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Page "Book of Nahum" ¶ 16
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Some Related Sentences

For and example
For the family is the simplest example of just such a unit, composed of people, which gives us both some immunity from, and a way of dealing with, other people.
For example, suppose a man wearing a $200 watch, driving a 1959 Rolls Royce, stops to ask a man on the sidewalk, `` What time is it ''??
For example, there are persons who are in physical science, in the field of mineralogy, trained in crystallography, who use only X-rays, applying only the powder technique of X-ray diffraction, to clay minerals only, and who have spent the last fifteen years concentrating on the montmorillonites ; ;
For example, No. 56 printed the patent giving the Electoral Prince the title of Duke of Cambridge.
For example, he captured some persons from York County, who with teams were taking to Philadelphia the furniture of a man who had just been released from prison through the efforts of his wife, and who apparently was helpless to prevent the theft of his household goods.
For example, even the most successful executive lives in a two-room apartment while ordinary people rent space in the stairwells of office buildings in which to sleep at night ; ;
For example, in the third chapter of Matthew, verses 13-16, describing the baptism of Jesus, the 1611 version reads:
For example: 1.
For example, it probably will be necessary for the Corps to have authority to pay medical expenses of volunteers.
For example, the importance of the Regulus 2, a very promising aerodynamic ship-to-surface missile designed to be launched by surfaced submarines, was greatly diminished by the successful acceleration of the much more advanced Polaris ballistic missile launched by submerged submarines.
For example, the interest of past members of the Foundation's Advisory Board remains such that they place their knowledge and judgments at our disposal much as they had done when they were, formally, members of that Board.
For example, out of the social evils of the English industrial revolution came the novels of Charles Dickens ; ;
For example, a 12-to-one engine would power a supersonic VTOL fighter.
For example: Af.
For example: Af.
For example, for the problem Af, 10 from 25 equals 15, then 6 from 15 equals 9.
For example: Af.
For example, let's consider a standard 283 cubic inch Chevy Aj.
For an example let's dream up an engine that has a final combustion chamber volume of 5 cubic inches and a cylinder volume of 45 cubic inches.
For example, a Browning trap version of the Superposed over/under, the Broadway ( from $350 up, depending on grade ), differs from standard models in that it is equipped with a full beavertail fore end, a cushion recoil pad and a barrel-wide ventilated rib for fast sighting.
For example, the Chamber of Commerce of Gatlinburg, Tennessee, sponsors special camera tours into the Great Smoky Mountains to get pictures of the profusion of wild flowers flourishing in these wooded regions.
For example, the Friday after Thanksgiving can be substituted for Washington's birthday.
For example, the officials of Poughkeepsie town ( township ) where the project is located think highly of it because it simplifies their snow clearing problem.
For example, don't pay in a truck policy for medical coverage that you may be paying for in a health and accident policy.
For example: If your bodily injury claims start payment after the first $250, a 25% premium saving is often made.

For and land
For less than a dozen miles from the unplowed land of the dead man lived another settler who had ignored the warnings that his existence might be foreclosed on -- a blatant and defiant rustler named Fred Powell.
For the purpose of reproduction most amphibians require fresh water although some lay their eggs on land and have developed various ingenious ways of keeping them moist.
For adaptation to a water phase, prolactin is the required hormone, and for adaptation to the land phase, thyroxine.
For the purposes of the treaty system, Antarctica is defined as all of the land and ice shelves south of 60 ° S latitude.
For decades, Chile claimed ownership of land on the eastern side of the Andes.
For example, a certain landowner might have been said to own 32, 000 acres of land, not 50 square miles of land.
* 732: 958 For Verizon land lines.
For much of artillery's history during the Middle Ages and the Early modern period, artillery pieces on land were moved with the assistance of horse teams.
For instance, the Atka people believed that another people lived in their land before them.
For example ocean algae use bromine but land plants and animals seem to need none.
For exilic and post-exilic readers, the land was both the sign of Yahweh's faithfulness and Israel's unfaithfulness, as well as the centre of their ethnic identity.
For his services to the King of Spain, he was granted a vast stretch of land on the east shore of San Francisco Bay ( the contra costa, " opposite shore ") for a ranch, including that portion that now comprises the City of Berkeley.
For example, the Factbook gives the land area of Australia as 7, 682, 300 km < sup > 2 </ sup > while Geoscience Australia gives the area as 7, 692, 024 km < sup > 2 </ sup >, a difference of 9, 724 km < sup > 2 </ sup >.
For example, ocean algae use bromine but land plants and animals seem to need none, and all animals require sodium, but some plants do not.
For example, a piece of land may be partitioned ( or carved out ) by a deed poll into Section A and the Remaining Portion thereof.
For example, on the Madagascar high central plateau, comprising approximately ten percent of that country's land area, virtually the entire landscape is sterile of vegetation, with gully erosive furrows typically in excess of 50 meters deep and one kilometer wide.
For example, " an owner of agricultural land may be compelled to raise wheat instead of sheep and employ more labour than he would find profitable.
For Marx, what defined feudalism was that the power of the ruling class ( the aristocracy ) rested on their control of arable land, leading to a class society based upon the exploitation of the peasants who farm these lands, typically under serfdom.
For this reason land warfare played a secondary role in the First Punic War.
For several centuries, Brabant, Holland, Zeeland, Friesland, Gelre and the others fought intermittently amongst themselves, but at the same time trade continued and grew, land was reclaimed, and cities prospered.
For Marx, productive forces refer to the means of production such as the tools, instruments, technology, land, raw materials, and human knowledge and abilities in terms of using these means of production.
For land transportation ( including trains ), Indonesia will adopt an Intelligent Transportation System ( ITS ) gradually since 2012.
" For large-scale industry, he supported workers associations to replace wage labour and opposed the ownership of land.

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