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For and biological
For example, Boas studied immigrant children to demonstrate that biological race was not immutable, and that human conduct and behavior resulted from nurture, rather than nature.
For the use of this method in warfare, see biological warfare.
For this reason, infrared, microwaves, and radio waves are thought to damage molecules and biological tissue only by bulk heating, not excitation from single photons of the radiation ( however, there does remain controversy about possible non-thermal biological damage from low frequency EM radiation, see below ).
For biological molecules the diffusion coefficients normally range from 10 < sup >− 11 </ sup > to 10 < sup >− 10 </ sup > m < sup > 2 </ sup >/ s.
For example, Lake Magadi has high concentrations of soda ( sodium carbonate ) and Lake Elmenteita, Lake Bogoria, and Lake Nakuru are all strongly alkaline, while the freshwater springs supplying Lake Naivasha are essential to support its current biological variety.
For example, Harvard University offers a Master of Liberal Arts degree, which covers biological and social sciences as well as the humanities.
For instance, laser microscopy focused on biological applications uses ultrashort pulse lasers, or femtosecond lasers, in a number of techniques labeled as nonlinear microscopy, saturation microscopy, and multiphoton fluorescence microscopy.
For the future, some means has to be found for MNT design evolution at the nanoscale which mimics the process of biological evolution at the molecular scale.
For example, in a letter to the rector of Freiburg University of November 4, 1945, Heidegger, inspired by Jünger, tries to explain the notion of “ God is dead ” as the “ reality of the Will to Power .” Heidegger also praises Jünger for defending Nietzsche against a too biological or anthropological reading during the Third Reich.
For the same reason, BSE imaging can image colloidal gold immuno-labels of 5 or 10 nm diameter, which would otherwise be difficult or impossible to detect in secondary electron images in biological specimens.
" A news article pointed out that this was an expression of pride, explaining, " For Govan Mbeki, a son was a mere biological appendage ; to be called a comrade, on the other hand, was the highest honour.
For example, an organism's genetic code sets boundary conditions on the interaction of biological systems in space and time.
For example, the termites in a mound have physiology, biochemistry and biological development that are at one level of analysis, but their social behavior and mound building is a property that emerges from the collection of termites and needs to be analysed at a different level.
For states eligible for this assurance, the United States would not use nuclear weapons in response to a chemical or biological attack, but states that those responsible for such an attack would be held accountable and would face the prospect of a devastating conventional military response.
For these reasons, other biological techniques are often employed, including radioimmunoassays.
For other purposes, only biological tissues count, and teeth, bones and shells are excluded.
For trans people, the transition is to the gender opposite their biological sex and for intersex people, to the gender opposite to the one they were assigned at birth or raised as.
For complete profiles, including occurrence, production, specific uses, biological role and precautions, see the main article for each element.
For biological Fe-S clusters, see iron-sulfur proteins.
For more on biological communities, see wetland, bog or fen.
For example, quantitative preparative native continuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( QPNC-PAGE ) is a method for separating native metalloproteins in complex biological matrices.
For them, the idea of ethnicity is closely linked to the idea of nations and is rooted in the pre-Weber understanding of humanity as being divided into primordially existing groups rooted by kinship and biological heritage.
* In the 2004 Superman storyline " For Tomorrow ", a story with strong messianic themes, a priest dying of cancer ( and a confidant of Superman ) is transformed into a biological war machine, codenamed " Pilate ", and rampages through a paradise dimension created by Superman.

For and organism
For example in the case of anthrax, it is likely that by 24 – 36 hours after an attack, some small percentage of individuals ( those with compromised immune system or who had received a large dose of the organism due to proximity to the release point ) will become ill with classical symptoms and signs ( including a virtually unique chest X-ray finding, often recognized by public health officials if they receive timely reports ).
For example, suppose a mutation at a chromosome position is responsible for a recessive trait in a diploid organism ( where chromosomes come in pairs ).
For example, in the 1919 book Chemistry of Human Life physician George W. Carey states that, " Health depends on a proper amount of iron phosphate Fe < sub > 3 </ sub >( PO < sub > 4 </ sub >)< sub > 2 </ sub > in the blood, for the molecules of this salt have chemical affinity for oxygen and carry it to all parts of the organism.
For these thermal effects, the frequency of the radiation is important only as it affects radiation penetration into the organism ( for example microwaves penetrate better than infrared ).
For example aphids are crop pests and the tsetse fly carries the organism Trypanosoma brucei that causes African sleeping sickness.
For permineralization to occur, the organism must become covered by sediment soon after death or soon after the initial decaying process.
For example, Treponema pallidum, the causative spirochete of syphilis, cannot be cultured in vitro-however the organism can be cultured in rabbit testes.
For the moving organism, the lengthy time of the journey was a mere instant, provided the motion took place with approximately the speed of light.
For simple unicellular organisms such as the amoeba, one cell division is equivalent to reproduction – an entire new organism is created.
For example in the case of anthrax, it is likely that by 24 – 36 hours after an attack, some small percentage of individuals ( those with compromised immune system or who had received a large dose of the organism due to proximity to the release point ) will become ill with classical symptoms and signs ( including a virtually unique chest X-ray finding, often recognized by public health officials if they receive timely reports ).
For example, some parasitic species prey on a host organism and then lay their eggs on it for their offspring to feed on it while it continues to live or on its decaying corpse after it has died.
For example, space-time cannot empirically be split into ' space ' + ' time ', a conscious organism ( including humans ) cannot be split into ' body ' + ' mind ', etc., therefore, people should never speak of ' space ' and ' time ' or ' mind ' and ' body ' in isolation, but always use the terms space-time or mind-body ( or other organism-as-a-whole terms ).
For instance, the tough layer can resist compaction, allowing a mold of the organism to be formed underneath the skeleton, which may later decay.
For best result the researcher would need to know the original levels, or an estimation thereof, of isotopes in the organism at the time of its death.
For example, if a fossil assemblage contains more of one type of fossil than another, one can either infer that that organism was present in greater numbers, or that its remains were more resistant to decomposition.
For instance, the two or three symbiotic organisms forming the composite lichen, while dependent on each other for survival, have to separately reproduce and then re-form to create one individual organism once more.
For example, it is reported that secondary structure tendencies depend also on local environment, solvent accessibility of residues, protein structural class, and even the organism from which the proteins are obtained.
For communication to take place, each organism must have knowledge of how the other individual will respond to his own ongoing act.
For example, the growth of an organism such as a plant may be dependent on a number of different factors, such as sunlight or mineral nutrients ( e. g. nitrate or phosphate ).
For example, an organism which is in a state of hunger ( establishes food as an effective reinforcer ) is more likely to engage in behavior that has previously resulted in being fed, while an organism in a satiated state ( abolishes the effectiveness of food as a reinforcer ) is less likely to engage in such behavior.
For the treatment of pneumonia it is important to know the exact causal organism.
For example, what is commonly thought of as a human being can be described as a multigenomic organism consisting of Homo sapiens and various species of bacteria in the digestive tract.
For example, some viruses use lectins to attach themselves to the cells of the host organism during infection.

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