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Page "Charles Yorke, 4th Earl of Hardwicke" ¶ 6
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also and supposedly
If this etymology is combined with the tradition reported by Geoffrey of Monmouth stating that Ambrosius Aurelianus ordered the building of Stonehenge – which is located within the parish of Amesbury ( and where Ambrosius was supposedly buried ) – and with the presence of an Iron Age hill fort also in that parish, then it may be tempting to connect Ambrosius with Amesbury.
There is also the strange myth of the brothers Aegyptus and Danaus, sons of Belus, with the latter supposedly coming from Egypt, that Marianne Luban has suggested may date to this time.
Although the German General Staff was also abolished by the treaty, it nevertheless continued to exist as the Truppenamt or " Troop Office ", supposedly only an administrative body.
The country is supposedly capitalist, shares a border with a totalitarian regime, North Elbonia " a parody of North Korea and Iran ," and is also shown to share a border with a country called " Kneebonia " with which relations are bad.
The title is also the name of a country, supposedly discovered by the protagonist.
Cross-cutting was also used to get new effects of contrast, such as the cross-cut sequence in Cecil B. DeMille's The Whispering Chorus, in which a supposedly dead husband is having a liaison with a Chinese prostitute in an opium den, while simultaneously his unknowing wife is being remarried in church.
However, Orwell pointed out that its proprietor François Coty also owned the right-wing dailies Le Figaro and Le Gaulois, which the Ami de Peuple was supposedly competing against.
A tradition arising in the 2nd century ascribes it to Mark the Evangelist ( also known as John Mark ), the companion of Peter, on whose memories it is supposedly based.
Fantastic stories ( supposedly believed as factual within fringe circles ) have also circulated that Adolf Hitler and some of his followers escaped to hollow lands within the Earth after World War II via an entrance in Antarctica.
Muslims also believe in " the punishment of the grave ," which supposedly takes place between death and the resurrection.
Herodotus reported a temple to her in Egypt supposedly attached to a floating island called " Khemmis " in Buto, which also included a temple to an Egyptian god Greeks identified by interpretatio graeca as Apollo.
Although Malcolm, and not Fleance, is placed on the throne, the witches ' prophecy concerning Banquo (" Thou shalt get kings ") was known to the audience of Shakespeare's time to be true: James VI of Scotland ( later also James I of England ) was supposedly a descendant of Banquo.
The tomb of Nahum is supposedly inside the synagogue at Alqosh, although there are other places outside Iraq that lay claim also to being the original “ Elkosh ” from which Nahum hailed.
The Patterson-Gimlin film ( also referred to as simply the Patterson film ) is a famous short motion picture of an unidentified subject the film makers purported to be a " Bigfoot ", that was supposedly filmed on October 20, 1967, by Roger Patterson ( February 14, 1926 – January 15, 1972 ) and Robert Gimlin ( October 18, 1931 ) on the Klamath River outside of Orleans, California.
With the aim of showing traditional Inuit life, Flaherty also staged some scenes, including the ending, where Allakariallak ( who acts the part of Nanook ) and his screen family were supposedly at risk of dying if they could not find or build shelter quickly enough.
One of Whorf's examples of this was the supposedly many words for ' snow ' in the Inuit language, which has later been shown to be a misrepresentation but also for example how the Hopi language describes water with two different words for drinking water in a container versus a natural body of water.
In 2003, supposedly as an April Fool's joke, the Georgia House introduced a bill making it a "... misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature " to sell iced tea in a restaurant that did not also offer sweet iced tea on the menu.
Edison's success in promoting direct current as less lethal also led to alternating current being used in the electric chair adopted by New York in 1889 as a supposedly humane execution method.
Furthermore, cosmological experiments also suggest the existence of dark matter, supposedly composed of fundamental particles outside the scheme of the standard model.
The question depended on correct analysis of the lunar motions, and received a further complication with another discovery, around the same time, that another significant long-term perturbation that had been calculated for the Moon ( supposedly due to the action of Venus ) was also in error, was found on re-examination to be almost negligible, and practically had to disappear from the theory.
The fact that William Wirt, their choice for the presidency in 1832, not only was a former Mason but also even supposedly defended the Order in a speech before the convention that nominated him indicates that mere opposition to Masonry was by no means the central premise of the political order.
A cleric named " Poppa ", perhaps the same one, also appears in Adam of Bremen's history, but in connection with Eric of Sweden, who had supposedly conquered Denmark ( there is no evidence that this happened anywhere else ).
This confirms Robert's suspicion that Lady Audley is implicated in George's disappearance ; it also leads Robert to conclude that Lady Audley is actually George's supposedly dead wife.
* The Cenél Loairn, in Lorne, perhaps also Mull and Ardnamurchan, supposedly the descendants of Loarn mac Eirc.
Perino del Vaga, already a master, and Polidoro da Caravaggio, who was supposedly promoted from a labourer carrying building materials on the site, also became notable painters in their own right.

also and fathered
There are allegations that Marx also fathered a son, Freddy, out of wedlock by his housekeeper, Helene Demuth.
Although some historians have noted that the evidence can also support other possible fathers, most have concluded that Jefferson had a long relationship with Hemings and fathered one or more of her children.
The centrality of a father in this novel matches Balzac's own position – not only as mentor to his troubled young secretary, Jules Sandeau, but also the fact that he had ( most likely ) fathered a child, Marie-Caroline, with his otherwise-married lover, Maria Du Fresnay.
By his mistress, Katarzyna Telniczenka ( d. 1528 ), he also fathered three children out of wedlock:
He fathered two sons and three daughters with these two wives, and his youngest daughter Sakae, also known as Ōi, eventually became an artist.
Widely rumoured to have been either homosexual or bisexual, Edward also fathered at least five children by two women.
Tree also fathered several illegitimate children, including six with ( Beatrice ) May Pinney and other mistresses, including film director Carol Reed and Peter Reed, the father of the British actor Oliver Reed.
Grampa has also fathered two illegitimate children ; a daughter named Abbie by a British woman named Edwina while in the United Kingdom during World War II, and Herbert Powell by a carnival prostitute.
During a stay in Bhutan ( Tib., Mon ), Longchenpa fathered a daughter and a son, of which the latter, Trugpa Odzer ( b. 1356 ), also became a holder of the Nyingtig lineage.
Heracles fathered illegitimate children all across Greece and then fell in love with Iole ( also called Omphal ).
Typhon (;, Tuphōn, ), also Typhoeus (, Tuphōeus ), Typhaon (, Tuphaōn ) or Typhos (, Tuphōs ) was the last son of Gaia, fathered by Tartarus, and the most deadly monster of Greek mythology.
Latinus was fathered by Faunus, who was also occasionally referred to as the son of Marica.
Cheyenne oral history tells that she also bore a second child, fathered by Custer in late 1869.
There is also some evidence that Gaveston might have fathered another, illegitimate daughter ; one contemporary document refers to an " Amie filie Petri de Gaveston ".
Alfonso also fathered many illegitimate children, some fifteen further children born out of wedlock are documented.
He also fathered Cruz Grant ( born 1987 ) with an unnamed, Mexican-American woman.
It was soon ' revealed ' ( though it had been widely known among politicians at Westminster ) that Parnell had been the long-term partner of Mrs O ' Shea ( also known derogatively as " Kitty ") and had fathered three of her children.
Shortly thereafter, Jacqueline Payne, a former lover of Massimo, arrived on scene and announced that her son, Dominick " Nick " Payne, a captain at Marone Industries, was also fathered by Massimo.
Herleva ( c. 1003 – c. 1050 ) also known as Herleve, Arlette, Arletta and Arlotte, had three sons-William I of England, who was fathered by Robert I, Duke of Normandy, and Odo of Bayeux and Robert, Count of Mortain, who were both fathered by Herluin de Conteville.
Jim Jones also fathered a son, Jim Jon ( Kimo ), with Carolyn Louise Moore Layton, a Temple member.
But rather oddly Snorri immediately follows this with information on what should be four other personages who were not sons of Halfdan but who also fathered dynasties and names the first of these as " Yngvi, from whom the Ynglings are descended ".
But it also meant that the children of white women, even if fathered by enslaved African men, were born free.
De la Pole also fathered an illegitimate daughter named Jane de la Pole, with a nun, Malyne de Cay.
The King also fathered one illegitimate child, born in 1874 in Lisbon, a son named Carlos Augusto.

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