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Page "London Town (film)" ¶ 4
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Given and had
Given that the dispute with Pizarro over Cuzco had kept intensifying, Almagro spent a great deal of time and money equipping a company of 500 men for a new exploration south of Peru.
Given limited defense budgets, air forces tended to be conservative in their aircraft purchases, and biplanes remained popular with pilots because of their agility, and remained in service long after they had ceased to be competitive.
Given a trigonometric series f ( x ) with S as its set of zeros, Cantor had discovered a procedure that produced another trigonometric series that had S ' as its set of zeros, where S ' is the set of limit points of S. If p ( 1 ) is the set of limit points of S, then he could construct a trigonometric series whose zeros are p ( 1 ).
Given that Gable and Cukor had worked together before, in Manhattan Melodrama and Gable had no objection to working with him then, and given Selznick's desperation to get Gable for Rhett Butler, if Gable had any objections to Cukor, certainly they would have been expressed before he signed his contract for the film.
" Given that there's a gulf of 100, 000, 000 light years, he checks his diary to find out what he had been doing that day, and finds out that it was something he wished to hide.
Given civilian status, he recovered his teaching position at Lycée Pasteur near Paris, settled at the Hotel Misgiven a new position at Lycée Condorcet, replacing a Jewish teacher who had been forbidden to teach by Vichy law.
It is described as " the ancient grayhound .. that had been with Lugh of the Mantles, / Given him by the sons of Tuireann Bicreann ;.."
Given that the authors were the primary developers of the Unix operating system, it is natural that QED had a strong influence on the classic UNIX text editors ed, sed and their descendants such as ex and sam.
Given that by this time it was common for castles to be built in stone, and that many barons had expanded or refortified their castles, this was not an easy task.
Given the use of similar symbols on the Roman standard, this depiction also conveyed another victory, namely that of the Christian faith: the Roman soldiers who had once arrested Jesus and marched him to Calvary now walked under the banner of a resurrected Christ.
The Fascist government had direct rule only over the Benadir territory Given the defeat of the Dervish movement in the early 1920s and the rise of fascism in Europe, on 10 July 1925, Mussolini gave the green light to De Vecchi to start the takeover of the north-eastern sultanates.
Given that starters knew only the target recipient's name and address, they had a seemingly impossible task.
Given Cerion's extensive geographic diversity, Gould later lamented that if Christopher Columbus had only cataloged a single Cerion it would have ended the scholarly debate about which island Columbus had first set foot on in America.
Given a color name to match the name of amber mutants, ochre mutant viruses had a similar property in that they recovered infectious ability within certain suppressor strains of bacteria.
Given his age, the king probably had very powerful advisers, presumably including General Horemheb, the Vizier Ay, and Maya, the " Overseer of the Treasury ".
Given this they would have qualified as Corbett summits had they been under 3, 000 feet.
Given that many businessmen and bankers were terrified of Bryan's populist rhetoric and support for ending the gold standard, Hanna had few problems in raising record amounts of money.
Given to Graham with the working title " Ballet for Martha ," it was named by her for the scenario she had in mind, though Copland often said he was thinking of neither Appalachia nor Spring while he wrote it.
Given the type of warfare that had been carried out in the conflict — wherein highly mobile groups of soldiers and rebels continued to move to and from on the desert terrain, retreating at a time and then suddenly attacking to regain control of small towns and villages in the Eastern rebel held parts of Libya — had led to the technical becoming a vehicle of choice for both sides.
Given on 16 October 1732, they amounted only to recreating his first expedition, but with the added task of heading east and finding North America ( a feat which had in fact just been completed by Mikhail Gvozdev, though this was not known at the time ).

Given and no
Idealists are skeptics about the physical world, maintaining either: 1 ) that nothing exists outside the mind, or 2 ) that we would have no access to a mind-independent reality even if it may exist ; the latter case often takes the form of a denial of the idea that we can have unconceptualised experiences ( see Myth of the Given ).
Given these changes, the classical terms " system ", " expansion " and " peripheral " no longer have the same connotations.
Given the broad scope of environmental law, no fully definitive list of environmental laws is possible.
Given the universality of free fall, there is no observable distinction between inertial motion and motion under the influence of the gravitational force.
Given a set S with a partial order ≤, an infinite descending chain is a chain V that is a subset of S upon which ≤ defines a total order such that V has no least element, that is, an element m such that for all elements n in V it holds that m ≤ n.
Given its long stability and isolation, New Caledonia serves as a unique island refugium — a sort of biological ' ark ' — hosting a unique ecosystem and preserving Gondwanan plant and animal lineages no longer found elsewhere.
Given printing practices at the time ( which included type-setting from dictation ), no two editions turned out to be identical, and it is relatively rare to find even two copies that are exactly the same.
Given the repressive nature of the regime of Napoleon III, Bartholdi took no immediate action on the idea except to discuss it with Laboulaye.
Given its exposed spot on the top of Stow Hill, the town is often referred to with the couplet " Stow on the Wold, where the winds blow cold and the cooks can't roast their dinners ", but there is no source for this.
Given the number of homes, it seems likely that no more than fifty people lived in Skara Brae at any given time.
" As Shelly Kagan says,Given the parameters of the actual world, there is no question that …( maximally )… promoting the good would require a life of hardship, self-denial, and austerity … a life spent promoting the good would be a severe one indeed .”
Given the union's commitment to international solidarity, its efforts and success in the field come as no surprise.
Given their original purpose, military marching bands typically march in a forward direction with ( no variation of ) straight lines.
Given a day mandated for seasonal rejoicing ( Shemini Atzeret ) with no specific obligations as to the focus of the rejoicing ( such as sukkah, lulav or etrog ), it is not surprising that the celebration of the conclusion of the annual reading was absorbed into the celebration of Shemini Atzeret.
Given the structure of the experiment, it may or may not be possible to actually perform it, and, in the case that it is possible for it to be performed, there need be no intention of any kind to actually perform the experiment in question.
Given a set of integers, FIND-SUBSET-SUM is the problem of finding some nonempty subset of the integers that adds up to zero ( or returning the empty set if there is no such subset ).
Given no compression, the foam rises to fill the space allowed.
Given the need for immediate action was no longer pressing, François once again demanded he be allowed to wait for his artillery supplies.
Given the well-established traditional connections between the fictional Dido and Aeneas and the historical Antony and Cleopatra, it is no surprise that Shakespeare includes numerous allusions to Virgil ’ s epic in his historical tragedy.
: Given that desegregation has not produced the predicted leaps forward in black educational achievement, there is no reason to think that black students cannot learn as well when surrounded by members of their own race as when they are in an integrated environment.
Given that the U. S. is still home to the world's largest economy, there's no reason it shouldn't have the most vibrant equity markets — unless regulation is holding back the creation of new public companies.
Given the technical limitations of the day, transporting it was no easy feat — on the pedestal are drawn diagrams explaining the machinery that was used for the transportation.
Given a graceful exit from a marriage and wife he has no interest in, Henry gradually agrees, saying " Good night, my dear sister.
Given that the probability p is known, past outcomes provide no information about future outcomes.

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