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Some Related Sentences

For and example
For the family is the simplest example of just such a unit, composed of people, which gives us both some immunity from, and a way of dealing with, other people.
For example, suppose a man wearing a $200 watch, driving a 1959 Rolls Royce, stops to ask a man on the sidewalk, `` What time is it ''??
For example, there are persons who are in physical science, in the field of mineralogy, trained in crystallography, who use only X-rays, applying only the powder technique of X-ray diffraction, to clay minerals only, and who have spent the last fifteen years concentrating on the montmorillonites ; ;
For example, No. 56 printed the patent giving the Electoral Prince the title of Duke of Cambridge.
For example, he captured some persons from York County, who with teams were taking to Philadelphia the furniture of a man who had just been released from prison through the efforts of his wife, and who apparently was helpless to prevent the theft of his household goods.
For example, even the most successful executive lives in a two-room apartment while ordinary people rent space in the stairwells of office buildings in which to sleep at night ; ;
For example, in the third chapter of Matthew, verses 13-16, describing the baptism of Jesus, the 1611 version reads:
For example: 1.
For example, it probably will be necessary for the Corps to have authority to pay medical expenses of volunteers.
For example, the importance of the Regulus 2, a very promising aerodynamic ship-to-surface missile designed to be launched by surfaced submarines, was greatly diminished by the successful acceleration of the much more advanced Polaris ballistic missile launched by submerged submarines.
For example, the interest of past members of the Foundation's Advisory Board remains such that they place their knowledge and judgments at our disposal much as they had done when they were, formally, members of that Board.
For example, out of the social evils of the English industrial revolution came the novels of Charles Dickens ; ;
For example, a 12-to-one engine would power a supersonic VTOL fighter.
For example: Af.
For example: Af.
For example, for the problem Af, 10 from 25 equals 15, then 6 from 15 equals 9.
For example: Af.
For example, let's consider a standard 283 cubic inch Chevy Aj.
For an example let's dream up an engine that has a final combustion chamber volume of 5 cubic inches and a cylinder volume of 45 cubic inches.
For example, a Browning trap version of the Superposed over/under, the Broadway ( from $350 up, depending on grade ), differs from standard models in that it is equipped with a full beavertail fore end, a cushion recoil pad and a barrel-wide ventilated rib for fast sighting.
For example, the Chamber of Commerce of Gatlinburg, Tennessee, sponsors special camera tours into the Great Smoky Mountains to get pictures of the profusion of wild flowers flourishing in these wooded regions.
For example, the Friday after Thanksgiving can be substituted for Washington's birthday.
For example, the officials of Poughkeepsie town ( township ) where the project is located think highly of it because it simplifies their snow clearing problem.
For example, don't pay in a truck policy for medical coverage that you may be paying for in a health and accident policy.
For example: If your bodily injury claims start payment after the first $250, a 25% premium saving is often made.

For and learned
For them only a little more needed to be learned, and then all physical knowledge could be neatly sorted, packaged and put in the inventory to be drawn on for the solution of any human problem.
For him the key to the kingdom's spiritual revival was to appoint pious, learned, and trustworthy bishops and abbots.
For a Mandarin speaker, to whom and are separate phonemes, the English distinction is much more obvious than it is to the English speaker who has learned since childhood to ignore it.
For other words ( such as dreamed, leaned, and learned ) the regular forms are somewhat more common.
For the U. S. Government's scientific enterprise, a significant impact of NAPAP were lessons learned in the assessment process and in environmental research management to a relatively large group of scientists, program managers and the public.
For example, many people report seeing a loved one who has recently died before they have learned by other means that their loved one is deceased.
For example, he learned the importance of the structural rigidity that double bonds confer on molecular structures which is relevant both to peptide bonds in proteins and the structure of nucleotides in DNA.
For example, Immanuel Kant used pure description to discuss recognition and its components and Sir Francis Bacon claimed that the simple observation of the rote recollection of a previously learned list was “ no use to the art ” of memory.
For a year, Hergé learned under Van Lint's guidance, and 37 paintings emerged, influenced by Van Lint, Miro, Poliakoff, Devan or Klee.
For example, most insurance policies in the English language today have been carefully drafted in plain English ; the industry learned the hard way that many courts will not enforce policies against insureds when the judges themselves cannot understand what the policies are saying.
For example, illegal insider trading would occur if the chief executive officer of Company A learned ( prior to a public announcement ) that Company A will be taken over, and bought shares in Company A knowing that the share price would likely rise.
For example, if a journalist who worked for Company B learned about the takeover of Company A while performing his work duties, and bought stock in Company A, illegal insider trading might still have occurred.
For a time, Brahms also learned the cello.
For example, when playing the piano, " fingering " — that is, which fingers to put on which keys — is a skill slowly learned as the student advances, and there are many standard techniques which a teacher can pass on.
For many people choosing an office suite, prime considerations include how valuable having learned that office suite will prove to potential employers, and how well the software interoperates with other users.
For example, one agency may use the information to determine how well the overall education system is performing, and another may use its assessments to determine whether an individual student has learned required material.
For that, he met with a scientist from Yale, and as a result of that conversation, he learned that three percent of all Americans believed they were kidnapped by aliens.
For example, in order to determine how much of the material was learned, a professor may enlist multiple methods of assessment.
For example, a directly connected prefix, learned from the router's own hardware, is usually most preferred.
For example, he learned German well enough to skip the course in scientific German in college, but could not remember the name of his high school German teacher.
" For these & other reasons they removed to Leyden, a fair & bewtifull citie, and of a sweete situation, but made more famous by ye universitie wherwith it is adorned, in which of late had been so many learned man.
" For his talent there were no conservatories to get stuffy in, no high-trumpet didoes to be learned doggedly, note-perfect as written ," Ferguson wrote, " because in his chosen form the only writing of any account was traced in the close shouting air of Royal Gardens, Grand Pavilions, honkeytonks, etc.
* For programmers who learned Windows programming in C, probably the most memorable examples are the ( word-size parameter ) and ( long-integer parameter ) for the WindowProc () function.
For example, having spent years sifting through military budgets, tracking untraceable dollars and code names, I learned how to sort out where money was going.

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