasures ; no intelligent human being would consent to be a fool, no instructed person would be an ignoramus, no person of feeling and conscience would be selfish and base, even though they should be persuaded that the fool, the dunce, or the rascal is better satisfied with his lot than they are with theirs … A being of higher faculties requires more to make him happy, is capable probably of more acute suffering, and is certainly accessible to it at more points, than one of an inferior type ; but in spite of these liabilities, he can never really wish to sink into what he feels to be a lower grade of existence … It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied ; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied.
Few inscriptions of any length have been found at Petra, perhaps because they have perished with the stucco or cement which was used upon many of the buildings.
Few people were capable of writing histories, as literacy was not widespread in almost any culture until long after the end of ancient history.
Microsoft has received a great deal of bad press surrounding their Palladium software architecture, evoking comments such as " Few pieces of vaporware have evoked a higher level of fear and uncertainty than Microsoft's Palladium ", " Palladium is a plot to take over cyberspace ", and " Palladium will keep us from running any software not personally approved by Bill Gates ".
Few circulated in any real sense so they often remain in well-preserved condition.
However in a September 15, 2011 article of the New York Times, Sorkin was quoted saying, “ The character of Dan Kaffee in ‘ A Few Good Men ’ is entirely fictional and was not inspired by any particular individual .”
Few riders would ever deny a dragonless rider due to the strength of the bond between dragon and rider, losing one's dragon almost always results in insanity in all but the strongest of character such as Lytol, though these people remain emotional vulnerable to any mention of Dragons.
Few details of Lucian's life can be verified with any degree of accuracy.
Few mathematicians are typically concerned on a daily, working basis over logicism, formalism or any other philosophical position.
Few Grand Tourists called on Athens during the first half of the 18th century, and none made any significant study of the architectural ruins.
Few of the leaders in the intelligence community were willing to part with any of the power that the current ad hoc system granted them.

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